~ Pimp My Threesome ~ - June 23rd, 2007
A Harry Potter Threesome Fest With a Twist

User: [info]pimp_my_3some (posted by [info]3some_mod)
Date: 2007-06-23 12:52
Subject: The Votes Are In!
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Original poster: empathic_siren

[info]sansa1970 and I were up until the wee hours counting, calculating, and tallying all of your votes (and trust us, there were a LOT of them).  At times, it was maddening how close the votes were.  However the voters have spoken, and the posting order for the first ten stories has been chosen. 

To all of our fantastic authors, the voting really was close.  You all have done an incredible job and we’re thrilled by your creativity, your sincere efforts and your brilliant writing. 

And without further ado, the posting order for the first ten stories in the [info]pimp_my_3some fest is:

1. Elladora Ketteridge, “Long, Hot, and Slow”

2. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, “Tease Me All Over”

3. Derwent Shimpling, “Escape Artist”

4. Sacharissa Tugwood, “A Fist Full of Harry: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

5. Carlotta Pinkstone, ”The Destructive Sorrow of a Passionate Man”

6. Jocelind Wadcock, “Double Blind”

7. Cornelius Agrippa, “Missing Piece”

8. Flavius Belby, “Sigillum Secreti”

9. Archibald Alderton, “Needful Release”

10. Gregory the Smarmy, “The Lost Boys”

Posting begins tomorrow, June 24.  The first ten stories will be posted daily.  The remaining stories will be posted twice a day, morning and evening, based on random selection (though there was a small effort to spread out the longer stories).  Please don't forget to comment on all of these amazing stories.  The authors have worked doubly hard to not only produce quality stories but to advertise them creatively. 

Bravo to the inaugural compliment of [info]pimp_my_3some authors!

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August 2007