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pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: A Change of Heart

Title: A Change of Heart
Fandom: JKR: HP
Spoilers: up to & including Half-Blood Prince, but vague
Disclaimers: JKR owns the world and characters; the drabble is mine. Also, HP fic is not my forte, so I know this doesn't work chronologically. Apologies.
Summary: The Marauders on a moonlight run.

A Change of Heart )

pith [userpic]
Harry Potter: untitled

Title: (currently untitled)
Chapter: 1/?
Fandom: JKR: HP (Blend of books and movies)
Disclaimers: J.K. Rowling owns the characters and the world. I own this story and all the characters you don't recognize. Do not repost, steal, plagiarize, etc.
Warnings: General. Takes place before OotP.
Summary: Hogwarts is holding summer classes—and some mysterious new students are popping up.
Status: Incomplete. I have a bit more, but I've basically stalled.
Random: I originally had two different beginnings, so there were bits that didn't make sense. Hopefully I've eliminated the contradictions. I also don't know anything about chess, Wizard or non-. If some kind soul wants to suggest a fairly major but obscure move you can actually do in chess, I'd be grateful.

Untitled )

pith [userpic]
LotR-MEHS: The School Dance

Title: The School Dance
Fandom: JRRT: LotR (book and movies)
Disclaimers: Middle-earth and all its denizens belong to JRRT. I'm just borrowing them. This story, however, is mine; don't repost, "borrow", steal, etc. The "Middle-earth High School" series idea belongs to [info]pith and harpergrey (LJ); don't "borrow" or steal it either, please. The "Boromir has no pants" quip was affectionately borrowed from a LotR icon I've seen, but I unfortunately don't know who made it. Re: L'Orien. I highly doubt I'm the first (or last) to make the connection between Lothlorien and L'Oreal. However, I never saw it anywhere before I used it. So... I'm not saying I created it, but I by no means stole it either. Savvy?
FYI: Middle-earth High School is the twisted progeny of harpergrey (LJ) and [info]pith, who wondered what Middle-earth would be like if it were basically a high school.

The School Dance )

pith [userpic]
LotrR-MEHS: Gym Class

Title: Gym Class
Fandom: JRRT: LotR (book and movies)
Disclaimers: Middle-earth and all its denizens belong to JRRT. I'm just borrowing them. This story, however, is mine; don't repost, "borrow", steal, etc. The "Middle-earth High School" series idea belongs to [info]pith and harpergrey (LJ); don't "borrow" or steal it either, please. The "Boromir has no pants" quip was affectionately borrowed from a LotR icon I've seen, but I unfortunately don't know who made it.
FYI: Middle-earth High School is the twisted progeny of harpergrey (LJ) and [info]pith, who wondered what Middle-earth would be like if it were basically a high school.

Gym Class )

pith [userpic]
LotR: The Mightiest Gift

Title: The Mightiest Gift
Fandom: JRRT: LotR (mostly the movies)
Disclaimers: JRRT owns the characters and the world. I own this story. Do not repost, steal, plagiarize, etc.
Warnings: General. Angst is as bad as it gets here.
Summary: Faramir is taking Frodo to Minas Tirith in order to deliver the One Ring to Denethor. Samwise, however, will also have a purpose in the White City.

The Mightiest Gift )

pith [userpic]
Firefly/Serenity: Shatterable

Title: Shatterable
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Spoilers: Firefly (including some deleted scenes) and Serenity
Disclaimers: The characters and the world belong to Joss Whedon et al.; the ficlet is mine.
Notes: I haven't seen the episodes on the second DVD, so I know there's canon I'm missing.

Boys were off-limits, River knew, because they made themselves that way. )

pith [userpic]
General Notice

Most of the posts here will be public. However, those containing adult or questionable content will be friends-locked. All fanfics posted will have warnings if necessary, so if you choose to read them and get triggered/offended/whatnot, that's your problem, not mine.

No copyright infringement is intended from any of the works posted here. I fully acknowledge that the worlds and characters are the property of the authors/creators in question; I'm only playing in their sandboxes. Any original characters, plot lines, etc. presented here are my own: do not steal, "borrow", etc. without permission. Do not repost my fanfiction anywhere without my permission; if you are linking to it, please let me know.

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