The time has come! This is the official signup post for the 2008 wave of the Percy Ficathon. Artists and authors, please copy and paste the form below into a comment and fill out the relevant information. Signups will run for one week; they will close next Saturday, March 8th. Assignments will be emailed to you on Sunday, March 9th.
A couple of reminders:
First, if you have dropped out of any previous wave of the Percy Ficathon, it's quite unlikely you're going to find an assignment in your email next Sunday. Translation: If you disappeared on me, you're ineligible to play. (If you were courteous and gave me plenty of notice, we can talk.)
Second, you do not need to request to join the Insanejournal community. All art and fic will be posted publicly.
Third, you don't have to have an Insanejournal to participate. Anonymous comments will be enabled.
Finally, please pimp this fest! The more participants and watchers, the more fun! There are banners and icons
here to help you do just that, courtesy of
reallyreally and
And now for the signup form!