October 25th, 2007

[info]elyse85 in [info]phyrebards

Jurassic Park

My 5 lessons are going to be in the middle of my class' Jurassic Park Unit. Yippee... I mean really, Jurassic Park? I guess it works and maybe because there is a movie about it, the students are more prone to read and add to the discussion? Luckily, I was there the day that my teacher began the unit and I could get information about where she was headed in terms of assignments. I am unclear on the themes and items that she is going to focus on other than just reading for comprehension. I guess that is something I can ask her as I start to plan my lessons since they are coming up soon! Do you guys have any cool ideas on what I can do about Jurassic Park? Maybe some Peer-Response journals in terms of ethics and science? I started to read the book, and it is actually a pretty easy read even though it is kind of gory. But I guess that will keep some of the guy's attention..not to stereotype or anything.

I have a question about the role of religion that this book could bring up if I did go in the direction of talking about ethics. What are the things you can and can't say in terms of religion and christianity. What if the student's take it there? Do I have to end that conversation if it is going well? I think this a pretty interesting topic and it does relate to all of us in any kind of discussion based on a text that is in a way controversial.

[info]elyse85 in [info]phyrebards

separation anxiety

Ok, so here is how I am feeling about being a teacher right now. Don't judge me too harshly.

I AM FREAKING OUT! And not because I am student teaching next semester, not because graduation is in May, but because I am not seeing the same kind of passion for education that I have had in past semesters. Not that I don't love teaching or don't love the students, because both are great, but for some reason, and maybe it is just my life right now, I don't feel as 100% involved in my classroom time. I go when I am supposed to, I ask my teacher all the right questions and am learning about teaching English, but the difference is that I feel I am just going through the motions and not really thinking about what I am doing or the impact that it could have on my future. I have separated myself from really caring about getting to know the students or really researching for great ideas for the classroom. I don't know why I am doing this. I want to say that is just me being lazy and getting by with as little work as possible. But what if there is more to it? What if I am getting crazy senioritis that makes you freak out so much about the real world that you avoid all things that would get you closer to that "adult" status.

Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have been at the same stage of classroom involvement for the past year. For the past 3 semesters I have been spending about 30 hours in the classroom and teaching 5 lessons. What if I am just bored with it and want more responsibilty? But then I start freaking about little extras like teaching the grammar lesson at the beginning, like legit, my heart starts beating faster.

I don't know. and then is someone going to tell us how to start looking for jobs. like when does that process start? Or maybe it already started and I won't even get a job. Dang. ok im done with this rant. maybe yall can help calm my nerves.

December 2007

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