June 28th, 2010



[Old Zombie Event | Open]

I-I'm sorry...

[A young lady with long flowing hair and white robes was crouched in deep concentration in the middle of what resembles a golden dome of light -- no symbols, no pentagrams. The ambling teams of undead were drawn towards the warm source of energy. As they came into contact, the undead briefly takes their old human appearances, before disappearing into golden dust, seemingly peaceful in their wake.

She keeps up for a few minutes, or until her energy is drained. She leans onto her golden staff, short of breath, as the dome disappears, only leaving her with a weak glow about her person. Unfortunately, in her fatigue, she had failed to notice one or two of the undead come up from behind her, poised to bite or strike...]

(( ooc: here be Sasha -- a goddess Athena awakening to her Olympian powers -- from Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas. Voice testing~ |D Please help this poor dear and be blessed? XD;; ))

Event | Open

[Gaap had been bored, very very bored here so far, and very worried about waking up in a place she did not recognize - but when she walked into the park and saw some fruit - she had to try it. She was hungry, anyways! So why not. Who cared if it was poisonous? It wouldn't effect her! It would give her something to do, as well.

Now she was sitting at one of the small, white, bland, tables and was eating some figs and some blueberries. She wouldn't mind some company, as long as it wasn't anyone who was going to insult her dress.

She was, even if none of those stupid people realized, the most fashionable demon in the meta-universe. She was up-to-date with all fashions and trends.]

((ooc: voice testing Gaap from umineko (game)! Do you dare bug her? She wouldn't mind, actually.))