July 31st, 2008

[info]aharlequin in [info]playersresource

Name: Candace!
Age: Twenty. Yes, I'm twenty, even if I look sixteen.
Contact: more truthiness (aim!) I have msn and e-mail, too, but AIM is generally a bit quicker.

Game Fandom: Batman (from Nolan's verse to comics; I don't care?), Panfandom/Multifandom.
Genre: Canon, AU, etc. I'm flexible and so is she.
Character: Formally Dr. Harleen Quinzelle, Psychiatric intern at Arkham Asylum with ambitions up the wazoo, she's now--you guess it!--Harley Quinn; the henchwoman to the very own Harlequin of Hate, The Joker. Needn't say she was coerced mentally, but it's safe to assume Harley was a ticking time bomb already. Much like her Mr. J, nearly everything is a joke to her. Blew up your house? Well, the house shouldn't of been in her sight and gave her ideas, you know. Things happen when she's bored. And, oh, she how she hates to be bored. Killed your BFF? Collateral Damage. You can get another BFF. She has inability to stay still and focused for long periods of time, so she appears nine out of ten percent of the time a bit--ditzy. And she is...sort of. She's also smart, too (when she wants to be, that is. Mostly her Puddin' thinks up the plans for her and she follows through to the best of her ability.)

I play her dark, but she is. She's come to the point where she absolutely enjoys what she does, even if she, once upon a time, considered it wrong and disgusting. She enjoys how the Joker treats her more than not. She likes the submissive role. She'll still use physical/verbal harm if he's pushed a button (i.e.: The Joker tricks her in helping setting a death trap for herself so she shoots him in the shoulder; The Joker hires a new Henchwoman to fill in Harley's place, so this pisses her off, and tricks him only to beat him with a police rod later.) However, these things happened a few years after Mad Love and Harley and Ivy, so depending on the era is depending on just how much of a backbone she'll have with the Joker and how much he'd allow her to, etc.

To read about her go to her journal [info]aharlequin. The third person example is a bit violent and slightly gory, so there's your warning!

Format: Threads, Google docs, AIM logs--don't care. I prefer the first two, though, simply because I tend to write a lot when the mood hits me.
Journal Preference: Either! I'm desperate!

My experience and what you should know about me: I've been rping for the past ten years and I've been a long, long time Batman fan. My current games--though, sadly, not updates as much as I'd like--is at my ooc journal, [info]moffett. I thought I could see TDK and not have a muse strike--and she's been quiet for oh so long!--but then Harley started to scream in my head :/ I guess she wasn't as gone as I thought.

[info]littlestflame in [info]playersresource


Name: Anne
Game: [info]tempus_fugit
Fandom: Harry Potter
Format: Threading and AIM based
Genre: Canon up until the Epilogue, slightly AU, because a few people have mysteriously resurrected (with in reason, there are set boundaries to this)
Who you're in search of:

Recently our Ron Weasley player had to leave the game, and we'd really enjoy having Ron back. We have Harry, Hermione, Ginny whom would all love to see Ron around again. Ron was important to the game, because he was an Auror-in-training and an Integrationist (please read community, or IM me for details). We'd love an active, plotty player to pick up on Ron. Ginny really misses her brother.

In fact Ginny misses all of her brothers, which are all open for grabs as well. A few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs would be much loved too.

Thank you for your time. Feel free to IM me at lespommesau, if you have an questions.

May 2010



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