Aug. 22nd, 2016


Final Activity Reminder!

We have just about a week left of the month. Just a reminder that activity check will be enforced this month so make sure you get your activity in before the end of the August!

Anyone who has not met the activity requirements by the end of the month will be removed (with the exception of those on hiatus and/or slowatus, of course).

Aug. 13th, 2016


August Activity

Hey Everyone!

The August 2016 Activity Sheet can be found here.

The past few months have been a freebie activity wise, however, as of this month, activity check will be enforced. Anyone who has not met the activity requirements by the end of the month will be removed (with exception to those on hiatus and/or slowatus, of course).

Also, please, please, PLEASE remember to tag your posts!

Any questions or concerns, please leave a comment below or use the drop box.

Jul. 15th, 2016


Mid-Month Activity Reminder

Hey Everyone!

We are halfway through the month of July! Below is a list of characters that still need activity for July (anyone is on a hiatus/slowatus are not on this list):

To save space )

As we are tracking activity through tags, please, please, PLEASE remember to tag your posts! If you have noticed that a post has been missed, please comment below and we'll update the sheet.

Jun. 23rd, 2016


Final Activity Reminder!

Hey Everyone!

We are halfway through the month of June! Below is a list of characters that still need activity for June (anyone is on a hiatus/slowatus are not on this list):

To save space )

As we are tracking activity through tags, please, please, PLEASE remember to tag your posts! If you have noticed that a post has been missed, please comment below and we'll update the sheet.

Jun. 16th, 2016


Mid-Month Activity Reminder

Hey Everyone!

We are halfway through the month of June! Below is a list of characters that still need activity for June (anyone is on a hiatus/slowatus are not on this list):

To save space )

As we are tracking activity through tags, please, please, PLEASE remember to tag your posts! If you have noticed that a post has been missed, please comment below and we'll update the sheet.

Jan. 18th, 2016


Everyone take a moment today to wish Sait Happy Birthday!

Dec. 4th, 2015


Just a reminder if you want to participate in the secret santa sign up before the 8th.

Oct. 8th, 2015


It's that time peoples...

Activity check! Could everyone reply with the following information.

You can link to a cdj or google docs list of you have one. Also check all tables and make sure no one is missing.

Please make sure you're checked in by Friday at noon

Aug. 28th, 2015


I have tagged everyones posts. From now on please tag your own posts. If you don't have a tag please let me know by commenting below.

Aug. 24th, 2015


Hey guys, mod business again...

I added links to the houses that I have images to. if you want to show an image of what your house looks like in PB set up a folder and send it to me either zipped or whatever and tell me who its for and I will upload it to the photobucket and link it you're also welcome to go snag one from one of the houses I saved images to and just let me know which and I will rename the folder

Aug. 21st, 2015


Okay please everyone check all the tables and make sure i missed no one. Once its done please comment

Aug. 15th, 2015


Hey this recoding of the tables is a bigger deal than I thought it was and that means I want to make sure they are accurate. Could everyone please comment with the following.

Keeping: (yes please list them)
Dropping: (yes please list them)
Any updates on contact info:
Anything else I need to know:

Please make sure you do this by 10 pm monday evening (Eastern time) anyone who hasn't will be removed until they tell me they're still here