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[30 Sep 2011|12:00am]
[info]flipthefrog Can I get some more "Glee" cast mates? Also, more males to even out the male to female ratio, would be ace.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:01am]
[info]wizardry papa jovre, her big sis, more epic lines with everyone.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:02am]
[info]wizardry more lines! ex-gryffindors, members of the order, enemies, etc.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:06am]
[info]wizardry lines for a muggleborn mediwitch and former ravenclaw? could i get a couple of half or pureblooded bffs who took her in after her family rejected her? other friends, enemies, an order member trying to sway her to their side, etc.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:07am]
[info]san have a few facts up now so i'd love to work on some lines! looking for a roommate (or roommates), her adopted sisters/brothers, friends, co-workers, exes/flings, the usual!
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[30 Sep 2011|12:18am]
home for this daisy lowe? her history/character can be tweaked for lines if need be. anything she could fill would be ace.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:20am]
[info]wizardry more order members, ministry of magic employees, possible romances/exes, friends and definitely enemies as she's the daughter of one of the leaders of the knights. give me your lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|12:26am]
[info]san just applied her! lines please, with everyone. and also need ~giantman asap.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:33am]
[info]wizardry is the jake gyllenhaal hold active? who else is wanted?
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[30 Sep 2011|12:35am]
this is real bad timing but, would anyone be interested in a family game? i was thinking about adding a little twist, something along the lines of a family that was maybe falling apart a little that is pulled back together when one of the members gets sick. i was thinking parenthood meets family stone, with a little modern family thrown in for comedic relief. i would love to get someone to co-mod with me, and maybe brainstorm a family history to put up, and stuff like that...

let me know if you think this is a great/terrible idea, and also if you would be interested in co-modding with me!
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[30 Sep 2011|12:38am]
[info]r_evolutions Looking for a wife and/or younger brother for this guy. He has two teenage sons. Details are on this journal, but most are negotiable, so if you have another idea feel free to suggest changes. PBs are also very negotiable.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:56am]
What females are wanted around? I don't mind playing older or younger and being able to fill sls is a huge plus.
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damn the time... [30 Sep 2011|01:01am]
[info]wedded His ex-wife from the past for a current Dr. Cox/Jordan-esque type relationship and for the love of god, can I get Jude Law tag along for a line!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:03am]
[info]san what major storylines are needing filled for females?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:06am]
[info]wizardry i feel so bad for disappearing! are there any other hufflepuffs around who'd like to brainstorm lines? or anyone in general really!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:13am]
Anyone interested in a PSL with a moody broody half-vampire Dianna Agron?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:14am]
[info]demoniac [info]cgallow and i are looking for a lady vamp with something of a tense/amusing history with this guy, to be discussed (vague details here). also, various warlocks and other supernaturals that he's pissed off in the past in some way, vampires he's sired that have found their way back to daddy, and other skeletons in his closet creeping out to haunt him. no pun intended.
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The Crescent City Institute; on Scribbld.com [30 Sep 2011|01:15am]
YOU! YES, YOU! Not you, but YOU OVER THERE! We want your Harry Potter Fandom OC's!

Located on Scribbld.com, the Crescent City Institute is open for another year of magical hijinks and mayhem. We need cheerleaders, Quodpot and Quidditch players, characters who aren't Caucasian, pureblood fanatics, bitches and hos, straight kids, gay kids, drama kings and queens, rebels, popular kids, investigators, jocks (PLEASE!), characters who could fill some wanted lines (Link to wanted characters here), scene kids, goths, preps, and everyone in between. Some nice Lalauries, some evil Beauregards, outgoing Sonniers and wallflower Rienzi kids would help us out as well.

Have an idea? Feel free to contact a mod at ccimods@gmail.com. If it's an original character? We want you as a part of our game! Accepting applications here immediately!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:16am]
[info]san roommates, other beach bums, coworkers, best friends, someone to awkwardly admire/try to impress
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[30 Sep 2011|01:18am]
[info]san charlie hunnam please and thank you, lines, and some sleep.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:29am]
Would anyone want/need a Ruth Wilson for anything?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:29am]

Can I get an Adam Richman (Man V Food/Man V Food Nation) claim for a cute friendship/fellow Travel Channel host line? Nothing romantic in this case and PB is open.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:42am]
[info]san lines for this zombie loving country boy? hes a mortician who lives each day as if it were his last, and would give the shirt off of his back to someone in need.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:49am]
[info]agency rachel berry on glee for a semi-dramatic line please, i have pb suggestions
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[30 Sep 2011|01:51am]
[info]wizardry lines
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[30 Sep 2011|02:00am]

Benedict Cumberbatch, Adrien Brody or someone along those lines for a line? Can offer details if anyone is interested.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:01am]
[info]mbsc A place where people don't just apply and vanish off the earth. More males.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:03am]
[info]nwestern justin bieber
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[30 Sep 2011|02:07am]
home for a harry shum jr?
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[30 Sep 2011|02:13am]
[info]tudors love halloween? so do we. come and join us in time for the halloween masquerade ball!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:15am]
[info]thehudson Emma Roberts. Teresa Palmer. 30+ woman.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:43am]
[info]demoniac I'm torn on whether I want to use Sophia Bush or Ashley Tisdale as a slayer. So which one would you enjoy seeing more?
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[30 Sep 2011|02:48am]
Just held Erica Durance at [info]bourbonotr and would love to find a good guy cop or two to tag along. She's a weapons tech for the NYPD crime lab (and won't turn to the dark side) and could be seen as a female version of Greg Sanders, geeky but cute. Maybe there's a good guy cop who would like a female Watson so to speak?

PB's are totally open and cliche is loved too.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:58am]
[info]wizardry i will never sleep so give me things to make me happy. and taylor momsen
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[30 Sep 2011|02:58am]
[info]demoniac the sun sets and we appear. some lines for this incredibly vile and uber destructive vampire.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:22am]
[info]thealist the entire game of thrones cast is open. someone bring them in with me! also would anyone be up for a may/december where hilarity ensues?
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[30 Sep 2011|03:44am]
[info]demoniac Lines for this paranormal.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:44am]
[info]hillies male for a childhood best friend line, more lines in general!
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[30 Sep 2011|05:57am]
[info]capitolpn More applications to come in so we needn't shut it down before it even begins! Most holds have been cleared.
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[30 Sep 2011|06:18am]
[info]wizardry lines of all kinds!
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[30 Sep 2011|06:24am]
[info]jekyllisland a group PSL based on the kennedys. officially open with lots of premades available.
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[30 Sep 2011|07:02am]
[info]diverging Looking for a upbeat counterpart to attempt to lighten this guy up. Professor, adult student, whatever you'd prefer.
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[30 Sep 2011|07:10am]
[info]wedded Last pimp for this. I'm losing hope in you RP world. :( Someone out there plays females for platonic lines, I know you do. I need one for a new friendship that would develop over "dates" the two are set up on. This female would also get a line with ~harkvov as his homicide partner as well as any lines that go along with that. The other line I'd really like is this guy's childhood friend. She would be between thirty five and thirty seven and would have been a total tomboy as a kid. A Caleb Followill for ~hstark as well would be ace!
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[30 Sep 2011|07:12am]
[info]wizardry more gryffindors, the friend that co-owns a shop with her, a former best friend turned frenemy, and lines with anyone i don't have one with yet
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[30 Sep 2011|07:19am]
[info]lc_mod looking for a Paul Wesley line, please. Preferably where he is a vampire, and cousin to [info]cillcavalcante! Feel free to use character aim izzyadancer if you want to plot/talk.
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[30 Sep 2011|07:22am]
[info]moston Looking for her younger male neighbour to put the spark back in her life. I'm not picky on the face if you have a list of pbs I'd like to see them! I picture him being mid-20ish. This is a 21+ and invite only game.
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[30 Sep 2011|07:51am]
[info]mbsc People she surfs with, perhaps former flings?
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[30 Sep 2011|08:10am]
[info]hillies danielle guizio and liam hemsworth.
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a gpsl [30 Sep 2011|08:16am]
[info]clawmarks a original-centric game based on jurassic park.
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[30 Sep 2011|08:27am]
[info]san bromance, ex-wife, the tinkerbell to his peter pan... give me anything!
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[30 Sep 2011|08:28am]
[info]demoniac first adds are tomorrow, get those apps in!
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[30 Sep 2011|08:39am]
[info]thealist more costars, please! lines for all, naturally.
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edited [30 Sep 2011|08:51am]
Looking for the last born sibling: the youngest brother. They come from a broken home. The father left when they were young. The emotional scars would linger. The mother turned to drinking and fell far short of raising her kids right. The line is about them moving on, as adults. And how they conquer/struggle with their issues of trust, fear, anger, weight, drinking, violence, sexual issues, whatever haunts them. This is not one of those over the top emo things. This is a set of siblings that has problems that aren't going to go away overnight and they surely wouldn't want to openly chat with strangers (or even their lovers) about them. Oldest Sib is Jensen Ackles, Middle child is Adele. we are looking for the youngest brother, his issues are up to you so long as it makes sense with what's happened to them. PB suggestions, Jake Abel, Justin Hartley.

For me, I also need her one time friend, who lied and said she slept with Ellisea's boyfriend to get the guy for herself.

For the Jensen, we are looking for a Jared Padalecki, to have a toxic relationship. Details could be mapped out with that player. :)

[info]bourbonotr or im me @me and miss e jones
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[30 Sep 2011|09:14am]
[info]mbsc Something for him while I try to flesh him out?
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[30 Sep 2011|09:16am]
Taking him to [info]crowncitymod! He's a HS football coach. Would it be possible to get a Minka Kelly as his former HS girlfriend although the line is a LOT more detailed than that!
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[30 Sep 2011|09:26am]
[info]brnswick adds & activity removals tonight after 10 p.m. EST!
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[30 Sep 2011|09:26am]
[info]oldharbor Begging for an alex o'loughlin for a line with this girl. She would dislike him at first, but then things change for the better. Would also love to have her older brother and younger sister in game.
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[30 Sep 2011|09:26am]
[info]thehudson Matt Dallas, Alexander Skarsgård, and Charlie Hunnam. All wanted for lines, s'il vous plait..
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[30 Sep 2011|09:30am]
[info]tamlagareThomas Dekker, Drew Seeley, Ian Somerhalder, Sheepbert, Thor Knai, Zac Efron, or Xavier Samuel wanted for a specific line, por favor.
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[30 Sep 2011|09:31am]
[info]nwestern. Hide & seek club members, menfolk! People to do a Friday conga line with!
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[30 Sep 2011|09:38am]
[info]san i want more lines, and also...~giantman to come back around!
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[30 Sep 2011|09:46am]
any home ideas for this deaf college professor? she's amazing and i am dying to play her! storyline options would be excellent.
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[30 Sep 2011|09:47am]
i have a few ideas for a small group line, but i would really like to find someone to co-create it with me. i would like to set it up and get it started asap so people don't drift away from it as i have seen with far too many great gpsl ideas. if you are interested let me know if you prefer to talk via aim or custom, and i will pm you/set it up. if you have lots of ideas and are highly motivated to make it work (and last) then ALL THE BETTER. also, if you just want something small and active where everyone gets lots of attention, comment and let me know that you'd be interested in hearing more when it is all set up.
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i just ate cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, talk about sugar high. [30 Sep 2011|10:13am]
i would love some private storylines approximately 88% thread based, and 12% aim based. i have ideas, and i am sure you have ideas, so let's brainstorm. there is some more info in the journal!
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[30 Sep 2011|10:14am]
[info]demoniac more of you demons, witches, and warlocks, and lines for all.
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[30 Sep 2011|10:16am]
[info]wedded reese witherspoon, katie holmes, minka kelly, malin akerman, amy adams, eliza dushku, rosario dawson, rose byrne, gillian jacobs, elisha cuthbert, emilie de ravin, kristen bell, amanda seyfried, katie cassidy, brittany snow, annalynne mccord, michael fassbender, matthew goode, joel mchale, james franco, john krasinski, alexander skarsgard, ashton kutcher, cory monteith, david boreanaz, chris pine, ian somerhalder, josh duhamel, chord overstreet, and chace crawford for specific lines. comment for details.
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[30 Sep 2011|10:20am]
[info]thealist probably a bad time, but does anyone with a british character need a sibling?
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[30 Sep 2011|10:32am]
[info]san adds are tonight! get those apps in
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[30 Sep 2011|10:35am]
[info]rogerebert. Dianna Agron and the rest of the Glee faces. New York neighbors and more behind the scenes people!
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[30 Sep 2011|10:40am]
[info]nwestern five or six guys to form a wolfpack and lines with those i haven't talked to yet
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[30 Sep 2011|10:46am]
[info]san Anything and everythine. Exes, past/current flings, friends from high school, co-workers, the marshall and barney to his ted, cousins, neighbors (he lives in a two bedroom condo), people who occasionally watch his kid.
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[30 Sep 2011|10:53am]
[info]san family and more lines while i write her up and app her, thomas dekker, dylan o'brien
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[30 Sep 2011|11:01am]
[info]san the gossip girl cast and his little sister
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[30 Sep 2011|11:01am]
[info]nwestern more lines to keep me active, please? a male for a specific line would be ace!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:07am]
would anyone be interested in a relatively small gpsl revolving around six people who accidentally killed their best friend, and are key suspects to their murder? additionally, they'll be road tripping to a cabin, somewhere in a secluded forest, until the heat (if ever) dies down.

on the flip side, i don't mind eliminating the murder part, and just making it a post-college trip to the woods.
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[30 Sep 2011|11:08am]
[info]wedded, lines anyone? :] it would make my day.
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[30 Sep 2011|11:11am]
[info]tamlagare still working on her, but how about some lines with everyone? all the angels i haven't talked to already and everyone else!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:15am]
would daisy lowe be wanted at [info]wedded for anything?
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[30 Sep 2011|11:20am]
[info]prtland Roommates and friends! She's going to need people soon. Ashley Tisdale, Mark Salling, Hunter Parrish, Emma Stone, Katerina Graham, Candice Accola!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:32am]
home options for an emily blunt or rose byrne, please. town/city only. [info]wedded going with ms byrne, line me people!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:32am]
[info]san lots of lines while i app her
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[30 Sep 2011|11:34am]
[info]wedded! Bringing him as half of the "Adopting Parents" premade. Would anyone like to work out SLs while I work on his bio? He's originally from Manhattan, Kansas, moved to the city to attend college at NYU and now works as a camera operator for NBC's news affiliate! Personality-wise, he's a bit of a nerd and a bit of a goof. And Jon Huertas just because.
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[30 Sep 2011|11:35am]
i'm wanting an active thread/customs/aim femme psl against a megan fox, mila kunis, miranda kerr, or hayden panetierre (these are just ~suggestions)!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:35am]
[info]nwestern britt robinson, roommate(s), an ex, a best friend (m/f), ~izzy, and lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:36am]
[info]thehudson her male roommate and her female best friend from high school!
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[30 Sep 2011|11:36am]
[info]san jack barakat, hayley williams, lights poxleitner, brendon urie, blake harnage, sierra kusterbeck and roommates
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[30 Sep 2011|11:40am]
[info]nwestern oops, i'm still coming! lines? can i also get mike posner for a specific line?
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[30 Sep 2011|11:42am]
[info]san more lines, people who work at the office she's a receptionist at, rob pattinson and the rest of the twilight cast
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[30 Sep 2011|11:49am]
[info]san lines for this country guy from texas? he's a mortician, and loves zombies - funnily enough.
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[30 Sep 2011|11:59am]
[info]wizardry is [info]torquil around?
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[30 Sep 2011|12:11pm]
[info]agency an ex-boyfriend (details) and his current crush, lines for the amazing spider-man, thanks
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[30 Sep 2011|12:24pm]
[info]nwestern so i completely spaced and forget to reply to comments on my last post, but lines for this sophomore? i'd love a best friend (male or female), a girl he's been hopelessly in love with since freshman year, and people he works on little film projects with
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[30 Sep 2011|12:32pm]
Looking to get into IJ RP. Non-celeb game and non-fandom is all I ask. (Character would be PBed by Ioan Gruffudd.)
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[30 Sep 2011|12:38pm]
[info]san sls would make my day
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[30 Sep 2011|12:47pm]
[info]agency lindsay lohan for a line, people to fight with, someone to share music credits with, castmates so i don't change his credits, fellow troublemakers.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:48pm]
[info]thehudson courteney cox. shailene woodley. sandra bullock. jason bateman.
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[30 Sep 2011|12:54pm]
[info]mbsc jeremy davis, drea de matteo, gillian anderson, and/or kristen wiig for lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:00pm]
[info]wedded Mother and Father, younger half brother, younger half sister (half brother and half sister not related)
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[30 Sep 2011|01:02pm]
generated by sloganizer.net
Next adds Sunday night!
about | taken | held | wanted | application
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[30 Sep 2011|01:08pm]
[info]brnswick I'd really love to get her siblings in game: four brothers, two step, and one step sister. Her oldest brother lives with her.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:09pm]
[info]san anybody need anything filled?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:12pm]
[info]ashbury dylan sprouse as his wicked twin brother!! i need a reason to use all these amazing gifs and pictures of them together :[
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[30 Sep 2011|01:14pm]
[info]san pb suggestions for [info]wwz's little sister? i can't believe i'm still blanking on this :(
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[30 Sep 2011|01:19pm]
I'd love to see her (now deceased ) Husband's old partner as a connection for her!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:23pm]
[info]demoniac anything
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[30 Sep 2011|01:26pm]
Anyone PB Minka Kelly?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:36pm]
[info]wizardry the order of the phoenix members and their leaders.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:37pm]
Her bff from Japan? Male role, he'd be a few years older than Laura. Not romantic. [info]the_lodge She went to Tokyo for a vacation then for Uni and worked for a bit there so they'd have a few years of friendship under their belt.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:40pm]
new family based community, check the journal!
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[30 Sep 2011|01:43pm]
[info]tamlagare lines with the other angels and demons, and still looking for a human in contract to him.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:44pm]
[info]nwestern I hate waking up sick so lines to make me feel better. I could use a male for a boyfriend line that will have some drama coming and a best female friend would be great.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:47pm]
[info]san lines for this 26 year old texan mortician who ironically loves zombies?
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[30 Sep 2011|01:49pm]
[info]san more lines, exes, fling, girl friends, everything else.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:56pm]
[info]demoniac the rest of the misfits cast, some fledglings he likes to boss around, employees at his vamp-centric casino and lines for this malevolent vampire.
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[30 Sep 2011|01:58pm]
[info]san lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:01pm]
[info]nwestern lines would be amazing i'm so bored :-(
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[30 Sep 2011|02:03pm]
[info]ashbury the klepto, the straight, and max minghella for a line (many lines) and love, please!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:06pm]
[info]demoniac Lines for this snotty vampire, [info]bloodlustt to come back!!! and how about a Miranda Cosgrove??
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[30 Sep 2011|02:09pm]
[info]san charlie hunnam, dayton callie to date [info]shadup, more lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:11pm]
[info]thealist talulah riley, please!
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probably not :[ [30 Sep 2011|02:12pm]
Anyone pb females of the older variety that would be interested in a femme slash line that would start private and eventually go into a community?
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[30 Sep 2011|02:14pm]
[info]thealist Skins cast, and is [info]chahl around?
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[30 Sep 2011|02:25pm]
[info]nwestern lines while i suffer at work! friends, people she met during orientation, people she could have met while visiting her brother, people to study with idk let's brainstorm something up
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[30 Sep 2011|02:25pm]
[info]san lines while i write her up and apply
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[30 Sep 2011|02:27pm]
i would love to go to [info]theolsons, does anyone want to take a couple in with me? maybe interracial?
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[30 Sep 2011|02:28pm]
Silence will fall when a Matt Smith heads to [info]prtland. Oh man, what a bad Doctor Who joke. But really, Matt Smith, I'd like to see your face.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:30pm]
who's good with html and would like to help me set up a community?

EDIT: It's pretty sad how in a RP community, instead of actually RP we're spending most the time trying to get lines & the community is so large that characters go in and out like there's no tomorrow, leaving all that effort into making a line go down the drain. Basically what I'm getting at here, are you sick of the same routine and want something fresh and new and -gasp- a game that actually has plenty of RP opportunities?! Then comment here and I'll set up a discussion post!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:32pm]
Looking for help for a gpsl. Its going to be a group of young adults age range 20-25 who come from a rich family and live in a gated community. The premise will be a reality show is taping them strictly on their friendships and interaction of the young and rich and every week in a co-journal there will be interviews posted to create drama and gossip. Think Real Housewives series but based on the young adults. Anyone interested? I need a co-mod too!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:34pm]
[info]hillies male for a childhood best friend line, possibly her older brother & sister, and lines in general svp.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:44pm]
Since it seems our Phoebe hold has disappeared new Phoebe Tonkin pb to complete a secret circle esq line at [info]lc_mod.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:45pm]
[info]demoniac Lines for this slayer. I would love her two best friends that are her Willow and Xander types, a vampire whose only been around a few years for a detailed ex line, and whatever else people would like with her.
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[30 Sep 2011|02:48pm]
If anyone is interested in a post-apocalyptic zombie survival type game; please comment HERE!
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[30 Sep 2011|02:49pm]
who is wanted at [info]agency? and what credits would you like to see?
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we open tomorrow! [30 Sep 2011|02:50pm]
[info]demoniac since i think i lost her bff, could i get a partner in slaying/rebellion for this girl? pb suggestions: lea michele, troian bellisario*, ashley benson, naya rivera or anyone really. at this point idec
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[30 Sep 2011|03:02pm]
home for a rihanna pb, pretty please? lines would be ace!
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[30 Sep 2011|03:09pm]

Benedict Cumberbatch, Adrien Brody or someone along those lines for a line? Can offer details if anyone is interested.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:10pm]
[info]agency cassie ventura, tamsin egerton, olivia wilde and robert sheehan for something specific
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[30 Sep 2011|03:11pm]
[info]prtland His two younger brothers and employees at his bar.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:11pm]
[info]tamlagare lines with the other holds, adam levine, and matthew lewis for specific lines.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:15pm]
[info]agency my dream in life is to get the rest of the community cast, now including annie kim. and other co-stars.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:23pm]
who is wanted at [info]wizardry?
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[30 Sep 2011|03:24pm]
Adrianne palicki and minka Kelly for lines and some awesome fun times at [info]crowncitymod
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[30 Sep 2011|03:26pm]
does anyone have lines they need filled at [info]thealist or [info]agency? all i have for her so far is she played effy on skins, beyond that she's a blank slate
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Check It Out! [30 Sep 2011|03:31pm]
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[30 Sep 2011|03:41pm]
[info]wizardry lines!
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[30 Sep 2011|03:42pm]
[info]wizardry lines for this former gryffindor? she worked at the prophet until last year when she left to do hitwizardry. she works for either side with no real allegiance to anyone for now.
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[30 Sep 2011|03:43pm]
Paul Wesley for [info]crowncitymod
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[30 Sep 2011|03:57pm]
[info]wizardry any of her siblings! they'd be allied with the knights, and i can give pb suggestions
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[30 Sep 2011|03:58pm]
would anyone pb/faux celeb nick valensi or charlie hunnam in a private storyline? i come prepared with a few general ideas.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:01pm]
[info]jacksonwy Karl Urban for a line, please! It could either stay platonic or take a romantic turn and I can give details!
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[30 Sep 2011|04:04pm]
[info]nwestern i think i have him figured out for the most part, but i'd love a few close male friends, an ex or two, maybe a sibling, and whatever else!
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[30 Sep 2011|04:04pm]
[info]jekyllisland a group psl based on the kennedys. we need our JACK.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:09pm]
[info]san hunter parrish or zac efron?
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[30 Sep 2011|04:11pm]
dear, [info]agency, would you be interested in the man behind such shows as family guy and american dad? Or would you rather see someone with the credit of Abed on Community? if so, what face would you like to see?
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[30 Sep 2011|04:14pm]
[info]wedded An older love interested. Her employer. Her two best friends.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:14pm]

My kingdom for dancers and especially Dancing with the Stars pros! All current pros minus Lacey Schwimmer are open claim wise (I'm also looking for one of the younger male pros for a cute romantic line).
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[30 Sep 2011|04:19pm]
anyone want a mrod somewhere? i'll fill platonic lines and will consider something femme or het.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:21pm]
[info]tudors william compton, george boleyn, thomas wyatt, and others.
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just apped! [30 Sep 2011|04:22pm]
[info]demoniac a vampmire fledgling/young vampire who he attempted to kill, vampires he's come into contact in general, paranormals and witches he's run into.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:25pm]
[info]san lines of all sorts
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[30 Sep 2011|04:32pm]
[info]demoniac her older brother for something detailed, a demon for something slightly detailed, lines with people i haven't spoken to.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:34pm]
[info]tudors specifically looking for her older sister, elizabeth seymour. maybe georgia moffett, imogen poots, romola garai, charity wakefield, sophia myles, annabelle wallis, keira knightley, rosamund pike, clemence poesy, or carey mulligan?
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[30 Sep 2011|04:36pm]
[info]agency shiloh fernandez and lindsay lohan for lines. other lines too.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:42pm]
[info]san has the colton hold been around? who else is wanted, don't mind filling some lines
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[30 Sep 2011|04:46pm]
[info]tudors come join us for the hallow's eve festivities!
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[30 Sep 2011|04:48pm]
[info]tudors he's really aniticipating the arrival of his friend sir william compton and confidant/future chancellor, thomas more. where are you?
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[30 Sep 2011|04:48pm]
[info]oldharbor Her older brother!
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[30 Sep 2011|04:51pm]
Now Accepting Holds!
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[30 Sep 2011|04:52pm]
[info]mbsc amanda hendrick and olivia wilde, maggie siff, or any female really for two different lines.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:52pm]
[info]hillies probably a longshot but jackson rathbone and zach roerig. more lines.
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[30 Sep 2011|04:53pm]
[info]thealist castmates for the rent revival, dexter, true blood, f&g, firefly, etc. donald glover for all the lines! and a half-sibling or two (okay all the lines but that).
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[30 Sep 2011|04:57pm]
Home please
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[30 Sep 2011|05:00pm]
this girl is on her way to [info]bourbonotr and i'm looking for a jeffree star as her on again/off again boyfriend. or possibly, an alternative is that he was her first real relationship in the past and they separated when he started getting consumed and distracted by other people or commitments to his artistic projects. accordingly, she remains terribly jealous of his involvement with them.. something like that. and of course, they'd have their sad and/or sappy moments, too, because she hasn't yet let go of what they were.

i can provide more details if anyone's interested and as much as i'd like jeffree, I'm open to other faces :)
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[30 Sep 2011|05:01pm]
[info]san more lines
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[30 Sep 2011|05:03pm]
[info]san his little sister, lines, everything
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[30 Sep 2011|05:03pm]
[info]san his best friend, roommate, everything in between
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[30 Sep 2011|05:04pm]
Jon Hamm for WEDDED perhaps? Someone to come with or is there anyone that needs anything
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[30 Sep 2011|05:10pm]
[info]wizardry lines? she's a former ravenclaw & muggleborn mediwitch. a couple of bffs to be her adoptive family, a flatmate, co-workers at st mungo's, an order member recruiter, enemies, etc. anything!
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[30 Sep 2011|05:13pm]
[info]mtvreality can i get his serious girlfriend and his next door neighbor best friend?
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[30 Sep 2011|05:13pm]
ignore the journal and icon, but what males are wanted where? particularly for slash lines.
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[30 Sep 2011|05:17pm]
[info]nwestern can i get some ex girlfriends for her, and a male roommate for a specific line? i'd love to see: daisy lowe, alaina beaton, jessica origliasso, jessica burciaga, cintia dicker, nicki minaj, amber rose, candice swanepoel, meagan goode, lea michele, mike posner, tyga, tyler the creator, colton haynes, rob kardashian, cory monteith, cole mohr, chris brown, shad moss, ryan sheckler!
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[30 Sep 2011|05:24pm]
[info]tudors his younger siblings, svp?
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[30 Sep 2011|05:25pm]
[info]wizardry does anyone pb carey mulligan?
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[30 Sep 2011|05:28pm]
[info]diverging would love to see some fellow models - cole mohr, josh beech, clement chaubernaud, jeremy young, francisco lachowski, adrien sahores to name a few.
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[30 Sep 2011|05:29pm]
[info]wizardry does anyone need/want her for anything specific? i'd love to make adds
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[30 Sep 2011|05:30pm]
[info]nev ex-boyfriend, lizzie mcguire/gg co-stars, credit suggestions
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[30 Sep 2011|05:32pm]
[info]wizardry taylor momsen and lines
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[30 Sep 2011|05:33pm]
[info]nashvillemods A city comm based out of Nashville,TN! First adds are October 2, let's see some more holds and some completed apps!
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[30 Sep 2011|05:35pm]
[info]san trying again at a better time! have a few facts up now so i'd love to work on some lines. looking for a roommate (or roommates), her adopted sisters/brothers, friends, co-workers, exes/flings, the usual!
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[30 Sep 2011|05:37pm]
[info]wizardry we're a few short hours away from doing adds, so please try to have your application in as soon as possible! if you need an extension on your hold for whatever reason, just let us know so that you don't risk losing it to someone else.
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[30 Sep 2011|05:42pm]
[info]lc_mod looking for a Paul Wesley line, please. Preferably where he is a vampire, and cousin to [info]cillcavalcante! Feel free to use character aim izzyadancer if you want to plot/talk.
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[30 Sep 2011|05:47pm]
[info]san adds tonight
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[30 Sep 2011|05:48pm]
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[30 Sep 2011|05:53pm]
[info]wizardry some girl friends from her days in ravenclaw
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[30 Sep 2011|06:03pm]
[info]wizardry a muggleborn girl for a line, emily browning maybe?
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[30 Sep 2011|06:04pm]
[info]oxton Can someone please bring in Douglas Booth as a close friend possibly more? I'll even make icons if you like!
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[30 Sep 2011|06:04pm]
[info]erie pb city comm centered around the five boroughs of new york. taking holds.
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[30 Sep 2011|06:10pm]
[info]wizardry do any muggleborns out there need a sister
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[30 Sep 2011|06:15pm]
home for frankie sandford?
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[30 Sep 2011|06:16pm]
i'm in the process of re-tweaking this daisy lowe pb to be a sex worker, and i'm considering bringing her to [info]bourbonotr. would i be able to find a female to tag along with as her high school best friend who led her down the road of partying and sex work to begin with? the face does not matter, and i'm open to having it become a twisted femme line of sorts, if that helps sway.
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