
February 2014
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pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: The Shadows Smile

Title: The Shadows Smile
Fandom: Harry Potter
Spoilers: entire Harry Potter book series; influenced by the movies
Disclaimers: Characters and world belong to J.K. Rowling; the ficlet is mine.
Admissions: I know the dates don't really add up. The Cure (originally The Easy Cure) formed around 1976, so Snape would've been about 16, at which point he and Lily were probably already estranged. Let's play pretend, shall we? My sincerest apologies to Professor Snape.
Inspirations: "Burn" (including the title for the ficlet; look up the lyrics and you'll find they're very Lily/Severus) and "Mint Car" by The Cure, as well as some random LJ convos.

The Shadows Smile )

pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: Flesh and Blood

Title: Flesh and Blood
Fandom: Harry Potter
Spoilers: entire Potter book series; influenced by the movies
Disclaimers: The characters and the world belong to J.K. Rowling; the ficlet is mine.

Flesh and Blood )

pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: A Change of Heart

Title: A Change of Heart
Fandom: JKR: HP
Spoilers: up to & including Half-Blood Prince, but vague
Disclaimers: JKR owns the world and characters; the drabble is mine. Also, HP fic is not my forte, so I know this doesn't work chronologically. Apologies.
Summary: The Marauders on a moonlight run.

A Change of Heart )

pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: untitled

Title: (currently untitled)
Chapter: 1/?
Fandom: JKR: HP (Blend of books and movies)
Disclaimers: J.K. Rowling owns the characters and the world. I own this story and all the characters you don't recognize. Do not repost, steal, plagiarize, etc.
Warnings: General. Takes place before OotP.
Summary: Hogwarts is holding summer classes—and some mysterious new students are popping up.
Status: Incomplete. I have a bit more, but I've basically stalled.
Random: I originally had two different beginnings, so there were bits that didn't make sense. Hopefully I've eliminated the contradictions. I also don't know anything about chess, Wizard or non-. If some kind soul wants to suggest a fairly major but obscure move you can actually do in chess, I'd be grateful.

Untitled )

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