Playing with the Boys

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Setting/Scene Prompts (Don't die of shock!) Apr. 20th, 2008 @ 12:59 pm
Sorry it's been so long! We've been preoccupied for various reasons. Things are still crazy, but I think I, at least, am in a place, now, where I can start doing more stuff again. *crosses fingers*

  • Medieval dungeon
  • Medieval castle
  • Medieval army
  • American Civil War
  • 1800's American/Canadian Border
  • Anglo-Saxon/Celtic conflict
  • Japan past, present, or future
  • China past, present, or future
  • Socialist Italy (anything perceived as sin was a death sentence, including homosexuality, and suspects were hunted down)
  • Nazi Germany (I have ancestors who perished in the Concentration Camps)
  • USA/Mexican Border past, present, or future
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Australia
  • Hawaii
  • San Andreas Fault past, present, or future
  • Cabin in the woods
  • Tent in a remote clearing in the wilderness
  • Ancient Egypt
  • East India past or present
  • Anywhere teleportation/a wormhole might drop you (use your imagination! *evil laughter*)
  • Cave
  • Wagon, Buggy/Carriage, Limousine, Ambulance, Armored Car, Police Car, Airplane, Fighter jet, or Spaceship
Current Location: my bedroom workstation
Current Mood: embarrassed
Current Music: Parents Just Don't Understand by Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff

AU plot idea Oct. 18th, 2007 @ 08:47 am
Both characters work at a hospital. One is support staff of some sort and pissed at the bureaucracy of the administration. The other is a doctor with a good heart who is up for an administrative position and plans to make changes once he gets it...but plans to keep that part a secret until after the position is his, of course. These two characters meet and become friends--maybe more (you decide)--until the support staff person finds out the doctor's status, unwilling to give him the chance to explain.
Current Mood: interested

Action/setting prompt Oct. 7th, 2007 @ 01:01 pm
Footsteps coming down the stairs
Current Mood: frustrated

Plot prompt (AU?) Sep. 23rd, 2007 @ 10:31 am
a runaway gets a job in a factory to survive, but gives a fake address on the application to get hired. the owner/manager/supervisor finds out. the runaway fears losing the job, but instead, the superior feels admiration and lets the runaway stay. the superior quickly falls for the runaway, but the runaway fears sexual harassment or other forms of taking advantage. it's your job to flesh out the plot with whatever characters you like and solve this dilemma. :-)
Current Mood: excited
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