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Dec. 23rd, 2013


Constantly WIP. )

Apr. 11th, 2012


Make up your mind, mun, fuck.

Mar. 13th, 2012


Nicholas Peter Caffrey - what's this I hear about you cheating on me?


I will not be paranoid. I will not be paranoid.

Mar. 11th, 2012


Bleeeeeeeeeeeh, stop saying I need a girlfriend. I'm a single lady, and woah oh oh, oh oh oh oh ohhhh, I'm totally okay with that, mun.

Mar. 10th, 2012


No, I will not shut up. I'm bored and lonely.

Feb. 7th, 2012


I have often walked down this street before;
But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before.
All at once am I Several stories high.
Knowing I'm on the street where you live.
Are there lilac trees in the heart of town?
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town?
Does enchantment pour Out of ev'ry door?
No, it's just on the street where you live!
And oh! The towering feeling
Just to know somehow you are near.
The overpowering feeling
That any second you may suddenly appear!

Jan. 25th, 2012


I'm a bit nervous, and it's your fault.

Jan. 5th, 2012


... so I exist in your head, but not anywhere else? That's just fantastic, thanks for that.

Jan. 3rd, 2012


Okay, this picture is totally something I'd do, but none of the doctors here are mine. I miss my Floppy or Curious or Curly. And I know they're not coming.

Besides, they all have enough problems as they are, what with girls and BREAKING THE TIME SPACE CONTINUUM HOW ARE THEY ALL HERE AT ONCE. Seriously, Doctors.

Dec. 10th, 2011


Have a modified version of that song meme - Give me one of my pups or a pairing they're in (or hypothetical pairings, whatever) and I'll give you a song that is totally theirs.

Dec. 1st, 2011


Yeah, this is going to help my slutty image so much.

... not that I'm complaining.

Nov. 28th, 2011




Nov. 25th, 2011


No, I'm not going to tell him and you can't make me. Stop making fun of me, mun.

Nov. 23rd, 2011


Stolen from Jewels!

Name one of my characters and I'll fill out the following for them:

- Does your character believe in true love or soul mates? Love at first sight?
- Are they or have they ever been in love?
- What are their general feelings about sex?
- How do they feel about sex without love?
- What about sex before marriage?
- What counts as cheating and is cheating forgivable?
- Have they or would they ever cheat?
- Are they a virgin?
- First partner? Most recent?
- What sort of experience do they have with sex?
- How comfortable are they with their body?
- With their partner's body?
- Who gave them "The Talk"?
- Post-sex habits? Weird habits?

Nov. 14th, 2011


Testing? Testing! Testing!


Nov. 10th, 2011


Stolen from Jewels!

Give me one of my characters and one of yours, and I will give you either: five facts about them, a drabble, or a song that is ~CLEARLY THEIR SONG~.

Nov. 2nd, 2011


... I do not appreciate your choice to resurrect me.


Mandy, you suck!

Pup Confessional

Pups can confess anything they want in the comments. Guesses and discussion then commence!


Yeah, let's keep that thing I have with James a secret, okay? We don't want to break Dad.

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