January 27th, 2010


[Event | Open]

[Daisy has absolutely no idea where she is and what is going on but there is a very serious horde beginning to gather outside the walls of the house she's holed-up in. She shouts out to nobody in particular.]

Anyone? Anyone who isn't undead, I mean. I could do with a bit of help, here?! Even if I have hallucinated all this, but I'm not the one who's obsessed with video games. It isn't fair. Couldn't I have hallucinated myself a shotgun?

[She wanders around the living room, over to the fireplace, and picks up a poker.]

I'm borrowing this! If...you're here...houseowners? ...maybe you're dead...



[ooc: Look, I saw the event and how could I possibly resist? Ever? Daisy Steiner over from [info]marinasylum  . VERY NEW from marinasylum, actually, so now she's just thinking in terms of a series of dreams.]

[Non event / Open]

[Lotti's just having fun being a creeper. She's currently hidden in the shadows, stalking down whoever comes her way. She's not unduly worried that she's in a vast, completely new kind of place. 96 years in the Abyss can sort of soften you to that.]

[Take care. She's watching.]

[ooc: Lotti is a creeper. And she likes to badtouch and hurt people. Post with perms in the header if you want Lotti to badtouch or to stab your character. No character deaths of course!]