Posts Tagged: 'series:+the+wallflower'



event // open

[Kon is sitting on a couch, staring out of the window. He's nomming a riceball as he comments-] Pretty crappy weather we're having, huh.

[offers the plate without looking over] Here have one.

[ooc: safest riceballs ever, promise]

Non-Event / Open

[What sort of place had she managed to wander into? For a young girl from medieval France, this place was... well, baffling. Tall building, paved streets, no wilderness in sight save patches of it here and there.

So you'll have to excuse the dazed blinking around before she eventually wanders near a park. That looks somewhat more familiar and she ends up drifting over to it, walking down the pathways.
Luckily she's not clad in full plate armor at present, instead in a simple tunic and pants, her typical sleeping gear. Save she isn't asleep. Or she thought she was but...

Is this another vision?]