Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community - October 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pimp My Game: A Roleplay Ad Community

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October 3rd, 2011

[Oct. 3rd, 2011|02:16 pm]


It had started nearly a decade ago. At first no one thought much of the random disappearances and deaths, all seemingly unconnected to one another. Young, old, female, male, single people, group murders. There was nothing connecting them one another. Until Professor Dumbledore realised what was happening.

From there it didn't take people long to realise that there was something more to these deaths than what originally appeared. Someone then another started to notice that they were Muggles, Muggleborns, people who supported equality. As each day more and more deaths and disappearances were occurring until they could no longer be ignored.

The year is now 1980, the attacks have been occurring for a decade and show no sign of stopping. Everyone is scared, no one trusts anyone, especially those involed the most in the war. Welcome to The Darkest Years, the first war is raging between the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix while others are just trying to live their lives, stay safe and pretend that nothing is happening.

The Darkest Years is a canon compliant, Marauder Era game set in 1980 that focuses not only on the war but the lives of the other people, those not directly involved with it.


Wanted: Albus Dumbledore, Millicent Bagnold Arthur and Molly Weasley, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Amycus and Alecto, Death Eaters, Neutrals, Fudge, Alice Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Lucius Malfoy and DEATH EATERS among others.

[info]thedarkestyears | [info]darkestyears_rp | [info]darkestyearsooc | [info]before_tdy

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A Harry Potter Marauder Era Game [Oct. 3rd, 2011|04:50 pm]

Premise    •    Available    •    Rules    •    FAQ    •    Apply    •    Credits
The year is 1981 and Wizarding London is overrun with crime. Favoured Mayoral Candidate Lucius Malfoy seeks to put an end to it if only to improve the climate for his upcoming election. Two wars are being waged in this torn city: that between the youth and the elders, and that over familial allegiances.

The Crime Syndicate is allegedly killing a fresh victim each night, but they hold to their own standards of morality and conduct. Albus Dumbledore's uniformed officers of the Law are desperately trying to tie the infamous Black family with claims of prostitution, drugs, and murders. The city of London is in chaos and a new band of Vigilantes has taken matters into their own hands.

Which side will you choose? Who can you trust and who do you fear will kill you in the night? Join this Marauder-era game to partake of the blood-ridden action! [Please note this is an 18+ game]

Most wanted: Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Petunia Evans, Vernon Dursley, Alice & Frank Longbottom, Bellatrix Black, Andromeda Black, Minerva McGonagall.


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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|07:26 pm]



Welcome to New Orleans or N’awlins as the locals say. Something here lies hidden that many don’t find so strange -- this party town holds a few secrets that would scare most people. Known for voodoo, hoodoo, and other dark arts this quaint little city has some things up its sleeve. Many things here do go bump in the night. The city has been rebuilt after being rocked by Hurricane Katrina and with its old residents returning, a few things came with it. NoLa is Rising. Next adds are tomorrow night!

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Assimli [Oct. 3rd, 2011|07:57 pm]




It's 2050, by now the wizarding world has gone through mass changes since the Second War ended. Deaths, births, the rise of a new generation, changes for a better world. The only thing that the wizarding world struggled with was a small uprising started by the children of former Death Eaters. Thankfully, it only took one year to quash it, and luckily only a small number of causalities came from it. In the end the nine members of the uprising were caught, and sentenced for their crimes against the wizarding world. Since then everything started to progress again and over time the wizarding world became slightly more dependent on the muggle world, and with that came change and adaptation. One of these changed came when former Minister Shaklebolt decided that the key to a peaceful future was knowledge. With knowledge came acceptance and progress to maintain a better world. In 2030 Eolas University came the first Wizarding University. Modeled after muggle universities across Britain and Ireland the goal was to educate young witches and wizards preparing them for their career of choices. Everything from Geffory Buttermere College of Medicine, the MacTavish College of Law Enforcement, Goodfellow College of Magical Law, to degrees offered in Magical Zoology, Muggle Studies, a wide array of degrees available for every kind of field in the wizarding world.

It is up to this new generation to decide what to do with the knowledge, if they'll use it to follow their dreams, to help wizarding kind, or for their own personal benefit. Their grandparents made a mark on the world, now it's their turn.

Most Wanted:Fun and Active Players, Loads of Characters Available!

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[Oct. 3rd, 2011|10:28 pm]

WTF is in IOWA ?


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Cast List
WTF IS IN IOWA is a Pan-Lore, Original Character, Supernatural Role Play Game. Ever wish supernatural games didn't have so many rules that get so complicated you just can't keep up or maybe even understand? This is the game for you. Do you ever wish Mods would quit policing your activity as if you have no real life outside of RP? This is the game for you. Want to play a species that just doesn't seem to fit the usual guidelines? This is the game for you.

So Why Iowa? WTF IS IN IOWA anyway? No one ever thinks anything is out there actually. They'd be so wrong. It's exactly that thought that has brought so much of the supernatural population there to take refuge and try to live normal lives making Iowa the least boring place in the United States. You want zombie cows to exist? Well, oh yes they can. Your farmland just might be crawling with them.

WTF IS IN IOWA is based around the area of Des Moines, Iowa and it's surrounding communities. There's a metropolitan area and TONS & TONS of vast rural areas and farmland. So, how you dictate your chars' life is up to you. Be city folk, be farm folk or anything in between. Your chars can work or own real life places or make up your own businesses.

The main thing to remember is this is a players game. Your lore is your own. Your story lines are your own. Don't enjoy someone else's? Don't read 'em. That's what ratings and warnings are for. This is about just having a rootin tootin good time with wherever your creative writing wants to take you and having lots of fun doing it. That's why zombie cows can exist if you really want them to.

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