April 14th, 2010

[info]sweetautumn in [info]playersresource

Hi! My name is Tasha and I just created a new game with my friend Kia and I have some characters that WOULD LOVE to see some more characters in the game. The game is called The Painting and it's a social next gen game based in school!! [info]thepaintingmods.

First off is Autumn Stebbins [info]sweetautumn - She's a 6th year Gryffindor. She had a hard childhood, but is making it past that. What she would like ARE SOME FRIENDS! Where are her fellow 6th year Gryfifndor girls?

Second is Nakita Weasely [info]cunningweasley - Nakita is a 7th year Slytherin and captain of the Quidditch team. She's very outgoing and a little bit crazy. She would LOVE TO SEE more family! Really her siblings. She's the daughter of Katie bell and Charlie Weasley, and she REALLY WOULD LOVE her fell triplets - Fabian and Kane! Plus her little bro's Gideon and Arthur! PLUS SOME COUSINS! There are A TON OF THEM! So where are you cousins. Nakita would also love to see more QUIDDITCH PLAYERS!

Third is Aribella Zabini [info]ravenzabini - Aribella is a 6th year Ravenclaw and a prefect. She's kind of a bitch... Well she's sort of the pureblooded girl you'd expect her to be, but she sort of wants to break free too... Aribella has a little sister Misha and she HATES HER. Misha is a Hufflepuff, and Aribella thinks that's "pathetic." I would, love, love, love to have Misha around! I think she'd make such good plot! Aribella also would love more people in 6th year around!

Fourth and last is Septimus Bole [Unknown LJ tag] - Sept is a 7th year Hufflepuff and the Head Bole. He's a workaholic and takes things like being Headboy pretty serious. He has two younger brothers, Ajax and Apollo... And we're missing Apollo. Apollo is a 6th year Hufflepuff! Where is the last brother? Septimus also needs his Ex Girlfriend from 5th year!

Go check it out! It's going to be A-MAZ-ING!

Thank you,

[info]qwensquared in [info]playersresource

Looking for Cuckoos!

Looking for Characters to fill an SL
Name: Mindee (Irma) Cuckoo.
Game: [info]new_worlds.
Fandom: Pan-Fandom, but the bulk of play is Marvel.
Format: Threading mostly.
Genre: AU.
Who you're in search of: Celeste and Phoebe Cuckoo. Mindee needs her two remaining sisters, right now their listed as de-powered in her history but that can be changed. Mindee's been taken from a point before they go to The World and know that Weapon X used Emma's ova's to create the girls so Mindee can still feel. Her PB is Taylor Swift but Phoebe and Celeste's PB's can be just about anyone. If you need to contact me you can PM this journal or catch me at Weasleys GF.

May 2010



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