Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

A gift for freckles42!

Title: In the Fray / Gradient
Artist: TBA
Giftee: Giftee: [info]freckles42
Pairing/Characters: Percy/Pansy
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I only pretend they are mine.
Summary: Percy and Pansy backed together in the middle of a battle / People
change over time. A series of interactions between Percy and Pansy during
and after the war
Artist's Notes: I am indecisive! Couldn’t figure out what side Pansy would
fight for, so drew two, one for each! I love avoiding active decision
making. Thought both these up before DH, so just pretend the war was much
longer and involved many more battles. Never really thought of this pair
before, but since have grown quite fond of them. Still can’t draw blonde
Pansy (I’m sorry canon, my brain doesn’t work that way!) Anyways, hope you
enjoy [info]freckles42!

In the Fray/Gradient )

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