April 26th, 2009

[info]bainbridgemods in [info]playersresource

Join Bainbridge Academy

Bainbridge Academy of Excellence
Bainbridge Academy | Bainbridge Academy OOC | Enroll (Join)

Dear Prospective Student,

We here at Bainbridge Academy of Excellence have the immense pleasure of informing you that you have been accepted into our educational programs for the fall and spring semesters of this school year. It is with much deliberation that we made this decision, and we hope that our choice of accepting you opens a new field of opportunities for your future. The talents and gifts that our scouts assured us you have look to be quite promising. We cannot wait to see the progress you will make under our grueling educational program that is not only geared toward improving your minds, but also the social stature you were born with.

Along with this letter, you will be receiving a packet of information that includes our student's code of conduct, as well as your enrollment forms for the fall semester. Please read through each of these elements carefully. Once you have covered everything, fill out the enrollment form and send it back to the school's address so that we can get to the business of arranging a dorm room and class schedule for you.
Thank you for considering our school. We hope that Bainbridge Academy brings everything you've been looking for. And more.


Bainbridge Academy Faculty

Bainbridge Academy is a community-based, roleplay that takes place within a very “preppy” boarding school setting. We're just getting started, so there's plenty of time to begin plotting story lines with other players. Almost all PB's that you could possibly want are still available for the claiming. We want to work hard to make this a roleplay that is known for its friendliness, creativeness, and fun atmosphere. Join today! Summer classes begin June 4th, with the fall semester officially beginning August 25th, and we still need more teachers and students to make this community lively!

[info]ex_siriously387 in [info]playersresource

Searching for a Game:
Name: X
Age: 20
Contact: Thread or PM

Game Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: Any!
Character: Sirius. Freaking. Black

What I'm Looking For
Format: Thread
Journal Preference:IJ

My experience and what you should know about me
7 years with Sirius! I play him as being gay, fyi.

May 2010



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