September 19th, 2009

[info]justdragonbait in [info]playersresource

We want you at Waking Pandora!!!

HiHi all, and thank you for taking time to read this! I am JD, and I'm playing over at Waking Pandora. We're a canon through DH (excluding the epilogue) game with an AU premise. Set one-hundred years in the future and based in part on the History Channel series Life After People. It's been nearly three months since the survivors of a pandemic that decimated humanity have started waking up from stasis. They've made their way to Crete - or are on their way there eventually. It's their best chance for survival and they've just started the rebuilding process. Trying to form a community, a new life, and figuring out how to work together.

But there's room for a lot more. Like Jell-o there is always room for more.

We have a lot of main characters still open! Personally I would like to see:

Draco Malfoy Just to annoy my Neville if nothing more.
Harry Potter It would be interesting to see him in the mix now that Seamus has hooked up with Ginny. As well as my Neville would like to see him around.
Ron Weasley The same information for Harry, but you also have a couple of brothers as well as Ginny that would be happy to see you.
Susan Bones or Justin Finch-Fletchley I play Hannah at WP too! She would love to have her best friends back around. Hannah's been in France so she hasn't seen them since a few years before stasis. Possibly since they left Hogwarts.
Rabastan Lestrange Why? Because we just got the Carrows! So please we need more evil funness, and so they all can stop tempting my brain.

We have characters up for recasting as well, a dire need for their slots to be filled. One especially for myself. I play Seamus Finnigan over at Waking Pandora. I would be majorly bouncy and happy to have a Dean Thomas back into play again. His last player left it at a really awkward spot. Dean hexed former Auror trainee Seamus in the back wordlessly. Seamus is hacked off with Dean at the moment. I really would like to have Seamus' best friend back into play.

Another character for recasting is Katie Bell. She was suffering from PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder, so pretty much everything is free with her. I would love to see her back in game, if only for Alicia and George. Alicia needs friends, since Angelina is currently traveling and hasn't yet come to Crete.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings here. I do so hope that you will come and play with us all at Waking Pandora. Please feel free to comment if you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer any questions, or ask them of people who could answer them. Of course you can always contact our lovely mod through their email at wpmods[at]yahoo[dot]com Thank you all for your time and your consideration. I look forward to hopefully hearing from you.

[info]sic_infit_mods in [info]playersresource

Hi, I'm Libby coming to you from Sic Infit. We are an AU game exploring the possibilities of a world where Voldemort won the first war and Harry and the Order are driven underground. Society is badly divided between purebloods and halfbloods and trouble is brewing since Grindelwald broke out of prison and has decided to return to England. For more information, check out our website.

Currently, we have plenty of room for new characters but we are particularly interested in the following: )

[info]werewolf_girl in [info]playersresource


Dean Winchester at [info]eurekaspringsrp is looking for Sam Winchester. Plot lines available.

-Romance (established Sam/Madison)
-A friendly Dean rper (moi)
-Good ole Winchester angst and brotherly bonding

May 2010



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