November 15th, 2007

[info]bszwedo in [info]phyrebards

Free Rice

Ok so I have a new obsession that pretty much confirms the fact that I'm a huge nerd. My little brother sent me a link to a website called It is quite possibly the coolest website I've been to in a long time. Basically the way it works is you match a word with a definition and if you get it correct, the United Nations and a bunch of different organizations donate 10 grains of rice to needy countries. The words vary in level of difficulty and can get pretty hard! It's a fun way to broaden your vocabulary, and to donate food to people who need it. I know it seems kind of sketchy and like it could be a hoax but I checked it out through the United Nations website and they have all kinds of information about how much rice and money has been donated for this cause. Please check it out and support a worthy cause!
In regards to teaching, this week has been pretty good. I would say my biggest challenge is that I have a hard time getting the class back to attention after group work. Part of the problem is that I'm not their regular teacher and they think they can get away with more, and part of it is that I'm not being assertive enough. I should have established a strategy with them the first day I taught and then followed it so I don't have to keep yelling over the noise. I've also learned that a teacher needs to be flexible. A lot of crazy things have happened this week and I feel that I've handled them pretty well. I hope everyone's unit went well and that everyone has a great thanksgiving break!

December 2007

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