July 17th, 2013

[info]sans_evremonde in [info]phasetwo

...What is this place and what am I doing in it? The last that I knew, Mr. Carton, Sidney, had come to my cell, there was that smell and I felt faint, then woke to find myself out of my cell with the...glowing tunnel of light in front of me. I had to step though, didn't I?

But where is Lucie and my family? What is this city, truly? And this network? I am so very confused.

[info]thunderer_god in [info]phasetwo

These Casinos! I like them! Who would like to accompany me to the Grecian one this evening? While we may not have my brother's luck and skill, we shall make a night of it, machines, and ale and cards. Truly a manly and heroic pursuit for any on this network, would you not say?

[info]nor_the_arrow in [info]phasetwo

There was ale . A great deal of it. And Beregond promised I could stay over on his sofa, that he and his wife would NOT let my father or brother know and that sixteen is perfectly old enough to drink however much I damn well want to anyway after a fight with Denethor. Which is actually perfectly well reasoned if I do say so myself.

And I woke with a blinding headache and saw the tunnel of light everywhere and it told me I should continue onward so I did, then threw up on a guard's shoes in the middle of a palace with more bright lights and loin cloth wearing servants and got shoved onto the street because there's "no way you're legal, kid", and handed this communicating box.

Where I am. Why did they call me a goat? Is the mystery sea nymph beckoning to me from the green sign promising coffee Ulmo dressed up as a woman?

My brother is going to kill me.

[info]hiddentower in [info]phasetwo


What the HELL did you do NOW?