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[30 Aug 2011|12:10am]
what females are wanted at [info]agency? storylines are nice, but not necessary.
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[30 Aug 2011|12:13am]
[info]thealist could i get two detailed ex lines filled?
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[30 Aug 2011|12:18am]
still haven't decided a whole lot about her yet (including her pb) but could i get some lines for this pure-blood squib at [info]mugglelondon while i sleep on it and figure her out a bit more?
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[30 Aug 2011|12:33am]
[info]usa what females are wanted?
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[30 Aug 2011|12:33am]
what males between 35-45 are wanted at [info]thehudson? throw 'em at me.
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[30 Aug 2011|12:39am]
[info]agency I am going to have to rework her credits, but can I get some lines for her? I'd love a long time boyfriend who has either just proposed or is thinking about it while she dies for it to happen and some siblings (female or male, full or half; she's got a ton).
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[30 Aug 2011|12:44am]
[info]oxton More males around this place! A childhood best friend, a male for a detailed line that won't be romantic, an ex, and lines with whoever wants them.
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[30 Aug 2011|12:48am]
[info]fiu heather morris, chord overstreet, people in general and lines too.
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[30 Aug 2011|12:54am]
[info]agency dustin milligan, annalynne mccord, and any/all others for fun lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|01:09am]
[info]fiu more holds!
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[30 Aug 2011|01:15am]
[info]jacksonwy Some older pb faces.
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[30 Aug 2011|01:16am]
Is their a community out their for This Cassie Ventura? Preferably, modern day, and non-celeb. I'd like to get a few storylines going. Her name is Tamara, and I have one particular line in mind already for her..

She lives in Manhattan, New York where she owns a gallery where she collects and sells fine art. She's owned this gallery for over four years now, and business has been good. At least enough to have somewhere comfortable to live, and food to eat. But just as she believes things are starting to get better, Mr. Money Bags walks in, threatening to tear down her business. All for an expansion of his company's business. Not just her building, but at least 4 blocks worth. She was told by her friends to stay away, but after he saves her from almost near death, she begins to harbor feelings for him. To mix things up, he's white, causing a major fuss within her 'colored' circle of friends.

I'd like to see this story involve feelings of Love, trust, and friendship through all the eyes of the characters involved, and the struggles they endure throughout their lives. Also, I'd like to see this story go through a bunch of dark, dramatic, violent, racist, happy, mushy, sexy, just overall interesting details.

I'm looking for someone willing to play, Erykah Badu as her Hoodoo grandmother she grew up with,(more of her in Bio, coming soon). Aaliyah, as her Cousin. Lauren London, as her best friend. Maybe even Tyrese joining in as another possessive friend; wannabe lover?

Any other friendships, business associates, or enemy's are welcome.
Besides the four characters I already named, anyone else I'm not to picky. :)
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[30 Aug 2011|01:34am]
can i get a psl for emma watson, minka kelly, jamie chung, sarah michelle gellar, or jennifer lawrence?
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[30 Aug 2011|01:36am]
i'm looking for a femme line, i want to play a bad girl in a rocky/possibly toxic relationship attempting to reform herself and strengthen her relationship through having a baby. i'm pretty open to the other character's personality.
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[30 Aug 2011|01:58am]
[info]fiu More holds! A best guy friend, best female friend, roommate, an on/off boyfriend, and lines with everyone.
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[30 Aug 2011|02:15am]
[info]fiu Going with Amber and now I want some lines. Maybe the Ron and Harry to her Hermione, the roommate, a cousin, and some more holds.
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i should be sleeping but oh well [30 Aug 2011|02:38am]
[info]agency zachary quinto or someone else kind of adam scott-y with the credits of henry pollard on party down and clyde in bachelorette for a costar/buddy line. john cho or kal penn or aziz ansari as her and ~frass's former roommate. the other ladies of happy endings and bachelorette (only isla and lizzy's parts are taken.)
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[30 Aug 2011|03:19am]
[info]brnswick the younger brother she's mooching off staying with now that she's back in town. she'll be going through his drawers, making a mess all through his apartment, and ignoring his demands that she get a damn job.
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sure, why not post in here... [30 Aug 2011|03:26am]
[info]realitycrash via [info]reality_mod panfandom game in need of many, many new arrivals! I personally would love to see any incarnation of The Doctor (obviously with a favour toward the Eleventh) because what's a companion without him? Also, Rory Williams and River Song! Outside of series five/six, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness, Martha Jones and Donna Noble would be loved and adored as well. As would any of the additional Torchwood characters.
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[30 Aug 2011|04:14am]
any mature, friendly, threading intense communities out there?
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[30 Aug 2011|04:18am]
[info]uga AJ here has some great lines ) that need filling!
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[30 Aug 2011|04:41am]
[info]oxton more dudes so the ones in game don't drown in the sea of estrogen. freshmen, sophomores, and seniors make the world go round.

bonus points if any of them are on the hockey and/or lacrosse teams.

double the bonus points, at least one soul, and a first born if one of them has the face of tyler hoechlin.
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[30 Aug 2011|04:55am]
Are there any highschool comms out there?
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[30 Aug 2011|05:03am]
lines will sway.
prefer supernatural and powers.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:48am]
[info]mugglelondon let's see some apps, fools.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:57am]


American Fury. Justice Belle. Top Kid. Grenade Flash. These are the names of legends.

A group of super powered heroes who, during the Depression years of the 1930s, banded together in the name of truth, justice, and humanitarianism, to inspire hope among the average man. Together they founded the Justice Society, dedicating every day to the service of helping those who could not help themselves. They took on the responsibility of using their abilities to foster a philosophy of goodness, and took an oath to protect the helpless and the needy. But good could not exist without evil. The Justice Society soon found themselves in confrontation with a villainous enemy known only as The Master. The Master gathered his own team of powered individuals for the sake of evil, corruption, greed, and, above all, power. They were colloquially termed The Elite, for their harsh criticism of less valuable super powers and their xenophobic superiority over nonpowered people.

Then, on July 28, 2011, everything changed. As The Master lied on his death bed, he used the remaining bit of his strength and power to make one more lasting impression upon mankind. He ripped open a hole in the fabric of time and brought countless generations of heroes, both presently living and deceased, from varying points in history, into a single unprepared present.

Golden Age Heroes meet Silver Age Villains. Silver Age Heroes meet Modern Age Villains. Common man? Prepare for the next big adventure in superhero lore. This will definitely make the history books.

Most Wanted

As this is a brand new game, we're actively seeking heroes and villains from all ages, but we are in dire need of villains!

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[30 Aug 2011|07:56am]
[info]uga lines with the newbies! more morning people to amuse me between classes
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[30 Aug 2011|08:30am]
[info]click i'm looking for a half brother or sister that lives in los angeles or at the very least a cousin! best friends, people to hang with, and a female for a rumored~ fling!
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[30 Aug 2011|08:42am]
[info]panemcapitol other mentors, more citizens, originals!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:02am]
home for a pixie lott pb?
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[30 Aug 2011|09:02am]
considering [info]thehudson! would paget be wanted there or anywhere else for anything? totally willing to switch journals.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:08am]
[info]uga lines of all shapes and sizes. i think she's going alpha chi...
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[30 Aug 2011|09:12am]
[info]uga more alpha chi omega sisters, her little, her younger brother (name and age negotiable), lines, lines, lines,, please!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:12am]
Is T.Swift need anywhere? No faux celeb, please.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:29am]
i'd love just about anyone for a psl against ryan gosling.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:31am]
[info]sorters dan radcliffe, evanna lynch, more ravenclaw 6th year boys... anything really!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:40am]
[info]thehudson her male roommate (26-29), her ex from high school (28/29), her female best friend from high school that she moved to seattle with for a few years (25/26), and her younger brother (25) for a detailed line. i have no pb's in mind!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:41am]
would anyone pb xavier samuel, robert sheehan, or andrew garfield against her? i have a few ideas in mind that i'd like to play out.
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bad timing but however.. [30 Aug 2011|09:45am]
[info]brnswick or [info]thehudson I'm looking at you. Is there anyone that would like a Jon Hamm for something?
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I'm begging [30 Aug 2011|09:53am]
I'd really love for someone to come play Kurt with our little glee group. Or Puck!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:01am]
[info]brnswick her and [info]vnesj's two older brothers! also, cousins on either side.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:11am]
[info]agency a female for a specific line, co-stars, the peter parker to her gwen stacey in the amazing spider-man, troian bellisario, anything else.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:17am]
[info]ilovela her older brother and sister, her younger brother (all adopted), clients at the salon she works at, glee pbs, mark salling, max irons, liam hensworth, or another early twenties male for an ex line!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:19am]
[info]oxton boys!!!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:30am]
[info]uglyamerica A new supernatural/city game set in NOLA. Adds are set for this Sunday-- get those holds in! [info]uglylines for your plotting needs.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:34am]
[info]french_quarter her half-siblings, the archangel zadkiel, and a best friend.
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[30 Aug 2011|11:14am]
heading to [info]santabarbara! could i get a few lines for him please? maybe a jade olivia gordon or emma watson to tag along for an on/off girl friend?
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[30 Aug 2011|02:01pm]
i realize this is a bad time, but does anyone pb amber heard?
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[30 Aug 2011|03:51pm]
Any games in need of a Spencer?
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[30 Aug 2011|04:15pm]
A complete long shot.... But are there any males that want a psl with this freshman via email only?
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[30 Aug 2011|04:15pm]
[info]click the rest of the black cards and the oth cast.
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[30 Aug 2011|04:38pm]
[info]duvet - I have been writing and re-writing this ad in my head at work, so I thought I'd give it a shot: I'm looking for an older PB, male or female to have a line with this girl here. Sort of an "oh shit, did I seriously just pick up a 24 year old at the bar?" Your Character is divorced, a single parent to a small child (1-4yrs old), and hasn't really been dating since the divorce. They meet Vivienne here at the bar, they hit it off, go home, fool around, and then start sort of a casual relationship thing that progresses into something lovely.

Vivienne here plays the role of the 24 year old. She's pansexual, an artist, recently divorced from an NPC husband, and generally doesn't do monogamous relationships. I would like for Your Character to have sort of a calming influence. She's been sort of running along the edge for a while and it would be nice for her to be in a relationship with someone who not only calls her on her bullshit but provides her a safe place to let her guard down.

I really, truly, honestly do not care if Your Character is male or female. I can see this working either way. I'll admit that I am partial to Misha Collins but just because I've seen him played as a single dad in the past and so I have a wee little soft spot in my heart for him. I'd like for Vivienne to provide a growing experience for Your Character as well, sort of like Rose Red/Snow White? Rose Red calms down and Snow White livens up?

There's a lot more to Vivienne, so it'll definitely have more depth to it than I can express here.

I've babbled. Let me know if you're interested. (You can also AIM me on her IC name: vivienneonfire.)
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[30 Aug 2011|04:48pm]
looking for a home for this U.S. Marine? can fill any storylines needed.
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[30 Aug 2011|05:10pm]
[info]viennagate a new game set in a gated community!
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[30 Aug 2011|05:25pm]
[info]quietlines We could use more females!
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[30 Aug 2011|05:43pm]
[info]jacksonwy friends/family !
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[30 Aug 2011|05:46pm]
[info]agency parks and rec cast please! i have pb suggestions and would really love andy and leslie around, and pretty much all of them really. costars from other projects would be sweet too, and any other lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|05:49pm]
faux celeb or town home and a michelle williams or some other lovely lady to come along as his best friend/ex-girlfriend.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:01pm]
[info]jacksonwy lines with everybody. also an older brother, a best friend and an ex-girlfriend.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:10pm]
would anyone be interested in seeing an icon journal around?
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[30 Aug 2011|06:10pm]
[info]click the rest of the oc cast, especially seth and summer.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:24pm]
[info]agency exes, other musicians (he sounds like kings of leon), romances, friends, a younger bro!
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[30 Aug 2011|06:28pm]
[info]agency i'd love some lines while i finish her up
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[30 Aug 2011|06:33pm]
Now that IJ is back up [info]uga more lines!
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[30 Aug 2011|06:39pm]
is there a ryan gosling pb out there for a currently non-romantic line?
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[30 Aug 2011|06:45pm]
[info]usa david henrie, josh hutcherson, tinashe kachingwe, cristine prosperi and jasmine villegas
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[30 Aug 2011|06:50pm]
Anyone slash paul wesley or ian somerhalder?
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[30 Aug 2011|06:56pm]
[info]thehudson Her three younger sisters, and maybe some cousins!
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[30 Aug 2011|06:56pm]
anyone need/want a quinn for a game or psl?
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[30 Aug 2011|06:57pm]
[info]agency lines, credit suggestions for this british musician and i might throw him in a couple movies if any catch my eye.
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[30 Aug 2011|06:58pm]
[info]mobwars jesse eisenberg or andrew garfield for a specific line.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:00pm]
A home (unique premises are a plus), his ex-wife, twin sister (32), older brother (40) and a psychiatrist?

There is a rough sketch of his bio written up in an open post, as a diligent if idealistic ethnographer. I also have ideas for him as a detective (police or private) if that profession is more in demand. If there's a game out there with room for either version of this character, or someone willing to come with, do leave a message!
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[30 Aug 2011|07:01pm]
[info]seattle an ex/current husband. arguments to ensue!
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[30 Aug 2011|07:06pm]
[info]uga more lines, of course.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:08pm]

[info]nickdowning would love a daughter ( 17 years old ) and an ex wife for some amazing drama! Come on people, help a fellow rper out!
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[30 Aug 2011|07:12pm]
[info]uga now that ij is working, more lines would be fab. 90210 cast, a roommate and a boy for an on/off dysfunctional relationship.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:17pm]
[info]thehudson an ex possibly, friends, people he may know from NYU, a business partner maybe, an assistant or secretary
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[30 Aug 2011|07:20pm]
[info]uga ij you scurrrred me. i thoughts i had lost you forever.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:21pm]
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[30 Aug 2011|07:22pm]
rupert grint pbs, report to [info]oxton! i'd love to work out a best friends line. also, any males really for an older step-brother.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:25pm]
Trying again! Home for Sandra Bullock and Chris Hemsworth? Town/city only.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:27pm]
since an earlier discussion got me interested, would anyone else be interested in something 'dance moms' ish to take to a community or gpsl? basically it'd be totally crazy stage moms and the kids trying to deal with them!
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[30 Aug 2011|07:33pm]
[info]viennagate the perez family
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[30 Aug 2011|07:36pm]
[info]oxton More males please! I would love her childhood best friend, an ex, and another male for a detailed non-romantic sl.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:40pm]
[info]agency he really, really needs lines. anyone need a dad/babydaddy/friend/etc?
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[30 Aug 2011|07:42pm]
any town community or gpsl looking for a cameron? a damian would be a bonus. if not i'd love a girl for a specific pregnancy line
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bad timing but.. [30 Aug 2011|07:47pm]
looking for a home for this guy while i write up his bio. he's damaged goods and comes from a psychotic family, so i was kind of hoping to make him a little dark and twisted. maybe even a murderer who has gotten away with his past crimes. anyone need or want a dark and twisted jensen ackles pb who is very manipulative and kind of obsessive? can write up a bio for anyone that needs him.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:48pm]
Welcome back, IJ you handsome devil. Let's make out.

Other than that Chaerin CL Lee pb! Check my bio and see if you can give me a good home. :)
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[30 Aug 2011|07:49pm]
[info]brnswick come on, come all. more soa pb's would be awesome.
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[30 Aug 2011|07:56pm]
[info]seattle aaron johnson and jamie chung for specific lines, and more lines in general would be awesome, too!
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[30 Aug 2011|07:56pm]
actually, i'm heading to [info]santabarbara. can i get some storylines please?
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[30 Aug 2011|07:58pm]
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[30 Aug 2011|08:02pm]
does anyone play chris colfer?
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[30 Aug 2011|08:05pm]
[info]ashbury the celeb's baby for a line, please
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[30 Aug 2011|08:11pm]
Testing the waters...

George Clooney or Nathan Fillion - who wants?
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[30 Aug 2011|08:18pm]
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[30 Aug 2011|08:34pm]
[info]uga someone female or male or both! to be her prank pulling bff's.
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[30 Aug 2011|08:36pm]
I miss her so anything for Evanna Lynch? Faux celeb with room for a stage actress or NYC based comms would be perfect and can fill lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|08:38pm]
[info]fiu negl, cliche is my friend tonight. candice accola for a romantic line, nina dobrev, zach roerig, steven r. mcqueen, and katerina graham for everything else and of course to see their pretty faces around.
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[30 Aug 2011|08:38pm]
[info]oldharbor her brother, people who work in her shop, a best girl / guy friend - comedic soul mate, fellow parents to bond with
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[30 Aug 2011|08:39pm]
[info]agency who needs lines?
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[30 Aug 2011|08:47pm]
faux celeb home for this kevin zegers pb? and maybe some bandmates to join him. they sound like either forever the sickest kids or all time low (i haven't decided yet).
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[30 Aug 2011|08:47pm]
[info]viennagate a new community set in a gated housing development
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[30 Aug 2011|08:48pm]
[info]uga more lines, please? some girls who have slapped him for being a perv, some dude friends, someone to help me decide on a frat, a best girl friend to tell him when he's being gross (because he doesn't hear it enough from his sister), a roommate, a little, anything you can think of
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[30 Aug 2011|08:49pm]
[info]thehudson christopher mintz-plasse
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[30 Aug 2011|08:52pm]
[info]agency jennifer connelly, michelle williams and natalie portman
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[30 Aug 2011|08:54pm]
[info]uga lines with anyone who wants one! ~fantastical to come back to me asap.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:05pm]
[info]agency the actor who is playing peter parker in the spider-man reboot, a best girl friend that she has known since she was five (i can suggest faces), co-stars, friends, enemies, anything! maybe the lindsay lohan to her hilary duff?
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[30 Aug 2011|09:12pm]
[info]thealist criminal minds co-stars and kristen bell, michelle williams, sienna miller, elisha cuthbert, kirsten dunst, hayden panettiere, brittany snow, katie cassidy, hilary duff, or ashley tisdale for specific lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:14pm]
More lines for her! [info]theapts!

George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Patrick Dempsey or Russell Crowe as her baby's daddy.....pretty please!

He is unhappily married to his wife, no children other then Kaelyn's son (7 month old), spends most of his time with Kaelyn at the apartment he pays for. Only still married to his wife because of her social standing and his business career. He keeps Kaelyn and the baby hidden from his wife and the world. Originally from New York and travels between New York and Chicago for business.

If I could get his wife as well...that would be great! Perhaps she could move into the same apartment building without Kaelyn or her husband even knowing, which would cause drama between the three.

She has no siblings...but maybe a cousin that is from Chicago and lives in the apartment complex as well.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:14pm]
Her new personal assistant would be awesome!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:15pm]
[info]oxton the dude who has made him question his sexuality since he was 14? trololol
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[30 Aug 2011|09:15pm]
[info]thealist luke pasqualino, lily loveless, robert sheehan, mumford and sons credits, guitarist & drummer in a band that sounds like kings of leon.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:16pm]
[info]sorters a twin for ~liem.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:25pm]
Looking for anyone who would be willing to play, Aaliyah, as Tamara's Cousin.
Nicki Minaj and/or Lauren London as her best friend?
Maybe even Tyrese joining in as another possessive ex-lover/friend?

Any other business associates, or friends are welcome.
They don't have to be of African-American decent either.
I'm not to picky on Pb's.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:26pm]
[info]mugglelondon; just a bit more of his bio left to go and then he shall be done and apped just in the nick of time for first adds. anyone i need to speak with before that? also, does anyone need a sister in the form of a squib (ace if they're a pure blood family)?
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[30 Aug 2011|09:27pm]
Anyone know of comms that take place in Texas?
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[30 Aug 2011|09:31pm]
[info]mobwars bradley cooper, matt bomer, colin farrell, chris pine, chris evans, robert downey jr, jeffrey dean morgan, mark wahlberg, kate beckinsale, mary elizabeth winstead, zoe saldana, milla jovovich, scarlett johansson, emily blunt
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[30 Aug 2011|09:34pm]
Threading home for any of the ladies in the journal? No supernatural, thanks. Lines will sway!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:39pm]
[info]uga - more alpha chi omega sisters, a boyfriend, more lines in general!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:41pm]
[info]jacksonwy bringing in reese! willing and hoping to fill lines.

eta: a jake gyllenhaal, rob pattinson &taylor swift for specifics!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:48pm]
[info]hillies; sophomore sister, freshman brother for this junior. maybe a friend on a study abroad from his exchange to australia freshman year? a male cousin; twin to [info]adle. also liam hemsworth, hunter parrish or tom felton
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[30 Aug 2011|09:52pm]
[info]panemcapitol other mentors, capitol people, anyone else!
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[30 Aug 2011|09:52pm]
[info]crowncitymod. Some ex-boyfriends for her, some co-workers at the TV station, maybe one of her three older brothers? A roommate/BFF would be great too. Check us out, it's lots of fun.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:55pm]
[info]thealist male friends! male members of a band that sounds like the xx, more male british musicians.
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[30 Aug 2011|09:57pm]
Home for a Kate Walsh? Would love to fill lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:02pm]
[info]agency pb suggestions for a guy with black keys credits?
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[30 Aug 2011|10:03pm]
[info]thehudson Now that I've apped, if whoever came to me for lines could comment here, that would be super. My notifs disappeared.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:09pm]
[info]agency jim sturgess for a specific line, please!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:12pm]
[info]uga if we don't have a line, lets please change that!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:22pm]
Still looking for a Zachary Levi for an HS sweetheart line at [info]santabarbara(Or a confirmation from the few people i've spoken to that you want to pick up the line!). I prefer threading, and journal interaction and I'm not huge on IC IM chatting, although , I will do that occasionally. I really just want to write though!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:32pm]
does anyone pb desmond harrington, chris o'donnell, jason bateman, nicholas brendon, or justin kirk?
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[30 Aug 2011|10:33pm]
Looking for a guy to push her buttons and have some dramatic fun!
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[30 Aug 2011|10:35pm]
[info]viennagate I am thinking her as the mother of the Tucker or Cooper family. Jon Hamm, Nathan Fillion or David Boreanaz as her husband would be great.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:37pm]
[info]fiu MORE GUYS & lines, please :) Um, a BFF, party buddies, a roommate(s), co-workers, enemies, FWB, a possible boyfriend, anything.

Alex Pettyfer, Mark Salling, Tyler Posey, Josh Beech, Ashley Benson, Colton Haynes, Taylor Lautner, Garrett Hedlund, Shay Mitchell, anyone! (I have lines for any of the people listed.)
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[30 Aug 2011|10:39pm]
[info]uglyamerica trying to figure out this packmaster, anyone need a line or two filled?
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[30 Aug 2011|10:45pm]
this might be a bad time, but would this girl be able to fill any lines at [info]uga?
6 comments|post comment

watching 'Hurt Locker' again... [30 Aug 2011|10:47pm]
Home for a Jeremy Renner pb? Could fill lines if needed!
6 comments|post comment

[30 Aug 2011|10:50pm]
[info]oxton more friends, people to talk to, a brother and a boy who tries to get her to fall for him.
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[30 Aug 2011|10:51pm]
[info]uga cam gigandet for a specific line
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[30 Aug 2011|10:52pm]
[info]jacksonwy lets work out some lines.
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[30 Aug 2011|11:00pm]
[info]thehudson a girl or guy his age for a best friend line.
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[30 Aug 2011|11:02pm]
[info]fiu come check us out! welcome back ij!
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[30 Aug 2011|11:02pm]
[info]uga more lines while i finish up her bio
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[30 Aug 2011|11:02pm]
looking to play jessica alba somewhere, any takers? would love to fill a line or two in the process. town/city games preferred but i'm open to other options.
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[30 Aug 2011|11:08pm]
ignore the journal. if i brought frankie sandford to [info]jacksonwy (or any other active town/city game), would she get any lines? she'd be a blank slate and i'm willing to fill any line if it's interesting enough!
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[30 Aug 2011|11:27pm]
[info]thehudson her ex, her best friend, her older sister and some friends
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[30 Aug 2011|11:32pm]
[info]jacksonwy. Adds are every Sunday and Wednesday at 10 PM (EST). Lots of popular PBs are still open! Check out [info]jacksonhole for storyline plotting with players already in the game.
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[30 Aug 2011|11:41pm]
Would love to find a new roommate for him over at [info]jacksonwy. They'd get the bigger bedroom while only having to put up with a super cute dog and the smell of oil paints! Haha. Male or female, don't care.
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