March 23rd, 2009

[info]passingashuman in [info]playersresource

Looking for a Game

Name: Sarah D
Age: 28
Contact: "lessergreyshades" on AIM or through this journal.

Game Fandom: Original preferred, but I'd be willing to look at True Blood, Buffy, Heroes, or maybe HP. I'm not familiar with other fandoms enough to consider them at this time, sorry!
Genre: I'm mostly interested in darker, fantasy/horror games, or at least games with some kind of surreal twist. AUs are totally fine. Anything except RPS, really.
Character: I'm comfortable playing males and females of all sexual preferences and personalities. If you're interested in specifics, I list them in this post, but really I'm very flexible.

What I'm Looking For:
Format: AIM, thread or email-based rp. I'm more open to smaller games and PSLs than huge, impersonal games. Mostly I'm just looking for new blood to play with.
Journal Preference: IJ, though I might be willing to look at other sites.

My experience:
I've been roleplaying online since I was thirteen (over fifteen years), and I consider myself to be very adaptable. Nothing squicks me as far as scenarios, and I'm willing to put on any persona to fill SL holes - villains, heroic types, victims, significant others and so forth. Whatever you need, I can provide! However, I won't blindly join a game without talking to to someone first, and I no longer join games "cold" (without some interaction possibilities already set up). I want to get some kind of a feel for who I'll be playing with before I put time and effort into a character. That said, I'm online almost every day of the week, and so I can pretty much be as active as you'd like me to be.

May 2010



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