Nov. 2nd, 2007


[OOC] briefly away

Will be away from Friday to Sunday this weekend for family visiting. Back Sunday night.

Oct. 27th, 2007


Here I am at last

Well, after a lot of travelling I'm finally here. The place is beautiful. Seems like the perfect place for me to relax.

First problem- I need somewhere to stay. I should've probably looked into that before I came but it was a spur of the moment trip down from Frisco. Oh well, I'm sure I'll find somewhere. I'll take a look around. Or maybe I'll find a friendly local who could give me some pointers. And maybe a tour.

Some friends wouldn't go amiss either but I can work on that later.

I sigh as I look around Pismo Beach, before trudging down to the sand and parking myself. Might as well enjoy the view while I get my bearings.

Aug. 12th, 2007


Sunday evening

Walking up the beach with the dogs, Karl just happens to glance up the bluff towards the Breeze House, and notices that the blinds are up and a light is on inside. He stops, frowns a little and whistles the dogs to follow as he heads up the path towards the house. He smiles when he recognises Scarlett's car outside the house, and knocks on the patio door.

"Hey, Scarlett? You home?"

Aug. 10th, 2007


OOC: Taken and Wanted

Karl Urban - [info]pferde - actor, resident
Viggo Mortensen - [info]heste - actor and artist, resident
Jake Gyllenhall - [info]jakesmiles - actor, resident
Scarlett Johannsen - [info]xx_scar_jo_xx - actress, resident
Will Turner - [info]will_turner - pirate, mystery visitor
Emma Watson - [info]bookworm_beauty -

Orlando Bloom
Kate Bosworth
George Clooney
Hugh Jackman
Liv Tyler
Ewan McGregor
Cassidy Craig
Liam Neeson
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cillian Murphy

Most Wanted (if there's any characters you particularly would like to see here, leave a comment and we'll add them to this list)
Miranda Otto
Craig Parker
Harry Sinclair
Marton Csokas
Hugo Weaving
Dennis Quaid
Cate Blanchett
Renee O'Connor
any other ex-Xena/Hercules actors


OOC: Rules

First you need to know that Pismo Beach will be a Slash-friendly game, so please be an adult. We are going to ask that all members be 18 or over, but we understand that it's not really possible to "prove" it online. So, we take it on trust that by signing up you declare that you are an adult, and as long as you write and behave like one, you'll be fine. Slash, het and femslash are equally welcomed, no bias here.

Also at least to begin with, we are asking for experienced roleplayers only. You will need to include in your application a link to other games that you participate in, either current or past. If you are a new gamer we apologise, but suggest that there are plenty of other games out there instead. Once Pismo Beach is established and running, this rule may be relaxed so please keep an eye on the game, add it to your Watch list by all means, and try again in a few months.

Most gaming will, we anticipate, take place directly in the community journal in threaded posts. Please use the community journal rather than the character's own IJ for this - it makes it much easier for other players to follow if it's all in one place. Gaming via messenger chatlogs is also encouraged, but if you post chatlogs please put them behind a lj-cut.

You must provide at least one email address and (optionally) one messenger s/n for other players to contact you for the purpose of arranging storylines and suchlike. Anonymous, non-contactable players are no fun.

Do not bring out-of-game drama into this game. We've all seen it often enough, and we're all tired of it. Issues between players relating to other games, or relating to out-of-game problems, should be kept out of the game. If any player has problems with any other player, then please talk to the mods. We are both friendly and we are both online and on AIM frequently. We will do everything we can to try to resolve the problem.

Once you're in the community, please play, and please try to play with as many other players as possible. We appreciate that its not easy to play with players who are never online at the same time, but the threaded-comment response helps with that.

There are no rules about participation within a set period of time. We're a relaxed bunch. If you don't participate for a while we'll put your character on Hiatus. If someone else subsequently wants that character we'll ask you if you want to keep it, and if we don't hear from you within 2 weeks we'll assume that's a No.

Disclaimer: It is essential that you include on your characters userinfo page a disclaimer to state that the character is not intended to represent the real celebrity, it is part of an RPG and for entertainment purposes only. Also include a declaration that you are 18 years old or over.

Choice of Characters: Please check the Taken & Wanted list first. There may be only one of a particular celebrity. Once you have decided on your character, set up a journal and write either in the character info or a first post, a little bit of background about your character. Choose a role for your character, his/her job, reason to be in Pismo. Does he/she work there? A tourist? Do check the Taken list to make sure that your character's chosen job isn't already duplicated. eg; it's fine to have more than one actor in residence but more than one town mayor wouldn't work. If your character is "AU" (Alternate Universe) you can play them as an original character, just "PB" (Played By) whichever celebrity looks right.

How to apply: First, click "join community" on the main community. This is very important. But then be prepared to wait a little while. You won't be approved right away.

Second, leave a comment in this post. (Will be screened)
Include in the comment the following info:
*Your name or nickname
*Your chosen character and his or her role/reason to be in Pismo
*Your character's IJ username
*Your email address (one that you are happy for other players to see)
*Your AIM screen-name or other messenger s/n. (Optional. Again, one that you would like other players to see)
*Any background info about your character if it's not already in the journal
Evidence of your previous rpg experience - link to another game or character - does not have to be the same character as the one you are using for Pismo, it's just to show that you know what roleplaying is all about.

Third, you will be contacted by one of the mods. We may wish to chat to you about your character, or it may just be a quick note to say "welcome". Your info will be added to the Contacts page. You will also be added to the main community and you'll be free to make your first post as soon as you wish.

November 2007



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