February 11th, 2008

[info]bellatrix_ in [info]playersresource

All right, girls. I never thought I'd live to see this day, but I need you. School-aged, too.

In the game hosted by [info]privacy__, we're having an actual formal dance this weekend. It's 1978 and the first of the high profile murders is going to take place the night of the ball, so it'll be a nice wake up call for the kids. James & Sirius are in their 7th year, so keep that in mind.

If you're interested in general, see for taken characters.

If we get an influx of girls, we'll also need some boys.

I was also told to find a Harry & Ron for our 1997 version. Follow the links above to join!

[info]scarredgreen in [info]playersresource

About me and the character I play: I'm Lauren and I play Harry Potter at [info]fallacy_rpg

Characters sought after:

We've got a great active cast but we are sorely lacking in boys! So bring your boys over! We're a seventh year postwar AU game that is bit unique from some of the other games out there since Voldemort isn't actually dead yet. But shh! It's still a secret in game!

We'd especially like to see some more Ravenclaw boys and some more Death Eaters! We are sorely lacking in Death Eaters and we've got plot coming up that will definitely require them since the Dark Lord's third coming should be soon. Also, we need Weasleys to mourn the death of Fred and to keep poor Ginny company.

Game to join: [info]fallacy_rpg via [info]fallacymods! We all look forward to seeing you!

May 2010



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