The Percy Ficathon's Journal
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Thursday, February 28th, 2008

    Time Event
    Banners and icons!
    The generous and talented [info]reallyreally and [info]swtalmnd have donated their time and talents and we now have banners and icons with which to promote the 2008 Percy Ficathon! Feel free to take any and all (please save the icons to your own computer; for the banners just copy and paste the code in the box) but be certain to credit [info]reallyreally for the art and [info]swtalmnd for the banner/icon, as they both worked hard on this project.

    Only four more days until signups!

    artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

    artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

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