The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in The Percy Ficathon's InsaneJournal:

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    Sunday, June 29th, 2008
    12:29 pm
    A gift for oh!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]oh
    Title: When You Touch Me Like This
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Penelope
    Rating: G
    Warnings: none
    Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me. I used various pictures I found to make this. The lyrics belong to Celine Dion.
    Summary: Just a touch, and everything is right with them.
    Notes: Artistry isn't my first gift, but I do enjoy manipulating images -- I hope that this is a satisfactory gift, even if it isn't what I think you must have expected.

    When You Touch Me Like This )
    Saturday, June 28th, 2008
    1:45 pm
    A gift for trubbleclef!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]trubbleclef
    Title: Strictly Business
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver, Draco/Zacharias, Kingsley
    Rating: R
    Word Count: 5000~
    Warnings: Post-war, AU.
    Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a spot of fun.
    Summary: Percy finds himself on the receiving end of some rather suggestive messages, and just when an old friend re-enters his life, too.
    Notes: Hope you enjoy this, [info]trubbleclef! Thanks to my wonderful beta, L. Any mistakes are my own.

    Strictly Business )
    Friday, June 27th, 2008
    11:15 am
    A gift for mnemosyne_1!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]mnemosyne_1
    Title: Good Morning
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Harry
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: none
    Disclaimer: characters owned by JKR, WB, etc. art depicts fictional situations for noncommercial, nonprofit fan enjoyment.
    Summary: Percy knew it was the beginning of something wonderful when he woke up to find Harry not only still in his bed, but in his bed holding out a perfectly brewed mug of coffee.

    Modly note: Much thanks to [info]mnemosyne_1 for pinch-hitting for this fest!

    Good Morning )
    Thursday, June 26th, 2008
    10:20 am
    A gift for eeyore9990!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]eeyore9990
    Title: Pickle in the Middle
    Pairing/Characters: Charlie/Percy/George (much to Percy's complete astonishment)
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 3440
    Warnings: Rather obviously it's Weasleycest, and a threesome at that.
    Disclaimer: So not mine.
    Summary: Percy discovers that there are actually some benefits to being the middle brother.
    Notes: Wow, this hand basket is really quite comfy… heh. Writing this story was a bit of a personal challenge for me, as I'd never written this particular taboo before. Despite that, I think I came up with something you just might like, Eey. Much appreciation to C for her sharp eyes and for being un-shockable, and thanks to D, who will wave at me from her cloud as I ride away in my hand basket.

    Pickle in the Middle )
    Wednesday, June 25th, 2008
    10:21 am
    A gift for analretentive!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]analretentive
    Title: Courtship of the Blind
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Harry
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 5200ish (5205, to be precise, Percy says)
    Warnings: wanking, snogging, happily-ever-after-ing
    Disclaimer: None of the characters, places, concepts, etc. belong to me – it's all the intellectual property of JKR, and I make no profit from playing with her characters.
    Summary: "There are none so blind as those that will not see."
    Notes: Thanks to N, A and R for the beta and hand-holding, to I for the idea that started it all, to [info]analretentive for the lovely prompt, and to the mod for running such a lovely fest! <3

    Courtship of the Blind )
    Tuesday, June 24th, 2008
    10:21 am
    A gift for ghot!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]ghot
    Title: Top Marks
    Pairing: Percy/Charlie
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 6,642
    Warnings: Incest, Percy is 14
    Disclaimer: Not mine. I only make them do naughty, naughty things…
    Summary: Percy doesn't know much about sex. Charlie teaches him. Getting an O has never been so much fun…
    Notes: Thank you so much to my betas, who absolutely rock.

    Top Marks )
    Monday, June 23rd, 2008
    10:48 am
    A gift for coffee_n_cocoa!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]coffee_n_cocoa
    Title: Percy Weasley and the Cessation of Boredom, or, How Neville Saved Percy
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Neville, secondary pairings, Harry/Oliver and Kingsley/Luna
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: ~ 8860
    Warnings (Enticements): Rimming, bottom!Percy, Top!Neville, graphic slash sex, non-graphic het.
    Disclaimer: Harry Potter and anyone you recognize belongs to J. K. Rowling, Warner Brothers, Scholastic Books, Bloomsbury Books, and all other entities involved in the Potterverse.
    Summary: Just when Percy is at his loneliest, along comes a “Saviour” to help him find his place in the bright new wizarding world.
    Notes: Thank you to my wonderful beta, S, and to my slashy partners in crime, you know who you are, without whom I could not have managed. [info]coffee_n_cocoa, you said that rimming, wandplay, spanking, and light bondage along with lots of kissing and foreplay, especially nippleplay, would make you happy. I hope I managed them here to your satisfaction.

    Percy Weasley and the Cessation of Boredom, or, How Neville Saved Percy )
    Sunday, June 22nd, 2008
    9:58 am
    A gift for ramblingnic!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]ramblingnic
    Title: A bit tied up
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver Wood
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Nakedness, wanking.
    Disclaimer: This is just for fun not profit
    Summary: Sometimes Percy can't do anything but watch
    Notes: Photoshop and Wacom
    Thanks to my girl for looking this over and the encouragement.

    To ramblingnic, I hope this hits the right spot for you. I've been wanting to draw Percy/Oliver for a while. Thanks for giving me the chance.

    A bit tied up )
    Saturday, June 21st, 2008
    12:01 pm
    A gift for rillalicious!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]rillalicious
    Title: Benchnotes
    Pairing/Characters: Percy, Bill, implied Percy/Bill
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count: 1300
    Warnings: Incest, angst, mentions of canon character death (canon compliant).
    Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
    Summary: Fred is buried on a Monday morning. Moving on is hard to do.
    Notes: [info]rillalicious, I really enjoyed your request! I tried to focus a bit on the Percy wibbling and uncertain about moral decisions and a canon Percy who's still loyal to his family parts. However, matter how many times I attempted to write you flat out Bill/Percy, they just did not want to cooperate. :/ So while this is not even remotely as ship-oriented as I wish it had turned out - it's more implied than anything - I still hope that you enjoy it nonetheless. Thanks to Miss A for all of her help and encouragement, as well as the fast and speedy beta. I never would have finished this without her. ♥

    Benchnotes. )
    Friday, June 20th, 2008
    11:13 am
    A gift for lee_west!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]lee_west (westwardlee on LJ)
    Title: n/a
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Copious amounts of hand holding
    Disclaimer: Not mine. Rowlings. Is my arts though.
    Summary: Oliver and Percy visit the borrow with the intentions of "coming out" to the family. Oliver is, of course, quite the gentleman.
    Notes: Photoshop magic.

    Percy/Oliver )

    Title: n/a
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Tonks
    Rating: G
    Warnings: Too much cute.
    Disclaimer: Not mine. Rowlings. Is my arts though.
    Summary: A sweet little scene. Doubles as a sweet desktop!
    Notes: Photoshop magic.

    But wait! There's more! )
    Thursday, June 19th, 2008
    10:35 am
    A gift for juniperus! (Part 2 of 2)
    Great Escape, Part 2 )
    10:34 am
    A gift for juniperus! (Part 1 of 2)
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]juniperus
    Title: Great Escape
    Pairing/Characters: Harry/Percy (mentions of Ron/Hermione, George/Angelina and Harry/Ginny)
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 13,334
    Warnings: DH spoilers, and post-DH spoilers (i.e. things JKR revealed after DH).
    Disclaimer: The world and characters of Harry Potter are the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I own nothing and will not profit from this story.
    Summary: Over a year after the war, Percy still has some issues he needs to work through, and Harry seems to be just the person to help him.
    Notes: A big thank-you to [info]eeyore9990 and [info]florahart for their betaing services. Another big thank-you to [info]emiime for this amazing ficathon, for procuring the aforementioned betas for me at the last minute and for being cool about giving out extra time. And finally, thank-you to [info]juniperus, my giftee, for prompting me to write Harry again after not writing him for years, and for making me pair him with Percy, which I'd never done before. These two won't stop shagging in every corner of my brain now. *g*

    Great Escape )

    Continue to Part 2
    Wednesday, June 18th, 2008
    10:20 am
    A gift for mnemosyne_1!
    Author: ???
    Recipient: [info]mnemosyne_1
    Title: My Brother's Keeper
    Rating: R
    Word Count: 4,650
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver, Fred/Oliver.
    Summary: After the war, Percy muses about life, changes careers and finds out a few unexpected things about himself and his brother.
    Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
    Notes: Canon character death. Much love and thanks to my very competent betas.

    My Brother's Keeper )
    Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
    10:05 am
    A gift for zephre!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]zephre
    Title: Getting Better at Being Better
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Neville/Anthony and permutations thereof
    Rating: R
    Word Count: 1631
    Warnings: Battle-induced PTSD
    Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me.
    Summary: Anthony twitches, and Neville smells of earth. And Percy tries to be a Better Person.
    Notes: [info]zephre, you asked for Percy to be paired with a member of the D.A.—well, you get two for one! Hope this pleases, even though I completely fail at being anonymous.

    Getting Better at Being Better )
    Monday, June 16th, 2008
    10:11 am
    Hey there Percy fans!

    We have been posting for a whole week already, and so far I've been really pleased with all the attention our little fest is getting. I want to ask you a favor--if you have recced (or do rec in the future) any of the fic or art from this fest, let me know as a comment to this post, please, so that I can send recs to the Daily Snitch. There's still lots of amazing fic and art to come, so keep watching the comm!
    10:07 am
    A gift for bibliophile!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]bibliophile
    Title: Lasting Ties
    Pairing: Percy/Oliver
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: None
    Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
    Summary: After Fred's funeral Percy is only able to truly get back to his life after an old schoolmate starts working in the same postwar relief as him.

    Lasting Ties )
    Sunday, June 15th, 2008
    11:34 am
    A gift for luvscharlie!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]luvscharlie
    Title: Imagining It
    Pairing: Percy/Tonks, (Bill/Tonks)
    Rating: NC17
    Word Count: 3,600
    Disclaimer: Not mine. No profit is being made.
    Summary: He was fantasising about his brother's girlfriend. It was sick. He probably was too. But Tonks was gorgeous, and clever, and she worked for the Ministry, and she'd been wearing a low-cut pink top that clung to curves that were Merlin's gift to the horny adolescent male, and he was an eighteen year old boy who had read a lot on the subject of raging hormones. So he probably couldn't help it.
    Author's Notes: I really hope you like it, [info]luvscharlie! ♥ Thanks to my beta-reader for much hand-holding.

    Imagining It )
    Saturday, June 14th, 2008
    10:39 am
    A gift for iamisaac!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]iamisaac
    Title: Chasing the Snitch
    Pairing/Characters: Percy/Oliver
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 2,445
    Warnings: Outdoor Sex/Public Sex
    Disclaimer: brunette from the States
    Summary: Percy and Oliver… a beginning.
    Notes: Many thanks to m for the beta and brit pick and to e for herding the commas into another story.

    Chasing the Snitch )
    Friday, June 13th, 2008
    10:18 am
    A gift for wallflowergirl!
    Author: ???
    Giftee: [info]kath_ballantyne on LJ; [info]wallflowergirl on IJ
    Title: Up to No Good
    Pairing/Characters: Fred/Percy/George
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 3,797
    Warnings: Twincest, Strong Sexual Content, All are underage, Weasleycest, Adult Language, Slash, Frottage, Oral, Voyeurism
    Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Harry Potter.
    Summary: While his fellow Gryffindors are celebrating their Quidditch victory over Ravenclaw, Hogwarts' Head Boy has an unforgettable encounter in the prefects' bathroom.
    Notes: wallflowergirl, I used your beautiful artwork to base this fic on. (I would have asked first, but that seemed to defeat the whole concept of an anonymous exchange.) I chose this beautiful piece as my inspiration: Pine Fresh Art. Set during POA, Chapter 13, Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw, after Gryffindor has won the Quidditch match. I intended to include your kink of UST, but by the end of this monster, I needed closure much more than the characters did! Thank you both L. and E. for the beta work.

    Up to No Good )
    Thursday, June 12th, 2008
    10:00 am
    A gift for alisanne!
    Artist: ???
    Giftee: [info]alisanne
    Title: changing room
    Pairing/Characters: Kingsley/Percy
    Rating: R
    Warnings: smut
    Disclaimer: not belonging to me.
    Summary: nothing wrong with taking advantage of small enclosed spaces.
    Notes: hope you like alisanne! it was fun! I didn't quite get Percy in those panties, but I'm sure that Kingsley will think up a few ideas with that bra. and Percy's foot is on one of those changing booth bench things, I swear he isn't floating.

    Changing Room )
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