Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - December 28th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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December 28th, 2011

montenegro u: a mythology game [Dec. 28th, 2011|01:22 am]



montenegro u.

In order to survive, you must evolve. Following this end, many great deities, lords of old, beloved goddesses, angels and demons, wizards, witches, knights, tempestuous beasts of legend, have come to adapt to the changing world around them. They have become a part of the changing society, an integrated part of the mortal world. Some may be forgotten, but never erased. They live on in the real world as reincarnates, roaming among us. As society continued to put stories of the past behind them, more and more reincarnates of old gods emerged.

Eventually these reincarnates became a staggering fraction of the society. And they were noticeable, different, from everyone else. People hated them, feared them, and in some cases, attacked or imprisoned them. Amidst the paranoia a group of reincarnates emerged to form an institution to protect, defend, and to gather their fellow community members. Their goal was to create an organization focused on teaching and making a life for all reincarnates.

Montenegro U is a PB-based mythological game on InsaneJournal revolving around a fictional college town and school in Colorado where mythological reincarnates are accepted or hired to work. We're a small, close-knit community of roleplayers and we strive to provide for you an interactive, creative, drama-free forum for playing your favorite mythological characters.

apps & reserves open dec 3!
arthurian/celtic . egyptian . greek
judeo-christian . shinto

monte rpg . monte logs . monte ooc . monte mods . apartments & housing assignments
premise . setting . rules . faqs . taken . wanted . reserves . apply . hiatus . drop . mod contact

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[Dec. 28th, 2011|09:20 am]


A cross between the movie and the show, our game takes place in the near future. Where nano technology is the newest weapon. Dr. Mindbender works with Cobra Commander using his nanites to ensure world domination. The Baroness' brother was killed and caused her journey to the Cobra Commander. For now, at least, the presidency is still safe. the team known only as GI Joe has two new members and is in a constant battle to stop Cobra Commander and his army from taking over the world.

So this is the world we live in and not everyone knows how dangerous it is. How close they are to losing all they know to a new force. It's time to take a stand, pick a side, before it picks you. Now you know what is really standing between us, and total domination.

Holds // Characters Wanted // Taken
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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[Dec. 28th, 2011|10:09 am]

Community OFFICIALLY open as of last week! Come join our small group of players and create an adventure of your own in this small (BIG) town!
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|10:34 am]


Love Glee? Love role playing? Our Glee group psl is looking for Rory, Shelby(our Puck is lonely!), Warblers, Emma, Harmony and more. Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|12:24 pm]

Deadly Party



Character Directory
Friending Button
Now comes the time of the Originals. Everything you thought you knew about them is wrong. Klaus is running, still. With Stefan and his sister Rebekah at his side, he is in a hurry to find the answers as to why he can not make hybrids. Rebekah knows, she was with him the longest. They are being hunted. By their parents. The problem is, they aren't the only ones after him. Family he had no idea he had wants him. The answers they all need, and want, are still in Mystic Falls. Once again the supernatural world is colliding on the town again, and this time, no one will be left unaffected. It's going to be one Hell of a party.

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[Dec. 28th, 2011|02:15 pm]
a next generation harry potter roleplaying game

Remember that time your boyfriend broke up with you in front of the Great Hall and it was really public and his new girlfriend that he had been cheating on you with was right there, staring at you, and he told you that you weren't that good in bed to begin with and some second years started laughing at you and the whole thing was caught on tape by a fully-staffed camera crew?

No? Well, this school year is kind of like that.

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Interitio: a Harry Potter AU RPG [Dec. 28th, 2011|07:34 pm]

Imagine if Peter Pettigrew hadn't betrayed the Potters. The Order was already on the brink of defeat, a new death reported every day. What would happen if Voldemort remained unchecked, unable to find the one he claims as his rival? The Order lies in shambles, most of its members dead or in hiding. And slowly, Voldemort's vision of a perfect society began to take form ... Muggleborns were expelled from Hogwarts, as well as 'impure' halfbloods with too much Muggle blood. The Ministry was taken over, piece by piece, and while Dumbledore held onto Hogwarts with his fingertips, even that has been stripped and remade ...

Currently, Dumbledore's heath is ailing and time is coming near when he will depart ... Bellatrix Lestrange has been named Minister for Magic following the disgrace of the Malfoy family ... Bill Weasley is starting his own Resistance group to run counter to the Order ... Sirius Black struggles to maintain his role as Order spy ... Severus Snape eyes the halls of Hogwarts with envy ... and that's just the beginning

So pick up a journal, join in, and see where Interitio takes you …

[info]interitio [info]quies [info]linia
Laws and RegulationsTimelineRules/FAQ
Cast ListApplication

WANTED: BELLATRIX LESTRANGE, Frank Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Barty Crouch Jr., Padma Patil, Oliver Wood, Luna Lovegood, Zacharias Smith ... and more!
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[Dec. 28th, 2011|08:59 pm]



this is NOT the triwizard tournament
Twenty-five years after the fateful Tournament, the political atmosphere in Britain and Europe had changed drastically. The threat of the Dark wizard known as Lord Voldemort had disappeared, and in the years following the triumph, governments arose that were much more focused on cooperation and tolerance among wizards and witches at home and internationally. In 2019, a contingent of people led by Second Wizarding War hero Harry Potter and Bulgarian Quidditch superstar Viktor Krum formed, eager to encourage the next generation to focus on others' similarities rather than their differences. Both leaders spoke eloquently of the lasting friendships they had made and the valuable lessons they had learned during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament. They advocated a replacement event for the student population.

With the assistance of the International Association of Quidditch, three years later, the inaugural Junior International Quidditch Tournament is set to begin. Four Quidditch teams representing their schools will compete against each other in a series of matches throughout the academic year, with two finals at the end of the year to determine the overall winner. And alongside all the Quidditch fever that is sure to grip the castle, the typical difficulties of an academic year at Hogwarts must still be traversed: exams, friendships, romance, and antics. Can they handle the pressure?

Feinted is a canon-compliant next-gen role-playing game set at Hogwarts during the school year 2022–2023. Opened 19 August.

premise | faq | tournament | available | apply
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