October 19th, 2008

[info]multicolour in [info]playersresource

Looking for Characters to fill an SL
Name: Caro
Game: [info]mirage_rpg
Fandom: Multi-fandom
Format: Threading
Genre: All
Who you're in search of: Characters from these fandoms with potential for slash:

Primeval: I'm thinking about taking up either Nick Cutter or Stephen Hart; I'd be thrilled if someone picked up one of them, and I'd have the other.

Good Omens: An Aziraphale for my version of Crowley!

[info]ex_melbobbin747 in [info]playersresource

Looking for Characters to fill an SL

Name: Carrie
Game: [info]transition
Fandom: Harry Potter
Format: Both, aim and threading
Genre: Canon
Who you're in search of: I play Melinda Bobbin,a sixth year Slytherin, and would love to see our sixth year boys, B Dunstan, Harper, Urquhart, and Vaisey, as well as Melinda's dormmate K Bundy. I also play Mandy Brocklehurst, and would like to see Terry Boot, Michael Corner, and Padma Patil. We also need Gryffindors, Lavender, Parvati, Seamus are all open.

The game is a DH compliant, canon based seventh year game.

[info]gryff_lily in [info]playersresource


Hi! I'm Kacey and I play Lily Potter, Mandy Brocklehurst, and Narcissa Malfoy over at [info]time_of_trial/[info]trial_mod, An Alternate Universe game. Our plot basically revolves around what would've happened if James Potter had killed Voldemort during the attack at the Potters- and how things would've been different. We've been since January 19th and have recently decided to re-start the game. We are in desperate need of a Draco Malfoy and a Hermione Granger. Both have no backstory. They are essential to our plot, and if you're interested in keeping busy feel free to take a look!

[info]human_doctor in [info]playersresource


OOOH, I am looking for anyone who can or would like to play Riversong! I would like to do a one-on-one series type stories with you. The first one had happened all ready but need THAT story to be told. Remember: Shakespeare Code right at the end?

Queen Elizabeth enters, recognises the Doctor as her "sworn enemy" and declares, "Off with his head!" The Doctor is surprised at her outburst, since he says he has not yet met the Queen, but comments that he is looking forward to finding out what he will do to offend her. He and Martha flee to the TARDIS, slamming the door just as an arrow embeds itself in the TARDIS's exterior before dematerialisation.

Well, I got an idea for that. So please comment me here.


(PS sorry for other characters especially Rose. This story was something I saw opportunity)

May 2010



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