Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - September 26th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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September 26th, 2013

[Sep. 26th, 2013|11:37 am]



How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe?

Three months ago in Starling City, the east sector of the Glades was destroyed by The Markov Device Starling City decided that the Glades weren't worth saving. And once the gangs started to take over, fighting for control over the Glades, nothing could be done. Starling City officials decided to wash their hands of the Glade, declaring it the waste lands. The devastation was too much for the city to handle, and the sub-areas fell under gang control.

Meanwhile, in a world of no magic, all the extra energy was buried into the core of the Earth. When The Markov Device shook the core of East Glades, it caused a leaked, and the energy seeped out within the old tunnels. Enough energy has gathered now, and a portal has opened up that no one is currently aware of, which is drawing in random people from random places and times.

How will Starling City cope with this catastrophe? And how will our wayward travelers cope with suddenly being in a city as dark and dangerous as this? These are the questions, that the people must face. Alliances will be formed and broken. Can anyone save the city now?

Wanted//Rules // Held // Taken

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[Sep. 26th, 2013|10:32 pm]



If you had one opportunity to change fate...

For three years, Rita Skeeter ruled over a village that existed outside of time and space. People of all ages & from across hundreds of years somehow co-existed while enduring her various torments. One day Order Members, Death Eaters, Hogwarts Founders, Ministry members, DA Members & ordinary wizards rose up against her. Rita died while George Weasley found the spell ledgers Skeeter used to create and bind the village to her. Without Rita's magic, the village would soon crumble out of existence. Knowing that the lives of his family and friends hung in the balance, George chose to create a new village through binding it to his magic.

George isn't entirely sure what he's doing most of the time so mistakes affect villagers as often as success does. But one thing is for certain: George might be a joker, but he's not cruel. Those who come fresh to Fourteen Shades will never know the difference, but those who remember the days before George Weasley took over can rest assured that this time won't be anything like the last.

...would you capture it or let it slip?

Fourteen Shades is an established & friendly game run by dedicated mods. If you are looking for a game that is not going to close its doors any time soon, check us out! The nature of the game allows brand new players and characters to acclimate quickly and easily. With 20+ dynamic players writing over ninety active characters, posts get replies while giving characters of varying canon backgrounds a chance to shine. Game wide plots are run often and give different characters chances at major roles each time. Check out [info]fourteenshades to get a small sample of the sort of plots and players we have on board.

Several POPULAR names are open!

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