Jan. 6th, 2015


Hey everyone! I'm looking to bring in two Servita. First up is Mina here. She's a freshman, and a really sweet girl who is going to try her best to lay low and stay off of everyone's radar. She tends to be rather formal, especially if she doesn't know someone well. She's a Classics major, though that may change since, well, freshmen. Oh, and she's a virgin. :x

The other one is Aurelia Bruckner [info]liabruckner. She's a little spitfire - speaks before she thinks, can be terribly blunt, sarcastic, you know the deal. Bad habit of mouthing off. She wants to go into both acting and music and basically become a star.

I do apologize since I'm terrible at writing these introduction things.

Looking for all kinds of lines for my girls. Hit me up!


Starting Over

This is my sole character so far, Professor Harrison Darling of the Economics Department. He comes from a very old money New York family, is a senior partner in his family's financial firm as well as the President of his own venture capital firm that specializes in finding floundering companies, turning them around and selling them for a profit (think Mitt Romney except with a personality). He is a St. Roman alumni, is the adviser of the Business Club, has been friends with Prof. Chris Mansfield for many years and his eldest son is a sophomore at St. Roman. Looking for a couple of Servitas (male or female, doesn't matter), professors he gets along with or even occasionally sees socially. He does have a secret D/s liaison with one of the graduate students ([info]ahenn) but he's open for a lot of things.

Dec. 29th, 2014


Excuse the journal I'm using. This is obviously for Lexie, who you'll know somewhat if you've ever played with me before. I just need to work out who else is joining before I decide if she will be an ickle freshman, slightly less innocent sophomore or a comfortable junior. Obviously these affect how and who she knows people, so we'll get to that in time.

No, I am taking to the community to see if anyone wants to help me anchor my new Dominari idea with some links and known plots?

The PB will be Amber Heard, as said before she will be a Dominari, and she'll be studying fashion and photography. I'd like her to have a male twin, with absolutely no twincest line. Since I have a vaguely nice Dominari already, she'll probably either be a bit bitchy or completely two faced. Otherwise, she is completely free to be shaped around any ideas people might have.


Dec. 18th, 2014


I just put in a hold here for this guy, Thomas Sherbourne, professor councilmember who teaches history.

Being as to how I literally just put a hold on him I do not have anything concrete as of yet though I see him of being particularly domineering toward Servita. He will likely seek a balance of Servita who follow his every word as well as those who offer a bit of fight, as he will appreciate a good physical challenge every now and then.

Anyway, lines? Suggestions? Previous or current connections? Hit me up!

Dec. 16th, 2014


This is Daphne. Daphne grew up on a cattle ranch in Nevada, loves animals more than people, is studying animal sciences, watches The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross to relax, and has a really big mouth. She calls everyone dude, and shows affection through insults and punching.

She's also a really good hacker. She will not hesitate to hack into your secrets if she thinks they will benefit her somehow. Her code of honor is all about looking out for numero uno, and that would be her. That's why she blackmailed a closeted Dominari to claim her for safety reasons. She kept his secret and made the evidence go away, he kept her safe. It was a good system, but he graduated, so now she's flying solo. I apologize for her in advance. It's still early, but I have a fairly good feeling it will be necessary at some point.


So, I know it's annoying that I'm adding characters seperately, so I'll write about Nat and then write about the servita I'll work on next, how does that sound?

This is Nat. 20, sophomore, communications major, Dominari. She comes from NY, is the daughter of Chris, and has issues surrounding wanting to be noticed. Her first year she had no idea what she wanted to major in, so she did loads of random things, which leaves room for her to have been in class with a few people. She's also part of the sorority, so that's something! This girl is a friendly people person, thrill-seeker, doesn't generally abuse servitas, but doesn't see a problem with the system, reacts strongly to people abusing her trust or disrespecting her, and that probably sums up the basics!

She needs: Her big brother (junior or senior), step siblings, friends, sorority sisters, past or future servitas, anything!

Also, I'm going to be bringing in my surfer girl servita, Kaia (PB: Miranda Kerr). She's 20, a junior, psychology major, on the swim team. Playful, a little dorky sometimes, a little bit of an exhibitionist. She's going to be owned by Richard from discussions so far, but that won't kick in until the auction probably, which means she was free from when she transferred in at the end of summer until the beginning of this next quarter.

She'll need: Dominari who used her, friends, others on the swim team, anything!

Dec. 15th, 2014


Okay, to make people happy, first adds will be later tonight when I get home. Though real late for some people, as I am Pacific.

Now, for my 4 kids at the current moment.

Richard is student council, and generally an easy going guy, though he does use his Servita when he claims them. Both for sex and to keep things organized. He is generally easy going and easy to get along with, though he does expect people to play by the rules. He is also engaged to Talia Van Buren, once she gets in, in an arranged marriage type of thing that is coming up on him real soon. He has real mixed feelings on that.

I've also got Bryan [info]brywash who is another Servita and going to end up Jake's roommate. He's generally easy going with other Servita, but he fully plays the game, so does what he's told. He's an architecture major as well as a drawer/painter/designer/etc. He's going to be owned by Marlow once she's in.

Chris [info]cjmansfield who is a law professor and a general bastard of a man. He likes to twist Servita around to be addicted to him. Can be abusive, but also quite rewarding. He's going to have a casual relationship with another professor, and friends with a few. Open to all sorts of things.

Scott [info]scottdavidson who is a medical professor and doctor at the university hospital. He's one that runs the spectrum from good to bad. He can be abusive, or he can be real friendly, depending on his mood, and how people are reacting to him. He is a talented surgeon who could've made a killing in the medical world, but decided he hated Public medicine and couldn't be bothered to start his own practice. He's also the claimer of Camille.

Dec. 14th, 2014


Hello! This is Sarah, and right now I'm for sure bringing this lady-Camille Townsend, a former trust fund kid who partied too hard and got cut off, landing herself as a servita at St. Roman when she could no longer afford Tisch at NYU. She's an acting MFA student in her second year. I have an owner for her, but I'm looking for a girlfriend for her-she's bi, tends to be a bit more submissive. I'd also love friends, fellow acting people etc. Throw things at me.

Second I was planning on bringing a professor, Angelique Rookwood [info]angelrookwood, whose back history is pretty dark. She killed her husband to protect her young son and daughter, but distanced herself from them after that out of guilt. Her son is now a freshman, and I'm looking for him, and would be willing to go any number of ways with that line. Also looking for potential servitas for her, male or female-she's dominant with them, though not usually outright abusive. She's harsher on men than women. She's also perfectly happy to sleep around with any number of people-she has a strong appetite, really. She's a professor of Architecture, if that helps at all.

Throw things at me!


Hi! It's Emily, and I'm planning on bringing in a few twists on some originals of mine. For now we'll just start with this girl though!

Aly is 26 or 27, majored in human biology and did her first year of med school, all at SR, and all as a Dominari. After that she dropped out of med school and switched to nursing, which she accomplished with her Masters degree, and as a servita, because her parents threw a fit. Now she is in her second year as an assessor working in the clinic.

She's friendly and likes to help people, listen to their stories, sometimes 'find' reasons for servitas to need to be away from their Dominari. All her time as a Dominari and then the switch to servita allowed her to be good at playing the game the school presents.

At the moment I'm still working out if she took some time off between med school and starting nursing, and how that would play into things, but for the most part, that should sum her up!

Any friends, colleagues, bosses, enemies, anything anyone wants to do with her?


Okay, so this is me still thinking things out and seeing what lines I can come up with over the holidays. So here goes:

This guy right here -- Jake Davis. Servita. Calfornia boy who came to Saint Roman as a grad student. He's a developer/engineer type and actually has already had a successful application. He does sports. Frat. Fluent in several languages. He's my genius boy. What could he use? A Dominari to make life with his girlfriend that much more difficult. Friends -- cause he's a goofball. And if you have pizza or avocado tacos he'll be your best friend until the end of time. May even leave said girlfriend --

Also Kat Kensington is my Professor who will be on Council. She's a New York City bred WASP. She's been a professor at the school for about three years now. Starting off as an associate. She could use a couple of servita, male and/or female. I also wouldn't mind questionable romantic lines for her -- again, male or female -- also friends. I'd love for her to have one.

Talia Van Buren is my student council member. Engaged to Richard Anderson, she's not thrilled with her arranged marriage. It's complicated. A merger of families, businesses, and odd tradition. She's also sorority. She'll probably be in a few clubs. She's another NY type (upper state and NYC). She could also use servita and friends.

I have another male professor I'm revamping a bit, just thinking of what to do with him. And another female Dom I'm bringing in who is still in the head stages too. So much, so very little time.


Hello everyone!

This is Samantha, she's coming in as a freshman and she's well aware of what's going to be expected of her. She doesn't so much want to be dominated or controlled as just wanted. I'd love to have an unrequited line for her. Maybe she falls completely in love with the dom that claims her and the dom is just...indifferent? I'm open to lots of things, including public acts, and would love to talk out some lines.

January 2015



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