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Wednesday, September 12th, 2007
12:32a - The Read-n-Love-athon
This weekend, we'll be holding our second event:

The Read-n-Love-athon

In a nutshell: track down your favourite fics on IJ and GJ, and maybe discover some new gems as well, and then show the authors some love -- comment, comment and comment some more.

Full details under the cut )

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10:25p - Fest fic: What a Man Wants
Title: What a Man Wants
Author: Eriador117
Beta: Rakina, you're an angel :)
Word Count: approx. 2700
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Prompt: 13. Harry wants Severus. Severus wants to be left alone. How can Harry make Severus realize what he really wants is Harry?
Warnings: D/s, light bondage, sexual situations, dirty talk. AU. No DH spoilers
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns everything Harry Potter related, I just like playing with her creations.
Written for the Phoenix_Flies

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