August 30th, 2008

[info]rockergrl22 in [info]playersresource

Looking for Characters to fill an SL

Name: Sam

Full Circle is a next-generation Harry Potter Game which strives to create a fun, engaging new story worthy of the magical world of JK Rowling's design. It is social-friendly, though there is an ongoing plot arc much like any individual book in the series. Characters can do what normal teenagers (albeit with wizarding talents) would do, but there is so much more going on.

Twenty-two years ago, the Wizarding World was restored from a Dark Time, under the control of Lord Voldemort. Since that time, a Renaissance has given birth to new ideas. But with new ideas comes the inevitable growing pains of an evolving society. The Ministry is as divided as ever and their infighting is making them blind to a new threat under their noses which if known would make their petty squabbles seem pale. Voldemort wanted to wrest control of the entire Wizarding World for his own selfish desires. He feared dying. He feared being forgotten. Now, because of a rare astronomical alignment and an unfortunate mistake by a child, Deep Magic is providing a greater threat that could pale even the Dark Lord's ambitions.

Fandom: Harry Potter

Format: LJ

Genre: Next-Gen

Who you're in search of (and list as many as you want/need!{: There are loads of characters still available, but I'm here looking specifically for Ravenclaws (So far, Rose is the only one! She'd love some company.) and male students. Some of the Ravenclaw students still available: Ian Corner (4th year), Terrence Goldstein (4th year), Nimue Nott (4th year), Justin Macmillan (5th year), Lucy Shunpike (5th year), and Nicholai Hooch (6th year)... plus a ton more, which can all be found HERE.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here. Thanks for your consideration!

[info]sarahbobarah in [info]playersresource

NAME; Sarah
AGE; Twenty
EXPERIENCE; I've been roleplaying on and off for about five or six years, but most of the games I played in are deceased.
CONTACT; AIM: SarahhhC315
GAME: Harry Potter, canon or AU.

CHARACTERS; Lavender Brown, but I am also willing to play Goyle. There is a sample of both characters available to look at in my journal. I realize that I wrote them in post Hogwarts but it's not necessary to have in a game.

WANTS; I'm looking for a relatively active game that I can jump right into. Plotting is important to me because really, where's the fun without it? My take on Lavender may be a wee different but I assure you she's fun to have in a game (especially since I like to make editions of Witch Weekly). Oh and I won't lie, a little romance is always fun though I realize that is not the only important thing to look for. My Goyle can either be a Death Eater or wishing he still was one, either works for me.

FORMAT; Threadbased.

May 2010



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