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[22 Sep 2014|12:05am]
[info]newamsterdam ladies, ladies, ladies. nasim pedrad, amy poehler, kristen wiig, tina fey, columbia alumi, neighbors, fellow comedians for a comedy troupe, a younger sister
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[22 Sep 2014|12:07am]
[info]univ more alpha sig boys, a little, football players, someone to keep me from murdering one of these two laptops.
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[22 Sep 2014|12:13am]
[info]univ all unclaimed ~students holds have been cleared. the application is now open. first adds tues @9PM
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[22 Sep 2014|12:14am]
[info]univ lines as i get her together! she's the older sister of [info]greenmascara
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[22 Sep 2014|12:18am]
[info]univ lines with everyone please! if you're not here yet and should be, please let me know because my trash folder deleted itself and i can't find all your notifs :( and if you're not there in general, what are we waiting for?!
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[22 Sep 2014|12:18am]
[info]newamsterdam what ~flannagan said. and then some. don't make me do a sir mix a lot karaoke again.
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[22 Sep 2014|12:22am]
psl for michael b. jordan, frank ocean, or drake?
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[22 Sep 2014|12:52am]
[info]supersuit nate parker or aldis hodge as black panther, charlie hunnam as iron fist, michael b jordan as power man, she hulk, spiderwoman, echo, diane guerrero as white tiger, misty knight, luke cage, blade, ghost rider, sharlto copley as dr doom, idris elba as blue marvel, kerry washington or tinka sumpter as storm, x-men, other avengers, magneto, mr. sinister, thanos, people for her to chat up.
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[22 Sep 2014|01:15am]
[info]univ probably the worst timing ever since i might crash soon, but maybe some lines to wake up to? as of right now she's from nashville, a junior and music education major, and varsity cheerleader. she needs everything and i'd love to brainstorm!
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[22 Sep 2014|01:18am]
[info]univ what would she be wanted for?
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[22 Sep 2014|01:54am]
[info]supersuit same 'ol list of the usual suspects and i'm immensely tempted to hold lily collins as zatanna zatara, y/n?
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[22 Sep 2014|01:57am]
can i get a femme psl for aubrey plaza, hannah simone, freida pinto, gillian jacobs, or lupita nyong'o?
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[22 Sep 2014|02:33am]
[info]univ info up, let's talk lines before i apply.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:05am]
Dragon Age II lines for a Varric Tethras or Anders? Slash or het, aim or thread is fine. C'mon! I need to feed my addiction.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:09am]
[info]thehudson more lines since her life is about to get infinitely more interesting in the next week. she has an older and younger brother if anyone is bold enough. i also wouldn't mind finding a girl she's currently hooking up with.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:12am]
what ladies are wanted at [info]univ
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[22 Sep 2014|07:18am]
Currently have no distractions would anyone be willing to play the male part in an age gap line against her? (or Adelaide Kane)
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[22 Sep 2014|07:45am]
[info]newamsterdam lines for this 34 year old kindergarten teacher? i’d love the serious ex girlfriend that he broke up with out of nowhere (he cheated on her with a man but never told her), past male craigslist flings (yeah, he’s a risk taker clearly), exes, someone to watch his old man dog when he's working, old roommates, a bad influence in his life, anything else!
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[22 Sep 2014|07:46am]
What guys are wanted where? Lines are appreciated
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[22 Sep 2014|08:13am]
we still people wanted by our active members! we will be removing anyone that hasn't participated in one of the last two posts tonight
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[22 Sep 2014|08:23am]
[info]univ good morning! How about lines with anyone i haven't talked to. Tri delt sisters, a new pledge she can adopt as her little, a roommate in the 3D house, education majors, soccer players, girls on the swim team, friendsssss. We can work something out!
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[22 Sep 2014|08:33am]
[info]supersuit i can't even deal with how tired i am right now, jesus christ. wolverine, cable, shiklah as 'the' ex, thor, darcy lewis, more people that i can't even think of right now. tons of new characters just opened up, so grab them while you can! more guy friends, more chuck faces because adam baldwin, ryan mcpartlin, josh gomez and sarah lancaster are adorbs and need to be here asap.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:52am]
[info]univ what male faces are wanted around? if i could fill some lines that would be great.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:59am]
lines for the alpha chi omega vp, [info]univ?
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[22 Sep 2014|09:05am]
[info]univ what girls are wanted? Anyone need any family?
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[22 Sep 2014|09:10am]
[info]univ the worst time, i know, but what guys are wanted for lines? or would anyone be interested in taking in a toxic relationship where they can be the screaming, drunken messes at parties everyone is rolling their eyes at? basically the ronnie/sam of u of m.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:13am]
anyone else remember the short lived Terra Nova and would like a small group psl?
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[22 Sep 2014|09:18am]
[info]supersuit lines for talia al ghul. batman. bane. ra's al ghul. perhaps damien wayne. jason todd. nyssa. league of assassins. most of all lines with folks already in game.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:21am]
Home options for a Chris Evans and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:23am]
[info]newamsterdam Sienna Miller, Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet and/or Alexa Chung for some detailed ex-girlfriend line, her literary agent line, and a best friend line. Even though there's a male cap right now I'd like to see Jude Law, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Craig for a detailed ex line too I had in mind. We can plot out the details and even write a backstory until the male cap is lifted.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:34am]
[info]infected who pb's emilia clarke and richard madden?
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[22 Sep 2014|09:37am]


Everybody has wondered what it would be like to have it all.
Including you.
Fame. Fortune. Fans.
Would it be heaven, or hell on earth?

Set in fictional Skyline Drive in the Hollywood Hills.
Refuge of the rich and famous, this newly completed gated community is a mixture of 1930's glamor mansions and award-winning modern architecture overlooking the city.

Movie & television actors & actresses living alongside music superstars, producers, directors and reality stars in a safe, private environment.

Walk of Fame is a game about celebrity for original characters.
No credits, thread-based game.



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[22 Sep 2014|09:41am]
[info]univ now that life stopped sucking, let's try this again.
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[22 Sep 2014|10:04am]
[info]univ should I keep isabelle or go with someone else? lines! A best girl friend, the boy she slept with while she was split from her boyfriend, friends, a roommate, everything else!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:12am]
[info]univ more lines! some close friends, a roommate (either sex), some ex-flings (either sex), maybe someone who doesn't like her just for fun?
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[22 Sep 2014|10:26am]
[info]univ fellow pi beta phi sisters, a big, pharmaceutical sciences majors, people who like to jam since i'm considering having her minor in music, friends, maybe a cousin
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[22 Sep 2014|10:37am]
[info]supersuit balder, heimdall, beta ray bill, the warriors three, odin, frigga, darcy lewis, iron man, pepper potts.
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[22 Sep 2014|10:42am]
[info]univ more lines! any alpha sigma phi guys i haven't talked to, a little in the fraternity, other social chairs from greek life who might want to coordinate events together, more guy friends, fellow sociology or public policy majors, etc. anything and everything, let's go!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:43am]
[info]producer friends and enemies and tour friends and all sorts of other things for marina credits
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[22 Sep 2014|10:45am]
[info]univ a fellow ann arbor native for a childhood best friend who was also given up for adoption at birth, others majoring in education, job and sport suggestions because i'm torn, a roommate, tyler posey, dylan o'brien, shelley hennig, claire holt, tyler hoechlin, arden cho, molly tarlov, alfie enoch, jamie chung, karlie kloss, taylor swift, max carver, charlie carver, leven rambin, brandon t. jackson, emma watson, leah pipes, danielle campbell, candice accola, cassie steele all for various lines! also if we haven't spoken, let's fix that!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:46am]
[info]producer help me come back to life. more aussies, surfers, co-stars, an ex, chris hemsworth, chris evans, daisy lowe, dakota johnson, emily browning, anthony mackie, michael b. jordan
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[22 Sep 2014|10:52am]
[info]univ so many posts, so little time. the friend she pledged with and recently had a bad falling out with, biology majors to study and compete with, more pi beta phi sisters, her roomie in the pi beta house, an ex-boyfriend she had a bad break up with and someone who is her go-to psychonaut buddy to experiment with.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:01am]
[info]univ past hookups of either gender, a roommate, the boy she corrupts, friends to smoke with, some family would be wonderful too
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[22 Sep 2014|11:20am]
I would love to brainstorm some PSLs if anyone is interested.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:25am]
[info]univ what guy faces are wanted around the most?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:27am]
het psl anyone?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:27am]
[info]univ going to the dentist first thing in the morning is the worst. gimme lines while i think about taking a nap.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:54am]
still looking for some psls! information in the journal.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:54am]
Where would this girl be wanted? Bio can be tweaked to fit. Please, no Celeb or Faux.
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[22 Sep 2014|12:07pm]
[info]univ friends, the odd future guys for roommates or any roomies in general really, ~wellendowed to come to me, a m/f for something specific, willy cartier, tinie tempah, pals that he deals to, people he's gotten into fights with
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[22 Sep 2014|12:10pm]
[info]newamsterdam ladies, come one and come all! i need his sisters, one brother, (post-cap lifting, of course,) an ex wife, and teachers he's worked with and that have worked under his scary principal reign
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[22 Sep 2014|12:23pm]
[info]supersuit i need those mighty avengers to swing on through so they can be a group of badass swagmaticians.
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[22 Sep 2014|12:45pm]
[info]univ a senior girl that was his freshman year girlfriend and bonus points if she hails from boston originally, a sophomore or junior boy or girl for an in depth family line, a step-sibling that just joined his family summer before last for some awkward but extremely fun times, more sigma phi epsilon brothers, and let me work out lines with all of yous.
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[22 Sep 2014|12:53pm]
[info]univ the male enid coleslaw to her rebecca as the person who she dupes people in the missed connections on craigslist with, roommates, her little/older brother for a georgie and poppy carlton dynamic, sarcastic little shits, friends, someone who frequents the record store she works at, give it all up
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[22 Sep 2014|01:00pm]
[info]producer the weekend killed me but i'm back so does anyone want lines? an ex or two, fellow troublemakers, more swede credits (especially icona pop and say lou lou), i'm up for brainstorming! she's got the credits of tove lo
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[22 Sep 2014|01:04pm]
[info]univ i fell asleep on the people i was talking to last night so let's try this again! volleyball/dance team members, a roommate, other forensic science majors or any science majors in general, neighbors, exes
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[22 Sep 2014|01:16pm]
[info]greaterlondon - open faces and lines in casual and laid back setting. help us build a diverse community and enjoy aim, live chat, cards against humanity, group posts, and more. bring your muse or check our wanted page for ideas and lines.

currently, players are looking for a bff, three older brothers, a baby sister, the close sister, an estranged bio-father, half-brother, the "legitimate" half-sister (pakistani), you named me sue, how do you do, nothing rebounds like a fwb, a stand in baby daddy/mate, artistic husband, ex who's holding back, baby sister, one off that turns to friendship, bio-mum with struggles, bio-dad comes into the picture, long lost school chum, mentor, nerd love, sister who took custody of her...

adds take place at MIDNIGHT EST monday/wednesday/friday
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[22 Sep 2014|01:23pm]
home? psl?
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[22 Sep 2014|01:33pm]
[info]univ more friends, please! the jason dean to his veronica sawyer
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[22 Sep 2014|01:43pm]
[info]northwest his personal assistant/confidante, two younger sisters, the best friend who set him up with his wife. who wants something?
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[22 Sep 2014|01:49pm]
[info]univ let's get it on, hit me with all you've got while i tackle day two of these laptop battles.
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[22 Sep 2014|01:56pm]
anyone interested in picking up claims of hannah hart, mamrie hart, tyler oakley, flula, josh golden or troye sivan?
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[22 Sep 2014|02:08pm]
Anyone wanna come with me to [info]gdate for a slash line or somewhere else? Would love an Olly Marmon or another member of Union J.
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[22 Sep 2014|02:26pm]
[info]newamsterdam my usual wants but especially brittany snow, aubrey plaza, anna camp, and zosia mamet
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[22 Sep 2014|02:28pm]
check the journal, still looking for some psls!
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[22 Sep 2014|02:30pm]
[info]producer ryan murphy credits, david fincher credits, costars, mark ruffalo, jim parsons, bradley cooper, joe manganiello, sarah paulson, lena dunham, armie hammer, henry cavill, andrew rannells, brad pitt, nph, shemar moore, alex daddario, james franco
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[22 Sep 2014|02:32pm]
who's wanted at [info]producer? preferably m. thanks
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[22 Sep 2014|02:32pm]
[info]univ any alpha chi ladies out there? i'm looking for a big and a little! also give me a brother or two for goodness sakes!
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[22 Sep 2014|02:45pm]
[info]producer he's got jack white credits; i'd love alison mosshart credits for something complicated, some fellow hot messes to pal around with, more musicians, exes, enemies, etc
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[22 Sep 2014|02:46pm]
i need a step sister an ex (male or female) at a gpsl. pbs are negotiable!
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[22 Sep 2014|02:47pm]
I'd love to see Theo James over at [info]thehudson! because he's sexy as hell.
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[22 Sep 2014|02:53pm]
[info]urbanite jessica brown findlay, astrid berges-frisbey or felicity jones as a female cousin who lives in boston? not limited to those faces. regular east coast business travelers who often stay at her b&b, and someone that pretty much lives there. other columbia/barnard students, regular commuters to manhattan from queens, and a few people who work at her farm full or part-time.
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[22 Sep 2014|02:55pm]
[info]univ avan jogia, liam payne, louis tomlinson, victoria justice, emma watson, sasha pieterse, shenae grimes, health and fitness majors, workout buddies, volleyball and tri-delta girls, exes, a guy that she's crushing on currently, lines with anyone i haven't talked to yet!
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[22 Sep 2014|02:56pm]
[info]producer the male half of ms mr credits, the credits of alex winston, charli xcx, st. lucia, magic man, passion pit, chvrches, css, naked and famous, grouplove, the knocks, sir sly, etc. indie musicians, basically. her ex-husband for a detailed line, ladies she cheated on said ex-hubs with, new yorkers/londoners/festival fixtures/nyu alums/club kids and messes and free lines even if none of the above apply.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:00pm]
could someone help me with a few icons of a rare pb, please? i only have about 15 pictures of him but my icon-making skills are non-existent. thanks for any help!
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[22 Sep 2014|03:07pm]
[info]univ y/n?
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[22 Sep 2014|03:09pm]
[info]univ let's make this work day go faster! fellow pi beta phi sisters, cheerleaders, music education majors or anyone in the music programs, a best friend, exes/dates/flings, people who just don't get along for whatever reason, friends, pretty much everything and all of the faking it cast too!
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[22 Sep 2014|03:14pm]
what ladies are wanted at [info]univ? lines will sway
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[22 Sep 2014|03:14pm]
[info]univ lines for her before i go to work?
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[22 Sep 2014|03:14pm]
[info]univ sasha pieterse and the missing boys of pll, a step-sister (you'd get a sister and a step-brother too), cheerleaders, fellow tri-deltas to come here so i can love you, lines with whoever wants one.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:24pm]
psl for him?
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[22 Sep 2014|03:24pm]
[info]univ lines with everyone! halp distract me from the agony of riding in this car for another 3 hours.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:31pm]
[info]northwest lines for this native while i rework his bio/survey? bring me all of the things.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:34pm]
[info]eastside Lost my notifs, as you do on a Monday. More lines for my divorced clinical psychologist? A receptionist and a nanny would be great.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:36pm]
[info]univ lines with everyone i don't have them with. more guy friends, girl friends, flings, one night stands, all that good stuff.
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[22 Sep 2014|03:40pm]
home options for jennifer morrison and colin o'donoghue pbs?
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[22 Sep 2014|03:49pm]
dianna agron, taylor swift, dakota fanning(or any blonde(s), tbh) or all as a cousins that grew up in ann arbor with her, people who grew up in ann arbor in general. lea michele for something specific too at [info]univ. lines with more ladies!
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[22 Sep 2014|03:56pm]
[info]univ alpha chis come to you president!
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[22 Sep 2014|04:00pm]
[info]univ i'm going to app soon, but in the mean time how about more dance team members, more tri delta's (she's the chapter president), more nursing students, and anything else your heart desires
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[22 Sep 2014|04:06pm]
[info]univ lines for this junior? she's on the volleyball team, a political science major, works in the campus bookstore, and is a pi beta phi sister.
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[22 Sep 2014|04:15pm]
psls to help me get back into the groove of this character? femme would be ace but het is good, too. comments screened.
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[22 Sep 2014|04:23pm]
Could I get a male to play against Candice in a het PSL? I have a semis complicated line in mind
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[22 Sep 2014|04:23pm]
[info]northwest either of the origliasso twins or naya rivera as an ex.
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[22 Sep 2014|04:26pm]
[info]univ. Would Alexis Ren be wanted for lines? If not Alexis, what other females are wanted?
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[22 Sep 2014|04:29pm]
[info]univ fellow dance team members with her and ~cuddle, past hook ups, one guy trying to convert her, enemies that don't like her honesty, a roommate on campus, maybe a cousin or class childhood friend. i'm open to any ideas and looking forward to writing with everybody!
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[22 Sep 2014|04:34pm]
[info]univ about to app this dude but more friends, exes, the 5sos and 1D boys to come to me, a twin brother or sister, other communications majors, if we don't have something let's fix it!
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[22 Sep 2014|04:38pm]
[info]producer london folks, fashion industry folks, more people with famous parents, an older male for a line and a girl she's been messing around with for fun
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[22 Sep 2014|04:40pm]
[info]univ the male enid coleslaw to her rebecca for a sarcastic sassy friendship, a best friend, pretentious art students, people to smoke and get respectfully experimental over drugs with, all the cliches, her younger/older brother for a poppy and georgie carlton dynamic, an ex boyfriend with specifics
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[22 Sep 2014|04:42pm]
[info]univ taylor swift for a bff since high school, please. an older sister! (you'll get 3 other family lines in game) neighbors at her apartment complex, more friends, dance team members to report here so i can start a roster of some sort. karaoke buds, open mic regulars, anything you got, i want it!
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[22 Sep 2014|04:56pm]
hey [info]univ who would be wanted more - arden cho or chloe bennet?

going with arden. line me up erybody!!
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[22 Sep 2014|05:10pm]
[info]univ gimme frat suggestions and lines with absolutely everyone
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[22 Sep 2014|05:52pm]
Would anyone be interested in a psl?
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[22 Sep 2014|06:05pm]
[info]univ who wants to work out a line?
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[22 Sep 2014|06:06pm]
[info]univ lines while i have to run errands instead of writing her up :(
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[22 Sep 2014|06:08pm]
[info]thehudson these dashing fellows i mean come on.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:10pm]
[info]producer alana haim credits, as always. julian casablancas credits, more rappers, someone who grew up in la and is roughly 26 for a specific line.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:18pm]
[info]univ more lines while i update his bio. teresa palmer, kristen stewart, emma roberts, aimee teegarden, miley cyrus, josh hutcherson, levin rambin, alexander ludwig.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:21pm]
[info]univ ready, set, love me.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:26pm]
[info]producer her two male band mates, and more friends, maybe her sisters or little brother, a roommate in london and an ex she can't get over
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[22 Sep 2014|06:29pm]
[info]urbanite an ex-girlfriend for a detailed line pretty please? Also, An older guy for a dork musician type. Also comes with details!
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[22 Sep 2014|06:33pm]
[info]producer the credits of solange, kimbra, esperanza spalding, bruno mars, b.o.b., other r&b and hip hop artists entrenched in the atlanta music scene, lines for everyone
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[22 Sep 2014|06:42pm]
[info]producer charlize theron and mark wahlberg for lines while i marathon through family guy again.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:42pm]
[info]newamsterdam still coming once the cap is lifted. i would love to get his younger sister/female family members as there is a lot of background, ex flings, the one ex who isn't thrilled he's settled down, anyone who would watch his youtube channel, any other lines especially if they know his girlfriend [info]tev
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[22 Sep 2014|06:45pm]
[info]producer anyone want colin for anything before i get started on him? i think i'm going with bastille credits! jennifer morrison for something cliche because i have no shame for my otp.
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[22 Sep 2014|06:50pm]
home or psl for a jennette mccurdy pb? femme would be super
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[22 Sep 2014|06:51pm]
[info]univ lemme wake up and get my ass in gear, willing to give out hugs and cookies in exchange for sls!
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[22 Sep 2014|06:55pm]
home or psl?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:03pm]
[info]univ i just landed in germany so how about some lines as i try not to fall asleep so my sleep schedule isn't all funky. rosie and behati for soulmates, a rebound guy/fwb/close friend, everything guys just keep me awake.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:05pm]
Looking for dedicated writing partners who have an interest in a long-term GPSL centered around the medieval period and fantasy genre. Ideas listed here!
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[22 Sep 2014|07:08pm]
[info]univ lines with everyone! his best guy friend, someone he lives off campus with, a guy who dated ~piggy when they were broken up for him to have it out for, girls he's flirted or even hooked up with despite not always being technically single, help choosing a frat, more poc and teen wolf pbs.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:08pm]
[info]univ starting from scratch! would nicola be wanted for anything? or what other females are wanted?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:17pm]
[info]univ if we don't have a line..... we seriously need to fix that because i want something from each and every one of you.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:19pm]
[info]univ alright! still looking for the friend she pledged with and recently had a bad falling out with, biology majors to study and compete with, more pi beta phi sisters, an ex-boyfriend she had a bad break up with and someone who is her go-to psychonaut buddy to experiment with.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:23pm]
[info]univ more friends, classmates, coworkers at the movie theater, study buddies, lines with anyone i don't already have something set up with
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[22 Sep 2014|07:29pm]
psl or home for iggy?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:32pm]
[info]univ he's a fairly blank slate, who needs what? also, nico or ryan guzman?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:33pm]
We've got at least 20 apps in and a few requests to do adds early. We're totally willing to oblige and do a round this evening, but we won't be able to send out the invites until about 11pm EST. Either way we are still honoring all current holds until tomorrow and will do (another) round of adds tomorrow at 9pm EST. So, what do you guys think? Get it started tonight?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:36pm]
home for scout taylor compton? lines are a bonus.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:37pm]
[info]urbanite possibly! could i get some lines before i start writing her out? maybe a sean mcguire to come along with me?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:38pm]
[info]eastside Chris Hemsworth, RDJ, more Marvel faces all around. More Philadelphia people so he can have an excuse to go down to that city now and then.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:42pm]
[info]univ lines while i wait for adds. friends, an ex or two, fellow hippie earth children, people he knows from the animal shelter, and weird lines
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[22 Sep 2014|07:43pm]
[info]thehudson keira knightley
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[22 Sep 2014|07:44pm]
psl or home with lines for gal?
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[22 Sep 2014|07:53pm]
[info]shores the daughter he didn't know he had, students past and present, former bar hookups of any age or gender, anything to cure this boredom
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[22 Sep 2014|07:53pm]
[info]showstopping a faux celeb gpsl for stage actors!
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[22 Sep 2014|07:53pm]
The rest of the 1D boys to [info]orleans! Glee faces!
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[22 Sep 2014|07:57pm]
[info]univ let's make beautiful lines happen
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[22 Sep 2014|07:57pm]
trying this one last time and then giving up on this line completely.

[info]greaterlondon a romanticish line for her? perhaps james mcavoy or someone else around her age. she's pregnant but the father isn't around so they'd have to be a stand in sort of parent.
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[22 Sep 2014|07:58pm]
i know this may be a longshot, but would an anna faith pb be wanted/needed anywhere?
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[22 Sep 2014|08:01pm]
[info]producer frank ocean, alex turner, claire holt, alfie enoch, analeigh tipton, nick hoult, luke broadlick, hodgy beats, sacha m'baye, the credits of childish gambino, asap rocky, dead man's bones, lady gaga, kanye west, jason reitman, and woodkid for specifics, custom buddies and other hot messes
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[22 Sep 2014|08:02pm]
[info]newamsterdam someone please bring his ex wife, rachel mcadams as a teacher at his school, other ladies to come and get the cap lifted!
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[22 Sep 2014|08:11pm]
[info]thehudson Katey Sagal, Theo Rossi, Taylor Momsen for lines!
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[22 Sep 2014|08:13pm]
[info]univ what you got for me?
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[22 Sep 2014|08:13pm]
[info]producer ben lovett and winston marshall of mumford and sons, ben howard, jamie xx, noah and the whale, birdy, adele, and british musician credits. natalie dormer, alfie allen, ben barnes, matt smith, got faces.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:13pm]
[info]thehudson sam heughan and graham mctavish! aaaand kat graham, joseph morgan and maybe arielle kebbel but mostly sam heughan and graham mctavish.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:15pm]
[info]producer someone please bring me megan ellison producing credits for a best friend, a musician ex for something specific, a best guy friend for something specific and the faces of henry cavill, theo james, jon kortajarena, noah mills.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:17pm]
[info]thehudson since webs sucks...anyone know a good alternative?
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[22 Sep 2014|08:18pm]
[info]producer more lines please, even though i'm the world's biggest idiot and forgot to request membership to the comms
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[22 Sep 2014|08:20pm]
[info]showstopping marvel cast members, lupita nyong'o, and michelle dockery for lines
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[22 Sep 2014|08:23pm]
[info]univ how about some more lines while i try to get her ready for adds tomorrow? friends, neighbors, shopping buddies, exes, am jogging buddies. if you got lines to spare, i'm taking them
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[22 Sep 2014|08:27pm]
[info]univ while i get to sorting her out in my head, would anyone line anything? or does anyone need anything filled?
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[22 Sep 2014|08:29pm]
[info]supersuit batman, superman, balder, heimdall, beta ray bill, the warriors three, odin, frigga, darcy lewis, iron man, pepper potts... i would adore a couple exes and her old roommate.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:34pm]
[info]eastside Philly people!!!! Also two females, one male, (all mid 20s) and one unspecified gender (35+) for lines.
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[22 Sep 2014|08:35pm]
cobie smulders and more employees to work at her wine & paint studio! [info]thehudson
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[22 Sep 2014|08:38pm]
someone needs to bring a sam heughan, graham mctavish and/or tobias menzies to [info]thehudson please!
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[22 Sep 2014|08:58pm]
[info]showstopping patina and audra credits, the casts of american idiot and the 2014 les mis revival, especially michael b jordan as her enjolras, lupita
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[22 Sep 2014|08:59pm]
[info]univ looking for some brothers, one is younger but the others are older! also some exes and anyone who may have commented me that i didn't get back to because i lost the post!
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[22 Sep 2014|08:59pm]
PSL for any of the faces in my journal? Might consider a community with lines, too!
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[22 Sep 2014|09:01pm]
[info]urbanite his business partner in their tex mex venture. people to work for him. anything and everything
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[22 Sep 2014|09:03pm]
[info]univ line me up, scotty.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:10pm]
[info]showstopping blake lively, amber heard, rita volk, the creator of submissions only for something adorable, marcy in dogfight as his favorite wingman, lupita nyong'o to make all my dreams come true
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[22 Sep 2014|09:10pm]
[info]eastside more lines while I fight with the shitty lighting that only House of Cards can provide. A nanny would be ace.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:23pm]
[info]urbanite does anyone need a co-worker? any and all lines would be great!
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[22 Sep 2014|09:28pm]
[info]urbanite his current girlfriend, his 2 baby mamas, his older brothers and older sister, girls that work at the club he DJs at, anything else you got.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:29pm]
[info]newamsterdam Aubrey Plaza. Mindy Kaling, Alia Shawkat, Rashida Jones, Nicole Richie, Alexa Chung, Mae Whitman, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Aya Cash, Kate Micucci, Riki Lindhorne, Jen Kirkman, Busy Philipps, Kether Honohue
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[22 Sep 2014|09:36pm]
[info]supersuit would any of the runaways be wanted? lines and pb suggestions would be great too!
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[22 Sep 2014|09:48pm]
[info]showstopping peter and the starcatcher cast, spring awakening obc, credit suggestions, people he stalks on twitter and friends he won't shut up with on it either, all of the stuff and things.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:50pm]
[info]univ someone, anyone bring me her little/older brother for a georgie and poppy carlton dynamic minus the incestuous undertones, artists, experimental drug pals, people to form the supporting cast in her ghost world-esque life, roommates, the person she bribed into shaving off all her hair and anything else you can think of
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[22 Sep 2014|09:56pm]
home please? no supernatural
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[22 Sep 2014|09:57pm]
[info]univ can i get some lines, por favor? roommates, study buddies, party pals and whatever else you can think of.
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[22 Sep 2014|09:58pm]
[info]showstopping what guys are wanted?
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[22 Sep 2014|10:02pm]
[info]producer credits of sam mendes, david fincher, ryan murphy, writers, richard armitage, anna friel, evangeline lily, benedict cumberbatch, viggo mortensen, lennie james, casts of penny dreadful, the normal heart, addams family, the grand budapest hotel, american horror story, just a bunch of co-stars
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[22 Sep 2014|10:08pm]
[info]eastside Jessica Raine would be adored. His daughter needs a nanny and more Boston lines would be great.
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[22 Sep 2014|10:10pm]
[info]northwest a best friend pleaseeee, this is kind of a last ditch effort to keep this chick afloat
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[22 Sep 2014|10:10pm]
[info]showstopping colin o'donoghue with ramin karimloo credits, someone to play gerry goffin in beautiful the musical, a lana parrilla/ouat pbs, the into the woods movie cast, lines with everyone!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:16pm]
[info]newamsterdam cora keegan, charlotte free, jung ryeo won, hyoni kang, crystal reed, arden cho 30-40+ faces and woc. all the ladies!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:26pm]
[info]showstopping all you theater lovers while i redo her credits for the 3988932432 time and try not to change her pb for the same.
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[22 Sep 2014|10:30pm]
[info]origin_mod 7 spots open, lots of unclaimed powers. Come join the labratty fun.
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[22 Sep 2014|10:33pm]
[info]supersuit batman, bane, alfred, commissioner gordon!
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[22 Sep 2014|10:42pm]
[info]orleans okay hit me with what y'all need! the rest of one direction and cher lloyd
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[22 Sep 2014|10:54pm]
[info]showstopping greer grammer, rita volk, logan lerman, gregg sulkin, liz gillies, reese witherspoon with kelli o'hara credits
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[22 Sep 2014|11:05pm]
okay, [info]urbanite help me decide between scarlett johansson, yvonne strahovski, lauren cohan, or natalie dormer?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:08pm]
[info]urbanite lines for this music store owner? he is originally from la, but now lives in ny. i would love to get a few exes, a woman he was engaged to years ago ( there are details and it would be friendly-ish now), and a best guy friend, maybe michael raymond james?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:11pm]
[info]eastside a lifelong best friend, an ex-fiance, and maybe another female doctor in her practice.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:17pm]
[info]showstopping pb suggestions for a celia keenan-bolger type?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:19pm]
Worst timing but would anyone want to work out a superhero/super power based PSL (or even a GPSL)? Tonight's Gotham inspired me. The CDJ is bare but I play mostly females and a wide variety of DC and Batman characters.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:25pm]
psl, anyone? i can play the male if need be
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[22 Sep 2014|11:29pm]
[info]producer new friends, old friends, people she's worked with, a mutual frenemy or two, an ex longterm girlfriend or boyfriend that can barely stand the sight of her. credits are rose tyler from doctor who and i'm adding more, gimme everything you've got
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[22 Sep 2014|11:39pm]
[info]supersuit professor zoom/zoom/reverse flasha/whatever the hell name he's going by for a line, pls.
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[22 Sep 2014|11:40pm]
[info]showstopping ignore the face (or don't). could I get lines for a gal with sierra boggess and/or gina beck credits?
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[22 Sep 2014|11:52pm]
[info]showstopping costars especially the off-broadway rent and heathers casts (arden cho as heather duke!), other youngins to be stupid kids with and older seasoned actors to get starry eyed around, a roommate or two or three, lines with everyone
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[22 Sep 2014|11:56pm]
[info]showstopping would you rather have a garrett hedlund as a john gallagher jr-type, or john gallagher jr's face with other things i can't think of right now. OR someone else entirely.
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