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[11 Aug 2017|01:09am]
[info]maester davos, the sand snakes, cersei, euron, sam tarly, satin, willas tyrell
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[11 Aug 2017|01:19am]
I have terrible timing here- but I'd love some family for this girl over at [info]nolala or people who frequent the bar she works at! Leave me some ideas to wake up to please!!
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[11 Aug 2017|02:46am]
anyone pb hilarie burton/sophia bush?
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[11 Aug 2017|06:39am]
[info]stormvale, still seeking the girl he "rescued" from a bad situation, the manager of his restaurant, a romantic interest, and all the things other people want
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[11 Aug 2017|07:18am]
[info]community she's a new resident in north village, so old lines won't work but new stuff would be great! neighbors or anyone looking for co-workers, she runs a not-so-profitable etsy shop so anything entry level in any field would work
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[11 Aug 2017|07:53am]
[info]lineart maggie sawyer, jim gordon, alfred pennyworth, martian manhunter for [info]missmartian, thorverse characters, black panther, flashfam & rogues, inertia as [info]zoomings twin, bat rogues, beacon hill neighbors, friends, cousins, more lgbt characters, it's my last day of work before i'm off for a week so let's make beautiful things happen
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[11 Aug 2017|07:54am]
[info]lineart that feel when people derail discussions about lgbt+ representation. ANYWAY inertia as his twin brother so we can drown in family feels, max mercury for that same reason, martian manhunter for the beautiful amazing [info]missmartian, more ghost enthusiasts to hang with this kid and [info]kamuro, more rogues of all types, i hear more thorverse people would be loved, someone bring me the barista that kinda hates him kinda loves him, there are so many more things but i need to not write a novel here so ♥
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[11 Aug 2017|08:40am]
[info]lineart happy morning, angelfaces! Bring us all the usual: AQUAFAM (esp. Aqualad, please and thank you) Martian Manhunter, lanterns of every color, bat rogues, more villains in general. Inertia as [info]zooming's twin, Maggie Swayer and Alfred Pennyworth for my lovely [info]tumbling, Thorverse people (I mean, come on. Get excited for upcoming movie!...which is months away but w/e) BLACK PANTHER (we have so many people that would love to have you around), inspiration on a Friday when all I want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep. YOU!
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[11 Aug 2017|08:55am]
[info]lineart before I fall back to sleep, cyclops, black panther, havok, cable, dani moonstar, hrimhari, thorverse, x-men 2099verse, and anyone else!
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[11 Aug 2017|09:33am]
[info]lineart my usual plea for matt mercer, ashley johnson, sam riegel, taliesin jaffe, marisha ray, nolan north, and why not, wil wheaton. odin, heimdall, the rest of the warriors three, balder, enchantress (i don't think we have the marvel one), captain america and whatever lines and contacts we can come up with.
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[11 Aug 2017|09:36am]
[info]community selena gome or taylor swift for something specific, lfo enthusiasts, lines with everyone coming in
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[11 Aug 2017|09:44am]
[info]portlander his partner. fantasy football league friends. dog lovers. a blind date. a couple exes. robert downey jr, jeremy renner, scarlett johansson, anthony mackie, hayley atwell, emily vancamp, ryan reynolds, jessica alba & minka kelly + anna faris & jennifer lawrence for [info]garrison
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[11 Aug 2017|10:00am]
[info]surrogate thomas, lucille and alan from crimson peak. i have line ideas and face suggestions if you need them, a medium, an oddities shop owner, a childhood friend from buffalo, del toro characters, gothic heroines, people from scarier source material, journalists, writers, bookish types for a book club and true crime buffs. if you're stuck on character ideas, i have a ton, just let me know what you're looking for/into.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:00am]
[info]surrogate all applied, bring me star wars! leia, rey, finn, chewie, r2d2, c3po, darth vader, lando calrissian, jyn erso, cassian andor, boba fett
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[11 Aug 2017|11:07am]
[info]surrogate everyone to login to the ffa to get this started! talia al ghul, batman, harley quinn, penguin, the riddler, lady shiva, vox, the flash, captain marvel, black widow, wolverine, storm, mystique, she-hulk, gamora! people from other universes i'd love to see; rick grimes, mary poppins, arya stark, marty mcfly, lilo & stitch, inside out characters, villains from disney, pennywise and michonne
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[11 Aug 2017|11:09am]
[info]surrogate giles, xander, TARA, spike, angel! everyone actually, all of the gossip girl cast, etc
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[11 Aug 2017|11:20am]
[info]alignment now that i think i have a handle on her, i'd love another connection or two. maybe someone she knew growing up, more cookie cutter hero types to clash with, socialites, kiko mizuhara as possibly a half sister, villains, kids of villains, etc.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:35am]
[info]surrogate all buffy related characters! unrelated: glenn rhee, veronica mars and logan echolls, captain america, captain marvel, thor and wonderwoman, the joker, ed and lorraine warren from the conjuring because ghost hunters would be awesome, finn, jake and marceline from adventure time, ron, neville, harry, bellatrix and the rest of the hp people, the girls from the three dark crowns book, pennywise, moana
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[11 Aug 2017|11:39am]
so i really love the idea of this character and would like to write her. i was considering [info]surrogate but would be open to going to a town or city comm or playing her in a psl. her pb is up for discussion but i intend on keeping her at least half japanese-american. if anyone is interested in seeing her somewhere or some kind of line let me know.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:50am]
any other interest in a got inspired game where people come from great houses and try to win the throne? some basic house info in the journal currently but want to make sure there is interest before i work on it
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[11 Aug 2017|11:52am]
[info]surrogate neville, ron, hermione, harry, james, newt, bellatrix, draco & all the harry potter people, the stranger things people, sailor moon loves, many more comic book characters, disney: cinderella, snow white, ariel, prince charming, stitch, moana, hei hei, maui
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[11 Aug 2017|12:12pm]
an american revolution psl, anyone? i have details, pb suggestions and it can be het or femme.
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[11 Aug 2017|12:20pm]
[info]community tasya teles or marie avgeropoulos for a specific ex line with some details, ricky whittle for her gym partner who she's crushing on so baaad, nikohl boosheri and aisha dee because i'm obsessed with them. her older and younger sisters, it comes with heavy background and a lot of narrative potential! exes and flings and hookups of any gender and varying degrees of seriousness, customs and lines from everyone
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[11 Aug 2017|12:26pm]
[info]portlander big brother, two little sisters, fellow chefs, custom buddies.
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[11 Aug 2017|12:27pm]
[info]oceanside rachel hilbert asap
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[11 Aug 2017|12:38pm]
[info]surrogate i am glad we're chugging along so bring him ex-flings and one night stands because he's a cad, a roommate that doesn't know much about him and vice versa, people he stole from a bit when he was younger or even recently, scar, simba, elsa, anna, rapunzel, moana, pinocchio, tarzan and jane, lilo and stitch, megara
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[11 Aug 2017|12:46pm]
[info]surrogate any lines and un suggestions for hermione granger whilst i run to get lunch and get her set up.
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[11 Aug 2017|12:49pm]
[info]surrogate alright i'm going to do it because why not? please bring us marvel while i work on him, a younger sister maybe
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[11 Aug 2017|12:56pm]
is there anyone around these parts who pbs chris wood? pretty please.
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[11 Aug 2017|12:59pm]
would shawn or gus from psych or anyone from the new girl or happy endings universes be wanted at [info]surrogate?
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[11 Aug 2017|01:15pm]
[info]surrogate i'm just way too excited. bring us xander, angel, spike, tara, and all the rest of the scoobies and big bads.
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[11 Aug 2017|01:26pm]
[info]surrogate i want to bring tom as either spider-man OR finn from adventure land and i'm torn so opinions?!
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[11 Aug 2017|01:26pm]
[info]lineart ashley johnson, matthew mercer, sam riegel, marisha ray, taliesin jaffe, nolan north. i have plenty of cv suggestions for all of them too! jane foster, balder the brave, hela, heimdall, the warriors three, enchantress/amora, captain america, friends, current/former students, workout buddies, exes, former flings, i'm up for brainstorming things with people as well!
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[11 Aug 2017|01:49pm]
[info]surrogate captain hook, tink, tigerlily, wendy & john, the rest of the lost boys, aladdin, jasmine, jafar, genie, robin hood, batman, woody & buzz, moana, archer characters, luke skywalker, the flash, wonder woman, spider-man, bart simpson, cersei lannister, ursula, hiccup & toothless and i can come with pb suggestions
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[11 Aug 2017|01:56pm]
[info]community chole moretz, emma roberts, neels visser, grace sewell, amandla stenberg, niall horan, dominic sherwood, francisco lachowski
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[11 Aug 2017|02:23pm]
Does anyone play Candace Patton or any other similar woc and would be willing to come to a gpsl?
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[11 Aug 2017|02:37pm]
[info]originations a half-sibling, sigmas, an omicron ex, the elders, someone to keep me from holding two characters before i've finished his bio.
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[11 Aug 2017|02:52pm]
[info]originations bringing in an omicron and cousin to [info]necromann. i'd love to find his less than well adjusted sibling to stir the pot. let's make a line!
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[11 Aug 2017|02:55pm]
[info]community more stuff, his recent ex gf, zoe kravitz, more neighbors in downtown
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[11 Aug 2017|03:22pm]
[info]lineart the original xmen movie is on. bring me azazel, cyclops, toad & chris hemsworth as sabretooth.
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[11 Aug 2017|03:28pm]
[info]surrogate i would love teen wolf and the walking dead characters but also veronica mars, e.t, james bond, mulder&skully, sarah connor, the terminator, jack sparrow, jake and marceline from adventure time, someone brave enough to write hannibal, norman bates, dexter morgan, arya stark, firefly characters and disney characters
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[11 Aug 2017|03:28pm]
[info]portlander it is! considering making her a nurse of some kind, could she get any lines for that? she's a chicago native who came to portland for college in 2008ish and is [info]mran's old roommate and good friend. also, emilia clarke and jason momoa a male for something poly!
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[11 Aug 2017|03:35pm]
does anyone want a channing tatum for a psl?
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[11 Aug 2017|03:43pm]
[info]newamsterdam or [info]thehudson what females would be wanted?
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[11 Aug 2017|04:13pm]
[info]portlander ignore the journal but what guys are wanted. thinking about a small town law enforcement officer but flexible if there's other job-related lines wanted.
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[11 Aug 2017|04:21pm]

Anything for Chelsea Spack while I work on her? She'll be a healer who got trigged in a car crash (everyone thinks she was simply knocked out but its not the case). I've also got some general ideas for most of the Gotham cast (CMS or Ben McKenzie for a fellow healer love interest? RLT for a cousin?)
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[11 Aug 2017|04:27pm]
[info]stormvale a male for a detailed ex line, a former best friend, pll faces, plus the things that everyone else wants
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[11 Aug 2017|04:36pm]
ignore the face. looking for a psl with a may/december couple. i don't mind playing male or female.
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[11 Aug 2017|04:50pm]
[info]surrogate ignore the icon, anyone want to bring the Descendants kids?
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[11 Aug 2017|05:07pm]
[info]exosolar adds tonight!
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[11 Aug 2017|05:43pm]
[info]lineart spideyverse folks from across the universe(s).
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[11 Aug 2017|06:08pm]
[info]maester davos, tormund, the sand snakes, cersei, euron, sam tarly, satin, willas tyrell
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[11 Aug 2017|06:19pm]
[info]lineart in honor of actually meeting troy this weekend (and meeting nolan for a second time), bring me nolan north! just do it. other voice actors too, as well as all the batrogues for a large dysfunctional family of friends
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[11 Aug 2017|06:22pm]
[info]community anyone need a cousin? could i get a roommate for her, an ex or two, a best friend who knows her better than anyone else
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[11 Aug 2017|06:28pm]
[info]thehudson emma roberts, ariana grande, nick jonas, becca tobin, melissa beonist, billie lourd, glen powell, keke palmer, taylor lautner, darren criss, chord overstreet, jon groff
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[11 Aug 2017|06:58pm]
[info]surrogate captain malcolm reynolds, anyone? the rest of the firefly crew to get all up in this bitch.
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[11 Aug 2017|07:01pm]
[info]portlander the rory to her lorelai, JOHN KRASINSKI and Rose Byrne! Custom buddies too.
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[11 Aug 2017|07:30pm]
[info]thehudson adelaide kane, chelsea vittorio, brittany snow, amber heard, ricki hall, and some cousins
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[11 Aug 2017|07:38pm]
[info]alignment because i want to scene. a villain to battle it out with, armie hammer, all the things.
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[11 Aug 2017|08:00pm]
[info]surrogate slowly working on this one. tell me what you need while i figure out what i'm doing with her and come at me buffy-verse.
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[11 Aug 2017|08:02pm]
[info]surrogate bring me all the adventure time babies, especially bubblegum for an on/off relationship that's ridiculous, jake & finn to be her best friends she loves harassing, the ice king as the father figure she looks up to, lumpy princess to cause trouble with, exes of either gender, bandmates, co-workers for the bar she works at, roommates who hate her, everything while i sit my procrastinating ass down and actually finish her up
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[11 Aug 2017|08:03pm]
[info]community , justin timberlake, chris pratt, chris evans, channing tatum, rahul kohli. 🎉
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[11 Aug 2017|08:16pm]
[info]portlander more people to get into trouble with
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[11 Aug 2017|08:24pm]
[info]exosolar check out this for some quality ideas and wanted lines!
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[11 Aug 2017|08:27pm]
[info]thehudson i'm sick so please bring me lili reinhart, cole sprouse, madelaine petsch, casey cott, an ex girlfriend or two, a current fwb or tinder match
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[11 Aug 2017|08:27pm]
[info]newamsterdam today was a disaster but I'll have him all set for tomorrow, so...lines?
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[11 Aug 2017|08:28pm]
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[11 Aug 2017|08:28pm]
Can I get anything het for him? Willing to play against a celeb or a pb, just want something active over aim or journals. Feel free to comment my screened post!
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[11 Aug 2017|08:34pm]
[info]maester the sand snakes, daemon sand, doran, ellaria, southerners in general, davos the hypeman, missandei, grey worm, sam tarly, everyone.
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[11 Aug 2017|08:39pm]
Yay weekend. Can I get some lines for him at [info]stormvale? He's looking for the girl he rescued (or who rescued him depending on what angle we're looking at), a romantic interest, the manager of his restaurant, and other people have wants. Casual and laidback, Stormvale's a weird little town looking for its residents to come home.
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[11 Aug 2017|08:58pm]
[info]portlander. Bradley Cooper, Mark Wahlberg, Ryan Reynolds, Jon Bernthal.
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[11 Aug 2017|09:32pm]
anyone want a psl with either a active duty or retired military person?
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[11 Aug 2017|09:52pm]
[info]portlander her oldest friend for some mischief and history!
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[11 Aug 2017|09:57pm]
[info]surrogate batman, nightwing, scarecrow, and basically just everyone dc.
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[11 Aug 2017|09:59pm]
[info]oceanside dylan minnette, matthew gray gubler, aarika wolf, rachel hilbert, stella maxwell, mac demarco, her younger sister, a past fling, a neighbor or two, e v e r y t h i n g else
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[11 Aug 2017|10:03pm]
[info]originations come have some magical fun
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[11 Aug 2017|10:23pm]
[info]oceanside something to get me excited about writing again
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[11 Aug 2017|10:42pm]
[info]antiquis aldis hodge for her watcher, booboo stewart, more teenage characters of all types.
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[11 Aug 2017|10:57pm]
[info]highborns a medieval/got inspired gpsl open for holds.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:21pm]
[info]surrogate would anyone want to bring wynonna earp crew? alternatively, would anyone want to bring kat barrell and dominique provost chalkley somewhere?
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[11 Aug 2017|11:35pm]
something for men in journal?
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[11 Aug 2017|11:38pm]
[info]exosolar oscar isaac, lee dong wook, or gong yoo for her secret rebel spy partner. not romantic. the kennex to her dorian.
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[11 Aug 2017|11:42pm]
[info]lineart HUNTRESS, JIM GORDON, Maggie Sawyer for [info]tumbling, Martian Manhunter for [info]missmartian, other missing Birds of Prey, missing Bat Rogues, Flashfam and Rogues, Arrow baddies, Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) and Lanterns across the spectrum
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