The Phoenix Flies

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Monday, February 11th, 2008
8:28p - Mod Post: Upcoming Events
Hi guys!

We hope everyone is having fun with their claimed prompts so far! And just as a reminder, if you haven't claimed any prompts or have only claimed one, you can claim another prompt at any time. The claiming period is open throughout the fest, and there's still plenty of prompts out there free for the taking. The claiming post is here.

Mark Your Calendars

We have two other events that everyone is welcome to participate in, regardless if they submitted a prompt or claimed a prompt or are even members of the community. These are the friending frenzy and the drabble-a-thon.

The friending frenzy is going to be held this upcoming weekend, February 15th - 17th. Meet old friends and make new friends on IJ!

The drabble-a-thon is going to be held March 22nd - 23rd. Your mods (with the help of some volunteers) will post one prompt on the hour, every hour for forty-eight straight hours for your drabbling/drawbling pleasure. The person that drabbles/drawbles the most will be awarded a nifty banner that they can display wherever they wish. This is a great way to relax and let the muse flow.

We hope everyone can join us for both of these events. We'll see you on Friday!

Again, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please leave a comment here or contact us at festmods @!

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