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October 24th, 2016

[info]notcoolbecs in [info]poe_ooc

Hello! It's Whit here with some housekeeping and a little bit of info as we prepare for game launch!

Andrea and I have decided that we're going to handwave a lot of the travel time between locations provided that said locations are on the same continent. Basically? Bullet trains! Traveling between LA and NYC would take about 3 hours and wouldn't be a big deal. Obviously you can't do that from Paris to LA, but we're going to work IC to get it even easier to let everyone meet up locally. We want everyone who can feasibly interact to do so easily, so just bear with us and handwave accordingly.

Secondly, Shaun (this journal) and Becs ([info]shutupshaun) will be the first two people your character meets. Rebecca's definitely the friendly and nice one; Shaun's impatient and an arrogant snot, but you will quickly determine that they both care VERY MUCH in their own way. They're overrun with new arrivals and trying desperately to get them settled and processed. If you had an issue, you probably talked about it with one or the other. They're both capable Assassins, but they will absolutely appreciate any help you can throw them, and are fairly transparent given everything.

Thirdly, the game will open with an email from Becs to Shaun. Once that goes live, feel free to start posting! You will have been given a device to write/update your journal that will render it secure. It can also do voice-to-post. Essentially, all things on the network are very secure and cannot be infiltrated by Templar/outside people. Thanks Becs!

- Whit

[info]cornfedblondie in [info]poe_ooc

Hey y'all! This is Andrea, with a surprise character that I didn't hold, and my intro etc etc. I have a pretty long list, so I'm going to sum them all up QUICKLY AND PAINLESSLY - except for Rebecca, she needs xplainin..

First up - like Whit's Shaun, Rebecca Crane at [info]shutupshaun is the first person your character is gonna meet. She's a native in the Assassin's Creed world, and has been in mosssssst of the AC games. She's their resident tech nerd and engineer. Rebecca is the polar opposite of Shaun in that she's an extrovert, friendly, happy to help, excitable and a total potty mouth. If your character is well known in pop culture or from the AC world, she has already squeed on you and been like "OOOO" heart eyes. Anyone who came in at the very early window of the portal would know her as someone who had JUST gotten out of the hospital after being shot. She's an Assassin but operates mostly in a support role, and R&D people know her as the "go-to native", BUT she's not pushy and let's people do what they want within reason. Mostly cause she has her own shit going on so. Why bother being a micromanager.

ALRIGHT now everybody else )

WEEE plottplotplotwithmeeee. PS I also made it so members can make their own tags in the communities, so feel free to do that if you don't have one. Please put your AU in it if you can - for instance Hanzo is going to be Hanzo (Junkenstein). If you see someone from the same AU using a certain callsign for it, try to use the same one? W/e works.