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[26 Sep 2011|12:00am]
[info]wizardry ravenclaws who are 28-30, a trio of nerdy do-gooder bffs, prophet employees, a gryffindor little sister, a mortal enemy...come on make sweet old school lines with me, guys.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:02am]
[info]thewives i would love to get greg kinnear for her hubby and her younger sister who is like her best friend that comes over to visit often!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:03am]
[info]mbsc some friends, ex-girlfriends and hookups
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[26 Sep 2011|12:09am]
[info]nwestern joe walker and lauren lopez for fun stuff and lines with everyone?
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[26 Sep 2011|12:11am]
[info]nwestern last minute lines while they do adds. let's gooo
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[26 Sep 2011|12:13am]
[info]demoniac Lines for the slayer? Her two ex-boyfriends for detailed lines (one is a vampire and the other is a normal human), Ryan Gosling for a line, her best female friend, maybe her own Scooby Gang, and
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[26 Sep 2011|12:34am]
[info]ashbury max minghella, please, please, for a line. i'll make you icons, offer my firstborn, whatever
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[26 Sep 2011|12:36am]
[info]thehudson his brother and sister, a best friend, his roommate, more lines in general
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[26 Sep 2011|12:37am]
[info]nwestern new pb ideas and lines, since i'd looove to bring her back!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:39am]
[info]nwestern lines with all of you now that adds are done
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[26 Sep 2011|12:40am]
[info]wizardry gryffindors, the people i lost track of earlier and quidditch freaks
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[26 Sep 2011|12:42am]
Pardon the icon but would Evanna Lynch be wanted at [info]nwestern? I'm thinking either as a theater or studio art major.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:47am]
[info]wizardry omg i missed hp so much. ryan kwanten as the jon snow of their ruined pureblood family? a male best friend? and i hope [info]flnnery's still around.
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ignore the icon, obviously. [26 Sep 2011|12:49am]
would anyone be interested a slash psl against ryan gosling, boyd holbrook, sebastian stan, or matthew lewis?
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[26 Sep 2011|12:53am]
[info]nwestern more guys & more lines, please? still looking for a female best friend! someone to go get tattoos with her, zelta tau alpha ladies, juniors, drinking/party buddies, lacrosse players, rivals, dancers, anyone i don't have lines with already!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:54am]
what ladies are wanted where? pref town or college lines.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:55am]
[info]hillies a roommate
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[26 Sep 2011|12:55am]
[info]capitolpn Cinna, Haymitch, Effie, all of the holds to come back and apply, Gale to discuss things with
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[26 Sep 2011|12:57am]
[info]nwestern what better time to do this than after first adds? other people studying radio/television/film (apparently that's all one major) or journalism, the troy to her abed, her freshman year roommate who she now hates, people with a slightly nutty flavor, lines in general.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:59am]
[info]nwestern sleep is overrated! more lines.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:00am]
Does anyone PB Karl Urban or Joshua Jackson? I have a line in mind for either one of them at [info]jacksonwy. I would also love to get her brother in game. It comes with one other line and there are some details!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:00am]
[info]wizardry any purebloods need a brother with a weird name? and job suggestions for an attention deficit former puff!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:06am]
Anyone out there still PB Colin Farrell or Ryan Reynolds? Now for the second question of the evening. If so, would said person be interested in taking him to [info]goldwynmayer // [info]flipthefrog as this girl's ex-hubby? Her biography is open and he is sprinkled throughout by the name of Daniel. Obviously the name can change, and honestly I'm not all that picky on the PB as long as he is in the 36/37 range. If you're interested just comment here or her screened post.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:09am]
[info]evomods stepford cuckoos, astrid bloom, adrienne frost, cordelia frost, julian keller, armor, kitty pryde, empath, magma, angel salvadore, warren worthington, and plenty more!

hit me up for plots, too!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:10am]
[info]wizardry all applied! [info]phillip and gryffindors and lines to wake up to
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[26 Sep 2011|01:11am]
[info]nwestern lines for leighton meester.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:14am]
[info]nwestern first adds are now officially complete (sorry for the delay) so holds are reopened and the second set of adds will be tomorrow night at 11pm est
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[26 Sep 2011|01:18am]
if i brought a matt lewis pb to [info]nwestern, what kind of lines could i get him?
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[26 Sep 2011|01:33am]
[info]agency lines? Tenative credits in journal.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:09am]
[info]wizardry some good guys to roll with
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[26 Sep 2011|02:09am]
[info]wizardry Lines with everyone. She could use a best guy friend, one of her brothers for a detailed line, the ex that she was engaged to and dumped, people that work at St. Mungo's, and anything else people would like with her.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:21am]
[info]nwestern! yes, i am coming! lines?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:43am]
[info]mbsc sebastian stan, garrett hedlund, shiloh fernandez, chace crawford, and michael trevino for lines with ~emora. I'd like some buddies in the form of Matt Lanter and Andrew Garfield for this guy and everyone else!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:15am]
[info]wizardry looking for this girls girlfriend or potential. i need other sorts of lines too, anything you can think of! all i've got so far is she's a pure-blood, was in slytherin back recently joined the order of the phoenix
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[26 Sep 2011|03:17am]
[info]wizardry Some lines to wake up to in the morning for this former Slytherin. I would love some family for her, but I do have some family details already in mind.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:27am]
[info]wedded charlotte free, natasha lillipore, marimoon or joss stone?
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[26 Sep 2011|03:39am]
[info]melbaus still working on his bio but i'd love some lines for the time being! it would be awesome if someone could bring in his korean roommate and the louis vuitton sales assistant that he has a hopeless crush on
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[26 Sep 2011|03:42am]
Wanting an aim friendly Dianna Agron to take with me to a community.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:46am]
[info]thealist the father of her daughter, some friends, and burlesque costars.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:38am]
[info]nwestern more line brainstorming to distract me from how awesome work is
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[26 Sep 2011|05:09am]
can i get a home for her? no supernatural, please.
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[26 Sep 2011|06:02am]
[info]nwestern an ex, people who drag her to parties, others majoring in journalism, adopted siblings, cousins, more lines in general for when i wake up tomorrow
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[26 Sep 2011|06:53am]
Over at [info]barmodzvah, a PB super power game, I'm seeking her (preferably male but open for discussion) best friend.

More info on the line found here. The mods have approved various medical advancement plot lines I'd love to have her best friend included in, inside of the greater over arching plot that's happening in the game currently. Or someone for her to vent to about the drama storm that's going on in her life in general.
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[26 Sep 2011|07:02am]
[info]oxton, where the kids are hot and the parties are even hotter.
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[26 Sep 2011|07:04am]
[info]wizardry lines, a best friend of either gender, more half-bloods and muggleborns, ravenclaws, unspeakables or people who work for the ministry, and members of the order. also, jim sturgess, tom sturridge, james franco, or whoever for her older brother!
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[26 Sep 2011|07:16am]
[info]nwestern i don't want to work today, so give me lines to come home to. leighton meester for something specific, chace crawford, blake lively. and [info]pril to come back around.
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ugh, pbads. why can't it be pm instead of am? [26 Sep 2011|07:18am]
[info]wedded Ellen page, Tamala Jones, ~patricksullivan and ~judyw. The other Castle boys. A female in her thirties. NPH and/or Alan Tudyk. Etc., etc.
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[26 Sep 2011|08:24am]
[info]nwestern zta sisters, [info]taner, and more lines please!
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[26 Sep 2011|08:34am]
[info]rogerebert i just held this nina dobrev...lines while I flesh out her bio and credits? I'd love a no good, volatile relationship from the past who wants to screw her up again and the good guy who has had a crush on her
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[26 Sep 2011|08:34am]
[info]pennsyl a new city game in philly!
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[26 Sep 2011|08:39am]
[info]bourbonotr! Hugh Laurie and Lady Gaga for lines!
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[26 Sep 2011|08:40am]
Looking for some private lines for the gentleman here.

Sorry ladies, he's only into men. Preferably into men his own age even though he's not going to turn away a young and attractive guy. I am looking for something long-term here, threading is a must and creativity a plus!
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[26 Sep 2011|08:41am]
[info]asu liam hemsworth, nick jonas, ashley greene, nikki reed, xavier samuel, demi lovato, etc...
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[26 Sep 2011|08:54am]
[info]nwestern Hello all you gorgeous people! A roommate, a best friend, a Joe Walker, and a Lauren Lopez are all necessary in my life. Make it happen, I have faith in you.
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[26 Sep 2011|08:57am]
[info]nwestern lines with everyone. also need her brother, roommate(s), friends, crushes, someone she dated last year, the person she keeps knocking into on her way to german, etc. and to be cliche... where's my matt smith hiding?
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[26 Sep 2011|09:04am]
[info]prtland Her younger brother, please! There are details.
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[26 Sep 2011|09:13am]
probably a long shot, but does anyone pb sam claflin?
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[26 Sep 2011|09:17am]
[info]wizardry. a few former ravenclaws around his age (20-22) who he was close with in school. older slytherin kids who picked on him, + a slytherin closer to his age for something specific. people who were in auror training with him before he dropped out. other folks who work in diagon alley. as well as anything you can throw at me.
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[26 Sep 2011|09:24am]
[info]ashbury the dumb blonde in the form of kendall schmidt
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[26 Sep 2011|09:36am]
anyone pb christina hendricks, nicki minaj, or sj whiteley that would be interested in setting up a femme psl? using journals, preferably
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[26 Sep 2011|09:56am]
[info]jekyllisland someone to play THE JACK. her bio is in the journal, but i'd really like to finish it and to brainstorm their (probably complicated) relationship.
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[26 Sep 2011|09:57am]
[info]bourbonotr January Jones as this girl's mother for an epic mother/daughter line. She could also have lines with her ex-husband (Russell Crowe) and drama with Lordes' psuedo boyfriend (Jon Hamm) who are already in the game.
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[26 Sep 2011|09:59am]
Looking for someone to bring in a guy to fill an "I can't stand you but I'm kind of attracted to you" Line for this girl at [info]ilovela. I'm looking for drama, angst and fun all rolled together =) Christopher Gorham , Matt Bomer , Matthew Goode, Chris Evans... Those are just suggestions I'm totally open to PBs!
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[26 Sep 2011|10:01am]
Lucy Hale as an intern at the TV station she works for!

Also her older brothers (Possible PB's: Ryan Reynolds, Paul Walker, Chris Evans, Bradley Cooper)
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[26 Sep 2011|10:02am]
[info]wizardry order folks, former gryffindors, the mad eye moody to her tonks without the auror prestige, a guy with giant blood in him and an adopted brother for specifics.
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[26 Sep 2011|10:20am]
[info]nwestern okay, i'm bringing a boy. i'm thinking about danny jones but my heart isn't set on that pb! someone with dark hair and soulful eyes perhaps? halp!
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[26 Sep 2011|10:21am]
[info]nwestern tardy to the party, sigh. would anybody need an emily browning for anything? she's a complete blank slate except for being a music composition major and a minor in film and media studies.
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[26 Sep 2011|10:36am]
check the journal, please! i'm looking for some psls.
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[26 Sep 2011|10:38am]
[info]tamlagare the archangel jophiel, and lines with the other angel and demon holds would be awesome.
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[26 Sep 2011|10:41am]
[info]bourbonotr Be who you want to be, already.

A few wanted are here.
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[26 Sep 2011|10:49am]
[info]thewives lines with the holds, greg kinnear as her husband, and her younger sister who is also her best friend!
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[26 Sep 2011|10:51am]
[info]nwestern lines with those i don't have them with yet, i'd especially love an ex and adopted siblings
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[26 Sep 2011|10:51am]
[info]demoniac i just got far too excited to see it back. who might be wanted, m or f? (feel free to throw specific lines my way!)
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[26 Sep 2011|10:53am]
[info]brnswick Max Irons and Andrew Garfield for lines!
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[26 Sep 2011|10:53am]
[info]nwestern nina dobrev for an epic bff line. katerina graham, steven r mcqueen, taylor hanson (no, really).
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[26 Sep 2011|10:55am]
[info]nwestern lines while i spend my day working?
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[26 Sep 2011|10:55am]
what's up, [info]wedded? was your weekend as good as mine? could i get some troublesome cousins for some wild shenanigans? the lone democrat in the family would be hilarious. someone to get 'love lockdown' out of my head would also be nice. very nice indeed.
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[26 Sep 2011|11:02am]
[info]thehudson Her three younger sisters!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:08am]
[info]wizardry not sure what i'm doing yet, would anyone want pixie lott or cheryl cole for anything?
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[26 Sep 2011|11:12am]
[info]wizardry applications!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:22am]
[info]brnswick I'd give anything for an Ashley Greene!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:25am]
can i get a home for her? no supernatural, please!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:28am]
[info]wizardry fell asleep oops. more youngsters! josh hutcherson, logan lerman, alexander ludwig etc for gryffindor friends and kylie jenner for a sister. lines with everyone else!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:29am]
[info]thehudson a younger brother! Maybe a cousin to stay with her from Russia. Friends, lovers, enemies etc
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[26 Sep 2011|11:29am]
[info]nwestern a best friend, a few ex boyfriends, zta sisters, fellow wnur'ers, etc.
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[26 Sep 2011|11:29am]
[info]nwestern lines while i mull over skipping class? she's either going to be majoring in radio/tv/film or journalism!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:30am]
[info]wizardry lines! including, but not limited to: his and [info]circe's order/auror parents, members of the class of '06, kyle gallner as his bff, and romantic entanglements of any gender!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:34am]
[info]thehudson her male roommate, her ex from high school, her female best friend that she moved to seattle with, and her younger brother.
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[26 Sep 2011|11:35am]
[info]nwestern since i'm the idiot who skips class this close to midterms, lines to occupy my day? zta sisters, soccer players, ~ethny to apply
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[26 Sep 2011|11:36am]
I'd love to see someone with Christopher Nolan credits at [info]agency. I'd be happy to figure out a line with one as well!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:37am]
[info]wizardry more lines, ravenclaws, order members, an older brother and a best male friend.
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[26 Sep 2011|11:49am]
[info]clawmarks ingen scientists, poachers, the rest of the male holds, and lines with the current holds!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:51am]
[info]clawmarks matthew grey gubler, christian bale, nathan fillion please report for lines!
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[26 Sep 2011|11:56am]
[info]nwestern I have to go to work and would love lines to distract me. Anyone who pbs AJ Holmes, Lauren Lopez, or Joe Walker should show their faces.
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almost ready to apply [26 Sep 2011|12:05pm]
[info]wizardry lines for this hufflepuff? tyler hoechlin and jesse metcalfe as his older, stronger, tougher, gryffindor brothers. there's interesting family history. a girl he had a debilitating crush on all through their time at hogwarts. demi lovato for a fellow hufflepuff misfit. vanessa hudgens as a family friend/cousin. fellow mom interns, people who work in diagon alley. friends of his pureblood family, and maybe a cousin. anything and everything!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:06pm]
[info]nwestern lines, fun people and all that good stuff.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:08pm]
[info]flipthefrog seeking a sierra kusterbeck pb for a specific line! also, people to bring in travie mccoy, b.o.b., lil wayne, and cee lo green credits.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:11pm]
[info]wizardry who is wanted m or f?
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[26 Sep 2011|12:12pm]
[info]wizardry chris hemsworth or ryan kwanten as his and [info]athias' bastard brother. other lines for this pureblood ravenclaw? he's 24.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:12pm]
[info]oxton holland roden, tyler hoechlin, and tyler posey to round out the teen wolf people.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:17pm]
[info]nwestern i'm going to start writing him out. he's the david wooderson (dazed and confused) of modern time, except a little less creepy. he could use just about everything, especially bros and hoes. a little sister, an ex whos feelings are still there and a girl who drives him insane (but in a good way.)
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[26 Sep 2011|12:19pm]
[info]mbsc michelle williams as her sister & an ex/baby daddy that she effing hates. completely.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:31pm]
[info]bourbonotr Matt Davis, Michael Trevino, Joseph Morgan and Emma Watson!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:32pm]
[info]capitolpn Cinna, Haymitch, Effie, all of the holds to come back and apply
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[26 Sep 2011|12:33pm]
[info]nwestern lines? an ex, co-workers at the hair salon, a possible fling maybe, friends, people to party/skate/smoke/drink with? anything!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:35pm]
looking for journal based psls, check the journal for more information.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:37pm]
[info]prtland Girlfriends, and more people in general.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:38pm]
[info]brnswick I'd love to get her older, man-child like brother in game, whom she lives in an apartment with. Also, their younger brother, and her step-siblings!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:38pm]
[info]bourbonotr The guy that just broke up with her, her polar opposite sister!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:39pm]
[info]nwestern lines for this guy? maybe one or both of his siblings, an ex, a girl he used to crush on that's completely out of his league, a roommate or two, some guy friends because he's swimming in estrogen, also tom, evanna, dan, emma & rupert, please.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:44pm]
[info]wizardry looking for his two best friends from ravenclaw (28-30), his prefect partner, his little gryffindor sister, prophet writers, maybe a neutral pureblood witch for something, and lines for this gossip/society columnist & order memeber.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:44pm]
Does anybody PB: Christopher Gorham ? Or would be willing to (I'll even make icons for you!) If so, you're needed at [info]ilovela
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[26 Sep 2011|12:45pm]
[info]jekyllisland a group psl based on the kennedys. adds are tonight and holds will then be cleared out.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:45pm]
[info]nwestern lines while i revamp? rihanna for his ace, drake for a best friend from back west, travis mccoy as his older cousin. the jay-z to his kanye partner in crime.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:46pm]
gpsl based on the busy lives of housewives!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:47pm]
[info]demoniac more humans and paranormals. clergy she has connections too, people she's exorcised, demons who have been exorcised by her before.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:48pm]
[info]wizardry Would you like to see Anna Paquin, Rose Byrne, or AJ Cook?
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[26 Sep 2011|12:50pm]
ignore the journal, but home or psl for a rihanna?
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[26 Sep 2011|12:52pm]
[info]nwestern a roommate, bad influences, a best friend or two, a sibling or two, exes, friends in general, study buddies, for ~kamy and ~sivas to comment here, and whatever else!
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[26 Sep 2011|12:53pm]
[info]nwestern a roommate, partner in crime, friends of all kinds, exes, c'mon lets brainstorm ideas
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[26 Sep 2011|12:54pm]
[info]nwesternpenn badgley, guys she went on failed dates with, some female friends, her freshman year roommate, fun lines.
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[26 Sep 2011|12:57pm]
[info]jacksonwy Karl Urban, Joshua Jackson, Josh Duhamel, Adrien Brody, or Timothy Olyphant for a line. I would also love to have her brother in game. There are details for that line but the PB is up to you as long as they resemble Diane Kruger in some way. More lines in general would be awesome.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:04pm]
[info]nwestern members of a jam band, people to get in trouble with, exes, friends, enemies and more lines in general.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:07pm]
[info]pennsyl new city comm in philly!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:08pm]
[info]ashbury dylan sprouse!! the flamer, the walking psa, the anarchist, liiines
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[26 Sep 2011|01:10pm]
A Kimberly McCullough for his babymama would be awesome!The catch is that the relationship is completely friendship these days.

also more 30+ in general would be awesome!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:11pm]
[info]nwestern volleyball girls, beer pong buddies, friends, exes, a current fling
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[26 Sep 2011|01:12pm]
is there anyone living in gmt who would like a slash line? leave me a list of who you play/who you'd like to play against.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:12pm]
[info]wizardry is there a muggleborn out there in need of a sibling?
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[26 Sep 2011|01:18pm]
[info]wizardry is [info]phillip still around? if not could i possibly get an andrew garfield for a line? also gryffindors and ministry workers, particularly those in the department of magical sports and games
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[26 Sep 2011|01:20pm]
[info]thewives lines of all shapes and sizes, please!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:21pm]
[info]wizardry Lines while I work on writing her up. I would love her ex-fiance whose a bit on the evil side of things for a detailed line.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:23pm]
[info]bourbonotr I'd kill for a Matt Davis. Drake, Nicki Minaj or Rihanna would be great for siblings as well!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:23pm]
[info]nwestern lines with everyone. im bored
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omg ij wtf is wrong with you [26 Sep 2011|01:24pm]
[info]demoniac more lines, especially with all you new shiny holds. vampires for [info]totallyevil anything and everything let's get this party started

edit: mark salling and heather morris - you are direly in need and will receive amazing lines and chocolate chip cookies!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:32pm]
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[26 Sep 2011|01:32pm]
[info]clawmarks lines for this big game hunter while i wrap her up and apply?
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[26 Sep 2011|01:37pm]
[info]demoniac more lines for this slayer
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[26 Sep 2011|01:39pm]
Brothers, her editor, co workers of Subscriber Magazine and a chubby hater.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:43pm]
[info]nwestern anyone need a sibling? lines you need filled (he's a blank slate)? something slash?
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[26 Sep 2011|01:44pm]
[info]prtland His two step-sisters!
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[26 Sep 2011|01:44pm]
[info]nwestern something great, something awesome, something bromantical, and something scandalous for either sex.
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[26 Sep 2011|01:50pm]
[info]ashbury someone has to pb max minghella, you're needed for a line and love
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[26 Sep 2011|01:51pm]
home or psl for aaron tveit?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:01pm]
[info]nwestern lines while i try not to drown in work? journalism majors, lacrosse players, friends, rivals, roommates, people who try to loosen her up, tvd cast
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[26 Sep 2011|02:06pm]
[info]brnswick a male best friend.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:06pm]
[info]thealist the rest of the glee cast! i'd especially love to see santana and can offer pb suggestions if you need them.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:07pm]
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[26 Sep 2011|02:11pm]
[info]jacksonwy lines please? Alex Pettyfer or Taylor Launter for a crush and or boyfriend?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:14pm]
[info]demoniac more street kids
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[26 Sep 2011|02:14pm]
[info]jekyllisland just applied! would love to see THE JACK premade so that we could discuss their marriage. lines with anyone that wants to join!
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[26 Sep 2011|02:16pm]
[info]wizardry still figuring her out, so does anyone need a sibling or something major filled so i have a place to start?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:20pm]
[info]nwestern lines, a girl for something specific.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:21pm]
[info]gentries save me from work.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:21pm]
[info]nwestern more males, zta ladies, lacrosse players, dancers, lines in general! oh & a male for a specific line please?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:23pm]
[info]nwestern Alex Pettyfer! You're wanted for a specific SL. The rest of the Starkids, anyone and everyone! More men to save our current one from drowning in estrogen! Bring floaties!
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[26 Sep 2011|02:34pm]
[info]wizardry lines! including: his and [info]circe's order/auror parents, members of the class of '06, kyle gallner as his bff, and romantic entanglements of any gender!
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[26 Sep 2011|02:36pm]
[info]prtland Two younger brothers and employees at his bar.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:38pm]
[info]wizardry lines for this young, pureblood seer who has a knack for wandless magic?
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[26 Sep 2011|02:43pm]
[info]nwestern a little sister, his cousin, his guy best friend, a girl who hates his playboy guts and another guy to live with him, [info]mantega and [info]caerra!
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[26 Sep 2011|02:48pm]
[info]blights, a dragon age roleplaying game.
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[26 Sep 2011|02:48pm]
[info]nwestern the greek cast. won't give up. and sls with the new people joining!
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[26 Sep 2011|02:55pm]
[info]thehudson, female for a complicated, slightly volatile line? mid 20s to mid 30s preferred.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:01pm]
[info]nwestern lines with everyone
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[26 Sep 2011|03:01pm]
[info]demoniac. humans are food, not friends.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:04pm]
[info]nwestern her brother, more friends (matt smith for a bestie? and a female too), fellow journalists, exes (1 female, 1 male), MORE MODEL UN MEMBERS, people she can play WoW with and anything else you can toss at me!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:04pm]
[info]wizardry Could I get some lines for this pureblood who was a Slytherin? I could use her best friend, her siblings, the guy she's seeing to please her parents, and so much more.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:05pm]
[info]nwestern he's [info]baya's adopted brother, [info]soteris' roommate, and he cuts/styles hair with [info]enea for a living! i'm looking for more ladies he could have awkwardly attempted to flirt with and ladies who come to him to get their hair did~ and more bros to bromance/videogame it up with and some people to smoke with when he's feeling down.
37 comments|post comment

[26 Sep 2011|03:13pm]
[info]rogerebert dianna agron, theo stockman, the actress that plays serena on gg for a line!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:16pm]
Home for this lovely Cristina Scabbia? She's a blank slate, so she can fill your lines! I'm open to just about everything too, so hit me with your best shot, ~pbads. ;]
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[26 Sep 2011|03:17pm]
[info]hillies a male for a childhood best friend line?
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[26 Sep 2011|03:18pm]
[info]jekyllisland a group psl based on the kennedys. adds are tonight.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:19pm]
[info]thewives let's talk lines.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:28pm]
[info]brnswick tons of popular faces open!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:30pm]
[info]agency co-stars, friends, foes, gemma arterton, christian bale, jessica chastain, anton yelchin, and an ex he dated from 1994-2001.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:31pm]
[info]nwestern entertain me while i'm at work. more zta sisters, friends, people who get under her skin, ex boyfriends, flings, a quasi-douchey guy for a quasi-detailed line
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[26 Sep 2011|03:32pm]
[info]nwestern tom, evanna, dan, emma & rupert, some more lines, one or both of his siblings, and screenname suggestions!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:32pm]
[info]wizardry friends she has made post school, people who possibly come to her for potions
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[26 Sep 2011|03:38pm]
home? she's a blank slate.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:40pm]
[info]wedded the male half of a couples premade; he'd also get an automatic biffle line with [info]moxley. friends, exes, etc, etc.
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[26 Sep 2011|03:47pm]
[info]nwestern lines with the returning members and new ones alike!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:51pm]
who is wanted at active comms? m or f!
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[26 Sep 2011|03:56pm]
I would love to find some journal based private lines with any of the faces/pairings listed in the journal.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:01pm]
[info]thewives Her husband for a fun little line and a younger guy maybe as a sibling for one of the other wives or something for a sl.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:03pm]
[info]nwestern ij is failing me yet again. [info]taner, zeta ladies, and more lines please!
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[26 Sep 2011|04:07pm]
[info]jacksonwy Karl Urban or Joshua Jackson for a detailed best friend line. Matthew Goode or someone else that could pass as a brother for a detailed sibling line (It comes with one other line in the game).
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[26 Sep 2011|04:09pm]
[info]demoniac more 30-40+ pbs, a vampire lady who skeeves him out, more warlocks for him to black sheep at, and anything else.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:13pm]
[info]nwestern a few people to launch the hide & seek club with, a desk scribble penpal she hasn't met yet, more freshmen
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[26 Sep 2011|04:20pm]
[info]nwestern penn badgley or are there any other guys wanted? lines are a plus. penn it is!
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[26 Sep 2011|04:39pm]
[info]ashbury the goth, klepto, the anarchist for the band of outlaws & the dumb blond to make him a hypocrite
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[26 Sep 2011|04:44pm]
[info]nwestern lines as i start to figure her out, romeo miller or shad moss for a little brother.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:46pm]
home perhaps? pretty much open to anything at the moment.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:49pm]
[info]pennsyl shooting for first adds by saturday.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:50pm]
[info]wizardry. former ravenclaws around his age (20-22) and a person or two who was in auror training with him before he dropped out after a year.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:54pm]
shad moss, gabe saporta, victoria asher, katy perry and tyga for lines while i write this guy up for [info]nwestern and lines with the other holds too
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[26 Sep 2011|04:58pm]
[info]thewives lines! if you're looking to bring in a dude, she needs a husband.
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[26 Sep 2011|04:59pm]
[info]thehudson more lines to keep this girl active!
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[26 Sep 2011|05:03pm]
[info]thewives would anyone be up to take an affair line in?
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[26 Sep 2011|05:05pm]
[info]thewives A sibling or two for her, a best friend since they were kids, and lines with everyone.
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[26 Sep 2011|05:07pm]
Dianna Agron for a line
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