November 27th, 2009

[info]epiphanic in [info]playersresource

Looking for a game

Hello, I'm Holly and I'm looking for a game.

Seems rather obvious; why would I be posting here otherwise?

Lately, I've had a bit of an itch to play Severus Snape, though I'd prefer starting out in a panfandom or an AU with him before trying my hand at canon games.

I'd also like to play my Bellatrix Black/Lestrange somewhere.

For those future gen games in search of a Lily L Potter, I do play her as well. Longshot though it is, I'd love a place to play my Lily Evans/Potter, though she seems to be taken everywhere.

I am open to trying new characters. I can play Death Eaters, though not the leader kind; I'm not that great at coming up with devious plots. Rather, I prefer not to because I don't like stepping on mod-toes.

I prefer future gen or Marauder era to trio era (I never really could get into trio era games). I don't mind weird twists, though time-travel isn't my cup of tea. I look forward to any responses.

[info]ex_hjgranger352 in [info]playersresource

Canon Hermione in search of a home

Searching for a Game:
Name: Dena
Age: 28
Contact: Email: or AIM: MioneG80

Game Fandom: Harry Potter (Also interested in various Anime/J-Drama)
Genre: Canon preferred. AU taken based on plot
Characters Wanted:
I am looking to play either Hermione (Trio-Era {Anything from Fourth year or after} or Post-Hogwarts era)

Lily Evans (Marauders' era or slightly post Marauders' era)

Rose Weasley (Post Trio-Era)

Narcissa Black (Marauders' era or slightly post Marauders' era)

What I'm Looking For
Format: Primarily Journal-based but will accept AIM-based as well.
Journal Preference: IJ preferred, will also take LJ
People Preference: Mature players and mods who are friendly and if there is ever an issue will be fair and ready to speak with you before jumping to conclusions and assumptions.

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May 2010



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