Aug. 13th, 2013



What the hell is going on this time? First California, now this place? This is just getting ridiculous. I don't even know how I ended up here!

Jul. 17th, 2013



What the HELL did you do NOW?


There was ale . A great deal of it. And Beregond promised I could stay over on his sofa, that he and his wife would NOT let my father or brother know and that sixteen is perfectly old enough to drink however much I damn well want to anyway after a fight with Denethor. Which is actually perfectly well reasoned if I do say so myself.

And I woke with a blinding headache and saw the tunnel of light everywhere and it told me I should continue onward so I did, then threw up on a guard's shoes in the middle of a palace with more bright lights and loin cloth wearing servants and got shoved onto the street because there's "no way you're legal, kid", and handed this communicating box.

Where I am. Why did they call me a goat? Is the mystery sea nymph beckoning to me from the green sign promising coffee Ulmo dressed up as a woman?

My brother is going to kill me.


These Casinos! I like them! Who would like to accompany me to the Grecian one this evening? While we may not have my brother's luck and skill, we shall make a night of it, machines, and ale and cards. Truly a manly and heroic pursuit for any on this network, would you not say?


...What is this place and what am I doing in it? The last that I knew, Mr. Carton, Sidney, had come to my cell, there was that smell and I felt faint, then woke to find myself out of my cell with the...glowing tunnel of light in front of me. I had to step though, didn't I?

But where is Lucie and my family? What is this city, truly? And this network? I am so very confused.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Shite, I think I overdid it on the astral projection this time.


This is an interesting magic. And this city is like nothing I've seen before.


network post

I should probably try to get better at utilizing this social media stuff. I'm Jennifer Walters, attorney at law. And I think that's enough shameless self-promotion for one day.

Jul. 13th, 2013


[Network Post]

I love you, little shiny thing. Oh yes, yes I do...

Shhh! Don't ruin the moment with words.

Jul. 7th, 2013


(network post)

Konnichiwa! I'm Inoue Orihime and it's a pleasure to meet you butbutbut oooOoOoooo? I think I took a wrong turn somewhere after coming home from the bakery! I just don't know where or how or what I really miss my friends and there's so so much food here that I want to stuff my face with it all until I explode! >3<

Is there anywhere I can find some really good donuts?


(network post)

What new devilry is this? Is this is what it is like to die, with these glaring flameless lights and poorly outfitted citizens? Need I bellow at more of them to stop staring, and warn them against orcs and other agents of Sauron which could threaten them with impending doom?!

Jul. 6th, 2013


(network post)

Go on this mission, they said. You'll be back by dusk, they said. It's only a weird little happening, not a weird major happening like when martians or vampires attack, they said.

Then I find myself in that thing that's in the middle of nowhere, known as Las bloody Vegas.

I need hazard pay.

And drinks.

Lots and lots of drinks.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Network Post


I didn't mean ta steal it I really didn't mean ta make that happen! It was just so pretty!


Network Post

Well that's......something. Sam might have been right about that pitfall.


[Network Post]

Feanor would just like to take this moment to say that... Do you have any idea how hard it is to herd seven cats through a portal? He was certain he'd miss one of them. Kano hides and of course Moryo cat wouldn't leave without his brown-haired barbie doll.

His new room has GEMS! So many gems to cut. He likes it here already. Two elven thumbs up! The High King is pleased. Yes.


Network post

This is not Germanys..I'm not sure how I came to be heres. But I am Hanna, and I am pleased to meets you all.


I'd just like to take a moment and welcome everyone to the new Stark Industries network! Everyone should have received a Stark Phone that is capable of connecting to the private network. The phones are also programmed with the phone number here to Stark Industries if you need to reach me for any questions. My name is Pepper Potts and I have been placed in charge of refugee relations. In addition to the Stark Phone, upon arrival you should have received a special credit card. Use this for whatever you like, the bill is being fronted so you don't have to worry about it. Everyone has also been assigned a room number inside Potts Tower here in Las Vegas, so welcome to your new home!