Picket Line - March 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 21st, 2008

Advice on Being Spammed on LJ right now [Mar. 21st, 2008|02:46 am]


My LJ is currently being spammed by a couple of scabbish trolls on LJ. Does anyone happen to know the addy for getting directly to your journal settings on LJ, so I can go directly there and not click on more pages than that one to set my journal on friends only until the end of the strike?

Thanks! I appreciate the help.
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[Mar. 21st, 2008|03:52 am]


I would like to announce a week-long friending frienzy in [info]friend_me for those who like Bottom Harry . It begins Friday, March 21st and lasts a whole week long!

A fundamental fanon HP question:
Harry/Draco, Who is the Top; Who is the Bottom? can be solved at [info]hp_polls 

Hopefully people will make more friends and have a good time :)

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Last Half [Mar. 21st, 2008|08:44 am]
[mood | twitchy]

Well, we're in the last half of the official Strike. I thought I could go a whole 24 hours without doing more than Anon commenting. BOY was I wrong. The verification process just annoys me, and OpenID (as I keep whining) seems to be holding its own strike. So now I have an IJ. And another little piece of me breaks. (sigh) But I suppose I can occupy myself by altering my pre-made layouts to fit IJ, so at least that's one thing to do... It took me forever to get used to GJ's layout differences, and now look where that went!

One of my major hurdles so far is that I want to blog about not blogging. Does that make any sense at all? There's this incredible urge to rant about how unexpectedly hard this is. I didn't realize how much I'd gotten used to using LJ as my vent/cheer forum (or how much I used to just browse and lurk in comment threads!) until I deliberately stopped doing it. Is anyone else experiencing this? For that matter, how many people are (also) considering staying away for a weekend rather than a day?
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Feeds going dead [Mar. 21st, 2008|01:25 pm]


Well this is content related. I realized yesterday I hadn't seen a post for [info]crack_impala in a while, and discovered it hasn't updated since the 12th. Until then it was updating every day since it was opened last August. Anyone have any idea why a feed would just stop like that?
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