Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

Round Two Prompts, Continued!

Phoenix Flies Round Two, Prompts part 2

We had so many prompts submitted, we had to separate them into two posts! These are the quote or quote-inspired prompts:

Prompts, part two )

Claim your prompts here!

Phoenix Flies, Round Two: Prompt Claiming!

Some simple rules for starters:

1. You may claim up to two prompts.

2. Each prompt may be claimed once for fic and once for art. Because of the possibility of double claims, please wait for a moderator to acknowledge your claim before assuming that the prompt is yours.

3. Any prompt may be used for gen, het, or slash. This is not a pairing-specific fest: if a prompt specifies a pairing, you do not need to use that pairing. If a prompt is listed under a certain character's name, you do not need to use that character as the POV character/narrator.

4. If you are going to be out of town or away from the computer on January 29th and are worried about not being able to claim a prompt, someone else may claim for you on your behalf. Just make sure they put your username somewhere in the subject line or in the comment itself.

5. Fics need to be at least 500 words and beta-read. Art obviously does not have a word-minimum but should be a bit more than a drawble.

6. All fics and art are due by March 15th, and should be submitted directly to [info]phoenix_flies for moderated posting. (We will have more information about posting formats at a later date)

7. Please fill out the following form completely to claim a prompt:

We had so many prompts we had to divide them up into two posts! However, all claims should be left as a comment to this post.

And now, without any further ado, on to the list of prompts! )
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Monday, January 21st, 2008

Submit your prompts here!

[info]phoenix_flies is starting its second round, and we are thrilled to open it up for prompts again! You may leave your prompts here, as comments to this post. Feel free to leave as many prompts as you like, and remember that submitting prompts doesn't commit you to participate in our fest. Anyone can prompt!

We'll accept prompts for the next week - through January 28th - and then we'll open it up for claims.

Check out our Guidelines for Prompts and Claiming and feel free to contact us at festmods@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
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Sunday, August 12th, 2007

Let's Have Those Prompts!

Welcome to the Phoenix Flies LJ Exodus Fest! )

ETA: Keep in mind that we are only accepting prompts at this post. Pairings will be
left up to the writer or artist who claims the prompt. Have fun!
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