October 27th, 2009

[info]jessi_muses in [info]playersresource

seeking the chosen one;

Hi there! I'm Jessi and I am very eagerly looking for a Harry James Potter for Advena Magia [ [info]advenarpg via [info]ammods ], a new multi-era displacement Harry Potter RPG.

the game - advena magia; )

I am seeking Harry on behalf of my character Lily Potter née Evans [ [info]thricedefy ; October 31, 1981 ], James [ [info]mr_prongs ; October 31, 1981 ] and Harry's family members and friends already in game, including , but not limited to:
lily's smile was widest of all ... as though she would never be able to look at him enough; )

In addition (with regard to interactions with Lily), I would definitely like to see: Peter Pettigrew, preferences; ); the Weasleys of Lily's era and other eras; Order members & supporters of her era to create both fun and serious backstory with; Albus Dumbledore, who Lily would like to have certain Words with; and, even though Lily wouldn't like it, what would well-rounded, exciting interactions be without the Lestranges, the Malfoys, the Blacks and other Death Eaters & supporters?

Get your hold and submit an application A.S.A.P. so you can join in the fun!

[info]pseudolife in [info]playersresource

looking for some psls

I'm looking for a couple of specific lines. 3rd person threading through journals. Quality over quantity, though I prefer 3 paragraph replies. Fluff, smut, & angst; good lines have it all. I prefer playing girls over guys, but will play a guy if the plot is great. I prefer het over femme and will only do slash if the plot is great. You can poke me on aim (shadowboxrrbaby) to discuss lines if you want :) I'm also not picky about pbs and I don't mind if you are, I'm very flexible.

1. Hermione/Ron - AU where Voldemort won the last battle. Ron is suspected dead & been missing for some long period of time. Hermione loses her marbles. I'd like to play them coming back into contact one way or another.

2. Something fairy tale, preferably the original Grimm or Andersen tales, or mythology-based. probably very dark and mildly violent. very likely to be smutty. possible opportunity for taking up multiple characters here.

3. Stockholm syndrome, where my character would be turned (vampire or werewolf) against their wishes, dominated, etc etc. possibly by one character, possibly by the whole pack. it just depends on where we want the line to go.

I'm open to other ideas, too. I usually prefer fandom over original, though.

May 2010



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