July 5th, 2010



non-event | open!

[Rath is on a quest. You see, Rath likes hunting demons of all kinds. He doesn't discriminate between ugly parasitic demons and pretty children demons - all will be slaughtered happily. Preferably with his sword and failing that - fire.]

[It's too bad that Rath can't read this demon info map.]

[Someone help him out?]



[Non-Event | Open]

[Okay. This isn't where he expected to find himself. It doesn't actually look like anywhere he's been before and he's been to a lot of places over the years. Even to heaven and back. He doesn't have any weapons or equipment on him. He doesn't even have a shaker of salt, but so far there isn't anything hostile. That's a plus.] Dean? Cas? Bobby?

(OOC: Oh, god, what am I even doing!?!? Um, first time attempting Sam from Supernatural. I'm voice testing. I may be slow. I may be fail. Please feel free to give me feedback. If I'm not too epicly bad and I don't come to my senses I might app him next round at [info]marinaslyum. He comes from the most recent season but before he lets SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER his body. Speaking of spoilers, the thread with Castiel is FULL of them.)