Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Assignments sent!

All assignments are out and should be nestled in your email inboxes now! If you did not receive your assignment, please email me at and I will re-send it.

Happy plotting, writing, and drawing! Remember, if you need anything at all, do not hesitate to email me!

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Signups closed!

Aaaaaaaaand that's it! Signups are closed! I will be doing assignments here shortly and you'll have them in your hot little hands by this evening (if not earlier).

We have 38 people signed up to participate in the fest this year, a good mix of authors and artists, new faces and repeat offenders, and I couldn't be more excited to see all the great stuff you talented people come up with!
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Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Signup Post!

The time has come! This is the official signup post for the 2008 wave of the Percy Ficathon. Artists and authors, please copy and paste the form below into a comment and fill out the relevant information. Signups will run for one week; they will close next Saturday, March 8th. Assignments will be emailed to you on Sunday, March 9th.

A couple of reminders:

First, if you have dropped out of any previous wave of the Percy Ficathon, it's quite unlikely you're going to find an assignment in your email next Sunday. Translation: If you disappeared on me, you're ineligible to play. (If you were courteous and gave me plenty of notice, we can talk.)

Second, you do not need to request to join the Insanejournal community. All art and fic will be posted publicly.

Third, you don't have to have an Insanejournal to participate. Anonymous comments will be enabled.

Finally, please pimp this fest! The more participants and watchers, the more fun! There are banners and icons here to help you do just that, courtesy of [info]reallyreally and [info]swtalmnd!

And now for the signup form!

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Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Banners and icons!

The generous and talented [info]reallyreally and [info]swtalmnd have donated their time and talents and we now have banners and icons with which to promote the 2008 Percy Ficathon! Feel free to take any and all (please save the icons to your own computer; for the banners just copy and paste the code in the box) but be certain to credit [info]reallyreally for the art and [info]swtalmnd for the banner/icon, as they both worked hard on this project.

Only four more days until signups!

artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Hi everyone,

There have been a lot of people requesting to join this community and who are probably wondering why their requests were denied. It's simple: there's no need to join the comm on IJ! Everything will be posted publicly, so you only need to watch the community.

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Monday, February 25th, 2008

Signups start Sunday!

Hi there, Percy fans! Signups for this year's Percy Ficathon will begin this Sunday, March 2nd. I'm going to put up the template now so you can all start thinking about your signups.

This is not the signup post! I will be putting that up around midnight Sunday. Signups will run until Saturday, March 8th, and assignments will be emailed to you on Sunday, March 9th.


Age Statement: (You MUST be over 18 to participate in this year's Percy Ficathon; this has changed from past years.)
I will be giving: (Fic/art)
I would like to receive: (Fic/art/no preference)
Genres I can write/draw: (Slash, het, gen, all of the above)
Genres I CANNOT write/draw: (Slash, het, gen)
Pairings/characters I CANNOT write/draw:
Situations/kinks/etc. I CANNOT write/draw:
Pairings/characters I would like in my gift: (Please list at least three)
Kinks/genres/special requests for my gift:
Pairings/characters I would NOT like in my gift:
Kinks/genres I would NOT like in my gift:
Someone on my flist who knows my preferences and who can keep a secret:

Happy planning!
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Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Percy Ficathon 2008!

Now that we're all settling into the new year, it's time to blow the dust off the Percy Ficathon! Signups won't be starting for a while yet, but I wanted to let you super-organized types know what the dates will be, so you can plan ahead.

The schedule for thie year's Percy Ficathon will be:

Sign ups: Sunday-Saturday, March 2-8
Assignments sent: Sunday, March 9
Assignments DUE: SATURDAY, MAY 31
Fics posted: beginning Monday, June 9

I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope you are, too!
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Friday, August 24th, 2007

Hey there, Percyfans!

Hope you're all enjoying the fic and art that's been posted so far...I know I am, and there's lots more to come, too!  *squees a little*

Just an FYI--there's no need to request membership to this comm.  Everything will be posted unlocked on IJ.  If you want to request membership for the comm on LJ, you will need to have an age statement in your profile and a journal with some sort of content.  (One or two random memes that you posted last week don't count as content, sorry.)

Keep watching the comm! 
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