August 24th, 2009

[info]ex_fairmaide707 in [info]playersresource

The prince, young, spoiled, and much indulged sits poised to inherit the throne of Frell as he was born to do, prevented only by the will of the Queen Regent, his mother, still mourning the death of her husband, the much-loved King. She gives one reason after another to detain the coronation of her son, who she fears will ruin the kingdom, but how long can she keep him from what is rightfully his?

The nobility is far from oblivious to the plight of the royal family, of course, and everyone has their own vision of what should come to pass. Families of stature are bringing their daughters to court, hoping to have them chosen to be ladies in waiting to the Queen, hoping one will catch the eye of the prince or someone else of wealth and influence. Lords, sensing the impending change in power, hope to befriend the right people or plot to bring their families the status and fortune of the favorites to the crown.

Even servants play their part and everyone has spies. Who can be trusted in this court of intrigue, when motives are far from pure and ambitions on the rise?

I'm looking to create a royal court, a court full of intrigue and ambition inspired by the Tudor court of King Henry VIII, a court on the brink of change, where no one is sure who will emerge victorious. Interested?

Fair is a game inspired by the world created by Gail Carson Levine, though no prior knowledge is required to join! We're active and friendly, very welcoming to new players. Game information can be found at [info]enchantedmod.

Character Suggestions and Ideas )

[info]ex_mightyaph153 in [info]playersresource

Hey all! I'm over at [info]requiem_mod/[info]a_requiem playing Aphrodite. We're just starting out and the game opens with 6 players. I would love to see a Hephaestus on there, if you can handle my Aphrodite's mockery, or an Ares to cling to. I'd also love to see a good Athena to interact with--brains vs. beauty!--or even some really good mortals to try and seduce.

[info]sophieleclerq in [info]playersresource

Looking for a canon-True Blood game

Hey everyone! I'm currently looking to join some True Blood-centered games, or getting a few PSL's going. I play Sophie-Anne Leclerq, Sookie Stackhouse and Jessica Hamby occasionally! I haven't seen many canon True Blood/SVM games around, but if you're out there let me know!

Also, not sure if it's allowed here but in the event that I do not find the type of game that I am looking for I am considering starting one. If anybody would be interested in co-modding please feel free to PM me as well :-)

May 2010



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