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Friday, November 23rd, 2007
3:10p - Fest Fic: The Boy Who Bends Over
Title: The Boy Who Bends Over
Author: [info]sdk
Prompt: #15. Turns out Harry is gay (something that is quasi-excepted in the WW) and loves to bottom, but people feel that their 'great hero' shouldn't bottom or even love guys at all!
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Harry/Ron, and others
Rating: PG-13 for language and sexual situations
Word Count: 5371
Warnings (if any): None that I can think of
Author's Notes (if any): It’s cracky, but the prompt just begged for it (however I deviated from the prompt just a bit). Also, The Prince of Tech is a real pub in Earl’s Court, but as far as I know, doesn’t have a special Wizarding section upstairs, or girls who just wear pasties. Special thanks to my beta, quite_grey, who helped me tremendously, but all mistakes that remain are mine. I’m an American writer as well, so if there are any glaring Americanisms, please let me know.
Beta: [info]quite_grey

The Boy Who Bends Over )

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