Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Fest Fic: Fresh Start

Title: Fresh Start
Author: [info]faerie_lullaby
Pairing: (DH spoilers - highlight to read) Albus Severus/Scorpius.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1059
Warnings: brief mention of slash, Neville’s POV, slight spoilers for DH.
Disclaimer: Not mine, Belongs to JK, I just play with them.
Summary: (DH spoilers - highlight to read) Neville, the new Herbology professor at Hogwarts, catches Albus Severus and Scorpius fighting and assigns them a project on house unity. The result is not quite what he expected, but it's a good one.
A/N: Written for Phoenix_Flies Festival on GreatestJournal. And the story kind of ran away with me, and it's not quite what I wanted it to be. I put them both in the same house, cause I envisioned Harry's son in Slytherin. And the title sucks, I couldn't seem to think of anything for this. It could have been longer, but I ran out of time, and life got in the way.
Prompt: #20. (DH spoilers - highlight to read) After Professor Longbottom catches the boys fighting, he assigns them a project on house unity.

Fresh Start )
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Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Fest Fic: A Matter of Unity, H/D +others, PG-13

Here's the next wonderful fic in the line-up of IJ-HPfandom-terrificitude! Enjoy it and remember that comments are love!

Title: A Matter Of Unity
Author: [info]kaycee
Pairing: (DH spoilers - highlight to read) Albus/Scorpius
Harry/Draco, (Neville/Luna, Blaise/Ginny,
Word Count: 4395
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #20 (DH spoilers - highlight to read) After catching the
boys fighting, Professor Longbottom encourages Albus Severus and
Scorpius to make a fresh start and assigns them a project on house

Warnings: DH Spoilers, AU, fluff, daftness.
Disclaimer: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine.

Second fic o' the fest lies beneath the cut... )
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