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[24 Aug 2011|12:06am]
Home? Psl's also welcome.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:08am]
[info]tinseltown ben affleck or jason segel?
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[24 Aug 2011|12:17am]
[info]hillies Darren Criss for a line and Lea Michele as a close friend
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[24 Aug 2011|12:18am]
homes for a gillian jacobs or keira knightley? anything but faux-celeb.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:25am]
[info]xnoir i know it's late, but it's not too early to start pimping, is it?
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[24 Aug 2011|12:27am]
[info]mobwars she needs her fiancee! there's some details involved.. also, some brothers and sisters of any age and other lines!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:29am]
[info]thealist could i get a couple of half-siblings for this girl? pb doesn't matter, so long as they're under 30.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:33am]
[info]uga lea michele, cory monteith, shiloh fernandez, max irons, justin timberlake, emma watson, tyler hoechlin, tyler posey, crystal reed, colton haynes, lauren conrad, emma roberts, a sister!, and lines with anyone coming in.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:33am]
[info]seattle Brendon Urie as this guy's younger brother
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[24 Aug 2011|12:33am]
[info]uga blake lively, chace crawford, penn badgley, ed westwick, dreama walker, sebastian stan, teresa palmer, colton haynes, tyler posey, crystal reed, dylan o'brien, tyler hoechlin, holland roden, lea michele, darren criss, cory monteith, chris colfer, heather morris, naya rivera
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[24 Aug 2011|12:40am]
[info]uga I'm taking this guy over and would love a girlfriend from his freshman year of college. Line is mildly detailed. A few friends since freshman year that put up with his jack-ass antics now. More people for lines. Any lines. A cousin (female) that's about his age he spent the majority of his high school life protecting.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:44am]
[info]fangwars i held him as the youngest son of the hunt family, i would love some lines!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:45am]
[info]mobwars Lines with everyone, especially the Falconeri side. Ryan Gosling for a sl idea I have in mind, someone on the Halligan side for another sl, and [info]phalligan should come here because I need to talk to you!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:47am]
[info]uga her older brother (and tke), gamma phi beta juniors, her big, her little. chace crawford, sebastian stan, katie cassidy, kristin cavallari for lines. everyone! because i love this place.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:01am]
[info]mugglelondon; think there's a spell for broken keyboards? anyway, make my night and give me James Potter, a roommate, the one that got away, fellow Slytherins and former fellow Aurors, a girl he crushes/crushed on, etc.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:06am]
[info]mugglelondon can i get the boy her father is trying to set her up with? there are more details to the line if interested!
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[24 Aug 2011|01:08am]
so, would anyone out there want to play tom to my autumn in a continuation of the movie 500 days of summer? i just think it would be cute and fun.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:11am]
[info]mobwars what guys are wanted? lines are an added bonus.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:16am]
[info]thealist lines, por favor. and more apps.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:18am]
[info]mobwars lines, please? she is best friends with [info]lucineri and married to [info]dfalc. maybe a brother?
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[24 Aug 2011|01:19am]
[info]fangwars adds were a success! we'd like to see more of our holds come back for tomorrow night's adds at midnight eastern!
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[24 Aug 2011|01:21am]
[info]mugglelondon giggity
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[24 Aug 2011|01:22am]
[info]fangwars I need to make an ad or the mod might eat me.

Don't let them eat me! Join. Join or I'll be eaten!
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[24 Aug 2011|01:23am]
[info]fangwars my kingdom for Justin Timberlake? also, where's Mama Callaghan?
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[24 Aug 2011|01:29am]
home for drew barrymore, natalie portman, minka kelly, or odette annable? maybe someone to go with a line?
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[24 Aug 2011|01:40am]
[info]mobwars zoe saldana, mary elizabeth winstead, deborah ann woll, emma stone, colin farrell, ryan gosling, bradley cooper, matt bomer, lines with anyone and everyone
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[24 Aug 2011|01:46am]
bad timing but, home for a jennifer garner?
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[24 Aug 2011|01:51am]
[info]fangwars Joseph Gordon Levitt or Matthew Gray Gubler (or both), more people who work at the black rose and her little sister to make life complicated.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:57am]
home for carrie underwood. horrible timing, i know.
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tired [24 Aug 2011|02:04am]
[info]fangwars it's official he's been added. leave me an ooc message on my journal for any lines while i get this scribbld done! i want to hear from [info]crams and my other fellow vampire actress.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:13am]
[info]county Shay Mitchell, Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario, Ashley Tisdale, Taylor Lautner, Garrett Hedlund, Colton Haynes, Chris Evans, Shia Labeouf. I have specific lines for all the people I've listed!
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[24 Aug 2011|02:36am]
[info]fangwars looking for any of his seven italian brothers, and any past flings who want him again since he's becoming famous so he can laugh in their faces. drop me a line in his journal if you're interested.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:43am]
[info]fangwars lines for a newborn vampire?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:48am]
[info]hillies because the night owls rock.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:49am]
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[24 Aug 2011|02:57am]
[info]tinseltown emile hirsch, justin timberlake, mila kunis, sophia bush, odette annabele, zoe saldana, malin akerman, adrien grenier
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[24 Aug 2011|03:34am]
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[24 Aug 2011|03:48am]
Would a legal/office drama game generate any interest? Should we focus on a single firm, two rivalling firms, or prosecution v. defence? Civil or criminal? Any specific branch(es) of law to focus on? American justice system or other? Premades (even just position titles) or no? We want to make sure players are actually interested if we get this rolling.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:08am]
[info]fangwars would anyone be interested in playing her ex? she kind of effed him over big time.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:20am]
[info]fangwars more people and lines, tudors cast members a plus! jonathan rhys for a vampire enemy?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:48am]
[info]tinseltown lines por favor.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:10am]
[info]mobwars More lines because I can't sleep. I would love her brother (older or younger because I don't have anything written yet), a best girl friend, and maybe a guy she punched for getting a bit out of hand after she warned him to watch it with her.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:30am]
Taking him over to [info]brnswick, was wondering if the best friend that convinced him to move out there to work at the dance studio or his baby sister (both are his best friends) would want to come with him. Other than that, I'm open for any other kinds of line.
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[24 Aug 2011|06:43am]
These are a few lines I'm looking for over at [info]santabarbara.

His best friend from elementary school. They grew up probably right next door to each other and they'd be the same age. While they might not be as close as they were back then, they've still got each other's backs a good bit. Cagney was gone for almost 8 years with school and wandering the globe, so that could have caused tension if his friend never left Santa Barbara. Up to the player how that works out. It would definitely be a male character though.

His high school sweetheart turned lesbian. They dated all through high school, 4+ years. She was even going to go tour Europe with him until her family put their foot down and said she needed to go to college not waste her time traveling. He found out that she'd started sleeping with the girl who was her dorm mate when he came for a surprise visit. The whole thing sent him for a bit of a spin but he's since let it go and they're on friendly terms.

The guy he experimented with in college. This would have happened in Chicago when he was there for two years of school. Obviously, it's a slash line. Cagney had never been attracted to a guy before and hasn't been attracted to another one since. He transferred to UCLA to get away from him though, psyching himself out that it was wrong to be with a guy, that he wasn't gay. He tries hard not to think about it at all. I think it'd be fun to see how he'd react to the guy just showing up for a job in Santa Barbara, maybe even teaching at the same high school where Cagney works.

A former neighbor (since his return to Santa Barbara, not growing up there) who bought a house a few months ago and conned him into helping her move. She'd be on the shorter side and would constantly be calling him to come help out with things around the house. It's a totally platonic relationship, just a good bit of fun where she'd call for him to come grab a jar of pickles off the top shelf or do some heavy lifting.

I'm open to the PBs on all the lines so show me some suggestions!
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[24 Aug 2011|07:23am]
[info]fangwars Her two brothers! One older who has been distant because his been turned into a vampire (PB Suggestions: Scott Grimes, Tobey McGuire or Seth Green) and her younger brother that she lives with (Wanted PB: Rupert Grint). She's human.
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[24 Aug 2011|07:44am]
mornin! Angela Lindvall, Isabel Lucas, Jennifer Morrison to [info]oldharbor for specific lines.
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[24 Aug 2011|07:59am]
[info]touristy! Myrtle Beach, SC!
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[24 Aug 2011|08:01am]
[info]brnswick some more connections to keep him active? an employee at his music store (instruments), maybe a student he's teaching either piano, guitar, or drums to. a fan of the band he's in with [info]ceroux. a one night stand that's a little awkward now. is ex from boston (detailed line). i have a couple possible scenarios for that last one.
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[24 Aug 2011|08:07am]
[info]mugglelondon still trying to prod you ex [info]ollivanderly players! also looking for siblings for ~fosten, ~corat and all the usual suspects. plus some purists to get unhinged with this girl, here. something pretty neat is unfolding.
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[24 Aug 2011|08:17am]
[info]cohorts adds are tonight!
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[24 Aug 2011|08:22am]
[info]oxton adds this evening! maybe a senior ex-boyfriend from freshman year that she gave her v-card to? some lives she can or has ruined. more of everything for everyone.
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[24 Aug 2011|08:37am]
[info]tinseltown the rest of the original spiderman cast, more apps, males, people in general.
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[24 Aug 2011|08:54am]
[info]textsfln the rest of the PLL cast
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[24 Aug 2011|09:02am]
[info]mugglelondon Lines for Lily?
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[24 Aug 2011|09:04am]
[info]thealist could i get a best friend or a sibling for her?
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[24 Aug 2011|09:11am]
does anyone have need/want of a kit harington by chance? if not, maybe a psl of any genre? i just want to write.
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[24 Aug 2011|09:29am]
someone up for a older/younger psl against a hugh jackman, michael fassbender, james mcavoy, or matthew bomer? i'd love to see any of the following: georgie henley, freya mavor, elle fanning, rachel hurd wood, imogen poots, kiko mizuhara, frida gustavsson, lyndsy fonseca, and barbara palvin.
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[24 Aug 2011|09:31am]
[info]tinseltown: Freja Beha Erichsen (for a ex line) or Aaron Paul? Really would love a Jack White type to show up as well.
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[24 Aug 2011|09:38am]
[info]mobwars lines with everyone! she's one of the halligan daughters, and works at the salty dog. also still looking for an andrew garfield or jesse eisenberg (or both, i'd love to see them around!) as her best friend that keeps her in line (or tries to).
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still not used to putting the new comm name [24 Aug 2011|09:40am]
[info]mugglelondon teddy lupin please and thank you!
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[24 Aug 2011|09:45am]
[info]textsfln mark salling, cory monteith, dianna agron, lea michele.
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[24 Aug 2011|09:45am]
[info]cohorts blah i am crazy bummed today
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maybe it's too early, but. [24 Aug 2011|10:06am]
dianna agron for a psl? i'd like if we could come up with something together!
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[24 Aug 2011|10:14am]
Still looking for Aaron Eckhart for [info]fangwars for a line! I promise it'll be tons of fun!
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[info]mugglelondon! [24 Aug 2011|10:20am]
Scorpius Malfoy requires cohorts lackeys friends, preferably in the form of Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, or Theodore Nott's children. He could also use an ex-girlfriend or two (possibly a crazy one, for funsies) and the disgusting Muggleborn(s) he slummed it with whilst he was rebelling.

Lines with everyone else, too!
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[24 Aug 2011|10:21am]
[info]click Russell Crowe, Rachel Bilson, Liam Hemsworth, Brooklyn Decker, Karl Urban, Holliday Granger, Rufus Sewell, Rosario Dawson, Gaspard Ulliel, Jessica Alba, Jason Isaacs for lines, please?
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[24 Aug 2011|10:29am]
[info]mugglelondon more lines. jamie bell for a specific line, her two brothers, hannah abbott or justin finch-fletchley's daughter/son for a best friend.
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[24 Aug 2011|10:34am]
[info]tinseltown would mila kunis be wanted for anything specific?
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[24 Aug 2011|10:38am]
[info]uga or other home suggestions. All sorts of lines, please.
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[24 Aug 2011|10:41am]
naya rivera and/or lea michele for a femme line or a femme triangle, s'il vous plait.
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[24 Aug 2011|10:52am]
Home for a 31 year old new mom with the face of Heather Gabel? A Tom Gabel to tag along (or for me to join) as the baby's father?
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[24 Aug 2011|10:54am]
I'd love some more lines at [info]ilovela for this girl and her brother ([info]austn)! Otherwise some lines for [info]fashionite would be great too thanks!
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[24 Aug 2011|10:59am]
[info]brnswick I'm in need of one female and four male lines to be filled, all family. I have some details!
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[24 Aug 2011|11:00am]
[info]mugglelondon hugo weasley! and lines with everyone, please.
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[24 Aug 2011|11:01am]
[info]fangwars Joseph Gordon Levitt, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Kitsch, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Leighton Meester for lines, please?
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[24 Aug 2011|11:10am]
[info]oxton lines while i figure her out? friends, ex's, chris colfer and/or ariana grande for a biffle, xavier samuel, robert sheehan, or even matt prokop for this cute line i have in mind!
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[24 Aug 2011|11:10am]
[info]xnoir possible murder motive with an affair with charles' now enemy, erik lehnsherr? and lets get those lines figured out between current x-men and amelia!
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[24 Aug 2011|11:18am]
[info]uga Can I get the VP of Phi Delta Theta as his former friend turned frenemy? More flings / exes he wasn't serious with. More people to have lines with.
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screenname ideas? [24 Aug 2011|11:29am]
[info]oxton goodmorning ij, lines of awesomeness? an older brother? other soulless gingers? anything.
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[24 Aug 2011|11:33am]
Looking for a female for a platonic baby momma line for [info]thehudson! I've got some specifics in mind, but nothing is set in stone. The kid would be around ten years old give or take and that's probably the only thing I'm going to be a stickler on, so a female in her early thirties would probably be best. I also need an older male for a specific enemy-ish line. Younger siblings would also be loved!
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[24 Aug 2011|11:33am]
[info]uga lines please.
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[24 Aug 2011|11:36am]
[info]xnoir angel, the beaubiers, wolverine, polaris, maybe a steampunk-esque tony stark?
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[24 Aug 2011|11:38am]
[info]usa Friends from Chicago.
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[24 Aug 2011|11:45am]
[info]hillies Darren Criss and Lea Michele for lines, Mark Salling, Heather Morris, Amber Riley, Chris Colfer
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[24 Aug 2011|11:49am]
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[24 Aug 2011|11:52am]
[info]prtland her older brother, a female best friend, Alex Pettyfer for a line
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[24 Aug 2011|11:56am]
[info]seattle a little sister, coworkers, people he went to high school with, etc.
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[24 Aug 2011|11:58am]
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[24 Aug 2011|11:59am]
[info]thealist more apps, lines in general
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[24 Aug 2011|12:02pm]
[info]xnoir how about a josephine baker type line for a zoe saldana as storm, who makes it big abroad? erik lehnsherr as daniel craig, and runs new york! super suave, closeted, 1930's metro matt bomer as jean-paul beaubier? pietro maximoff and wanda maximoff as the prince and princess of the new york underground? kitty pryde as an unaffiliated cat burglar who can walk through walls? piotr rasputin as a russian mob boss turned good guy?
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[24 Aug 2011|12:05pm]
[info]mobwars more lines for this falconeri connection, i would love her brother and an ex from the other family possibly.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:08pm]
anyone out there interested in a slash psl with james mcavoy, max irons, ryan gosling, ben barnes, or alex pettyfer?
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[24 Aug 2011|12:16pm]
[info]county the girls she grew up with and moved to la with to attend college, something with the other holds.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:20pm]
[info]oxton baby i'mma be your motivation, go go go!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:27pm]
generated by sloganizer.net
about | taken | held | wanted | application
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[24 Aug 2011|12:30pm]
[info]tinseltown jensen ackles, john cho, maggie q, amanda seyfried, other models, close friends, a baby daddy, more lines.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:31pm]
[info]tinseltown an ex-boyfriend or two before she met her fiancee, a homance or two to rule the world, co-stars (can give out face suggestions) and anything else that fills your hearts desire.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:37pm]
[info]cohorts more apps!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:38pm]
[info]tinseltown lines before adds tonight?! i'd love his younger sister and a rachel bilson for something fun.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:40pm]
[info]xnoir ignore the journal, obviously. should i go with rogue or sage adapted for 30's technology?
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[24 Aug 2011|12:45pm]
[info]fangwars don't forget to eat your wheaties, champs!
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[24 Aug 2011|12:46pm]
[info]seattle jared followill for an epic bromance and other people he hangs with, people he would know from work if they come and eat at his restaurant regularly, etc. i'm up for anything.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:48pm]
[info]fangwars The Valenti clan and more lines.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:52pm]
Darren Criss for a psl or we could find a game to go to. I'd love to come up with something to do together.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:53pm]
[info]mobwars Lines with everyone because I'm sure we could think of something no matter what side they are on. Ryan Gosling for a detailed sl and a male or female cop for a crazy little sl.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:53pm]
[info]tinseltown now that i have time to work on him, a brother would be bitchin', co-stars, a female for a line, zachary quinto and more lines in general.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:56pm]
[info]mobwars lines with all of the holds (she is anthony falconeri's wife). her older brother, co-workers at the new york times.
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[24 Aug 2011|12:59pm]
[info]thehudson a baby daddy for a love/hate line and some friends!
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[24 Aug 2011|01:09pm]
[info]prtland Neighbors (possibly one who keeps getting dragged into helping him with various construction projects in his home), employees at the nightclub he manages, the owner of said nightclub, an inappropriately flirty yoga instructor, former frat buddies, anything and everything amusing, etc.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:12pm]
anyone out there play orlando bloom?
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[24 Aug 2011|01:21pm]
[info]fangwars This girl really really needs a love life. She needs someone to shower affection and...ahem other things on. She spends way too much time at home with her vampire family.

Help relieve me of her boredom. =D
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[24 Aug 2011|01:24pm]
Home/Lines for any of the Males or Females in my icons? Original Character games only. Community or PSL.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:36pm]
[info]tinseltown people to fill the roles of Logan Echolls, Duncan Kane, Wallace Fennel! Also a younger sister.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:41pm]
[info]waterbury the city of brass.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:48pm]
[info]thehudson a best friend, her ex for something complicated (m or f), more friends
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[24 Aug 2011|01:49pm]
would anyone like to take a femme line somewhere? i'd love something with drama, maybe older/younger, or just something super tempestuous.
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[24 Aug 2011|01:49pm]
[info]mugglelondon hogwarts professors, wandmakers, potion makers, knockturn alley peoples, unspeakables, and more!
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[24 Aug 2011|01:57pm]
The one I found didn't seem to work out. Would anyone be interested in pbing a Dolly Parton for a line with this lady?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:09pm]
[info]santabarbara lines for this almost 30 year old? he's a pr guy for a few clubs in the area and dabbles a little in illegal fighting/betting etc. runs his own ring but participates on occasion. has a little bit of a split personality when it comes to club work and the rest of his life. he's been in town about 6 months, originally from southie. i'd love his mother. her husband and oldest son are in prison on weapons charges/convictions. a cousin/aunt/uncle would be swell too.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:11pm]
[info]mobwars lines with everyone! she's the second oldest falconeri daughter. her serious ex-girlfriend and jgl, justin timberlake or danny masterson for something specific would be great, too.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:12pm]
[info]tinseltown her ex-husband and bill nighy as the head of the keasbey family
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[24 Aug 2011|02:14pm]
[info]tinseltown more lines while i finish up her bio! adam brody, hayden christensen, blake lively, mila kunis. either or both of her two older brothers would be awesome, too.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:14pm]
[info]mobwars a blonde gf he cheats on a lot but she still has his back, his baby sister, he grew up next door to the halligans. And an enemy to fight with pls
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[24 Aug 2011|02:18pm]
[info]hillies jackson rathbone, robert pattinson, peaches geldof, alexa chung, aaron johnson, boyd holbrook, james franco, paul wesley, jeremy young, jameela jamil, kemp muhl, and scout taylor compton, i've got lines if you're lookin'
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[24 Aug 2011|02:20pm]
where would he be wanted for lines? maybe a jessica alba to come with?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:25pm]
home for a sarah hyland? i just really want to play her somewhere where she'll get lines. :( no supernatural or faux celeb. lines sway, please!
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[24 Aug 2011|02:30pm]
Ignore the face but home for a nurse and her husband who is a surgeon? Separate writers - lines will sway.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:30pm]
[info]county Shay Mitchell, Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario, Ashley Tisdale, Taylor Lautner, Garrett Hedlund, Colton Haynes, Chris Evans, Shia Labeouf. I have specific lines for all the people I've listed!
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[24 Aug 2011|02:32pm]
[info]fangwars! Aaron Eckhart, Gemma Ward, Emily Browning, Kirsten Dunst, Kat Dennings, Eddie Izzard, Hugh Laurie, John Cusack, Ash Stymest, Jason Isaacs for lines!

Also, where is [info]calepso? I didn't lose her did I?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:34pm]
Michaela Conlin to a good home?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:35pm]
[info]hillies more guys to even things out. Some kids to take arabic studies with. More studio art majors. Someone to bring in his older cousin. Male or female. And Rihanna or Zoe Kravitz for a specific line.
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[24 Aug 2011|02:35pm]
home for this freida pinto pb? up for faux, town, city, anything but supernatural!
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[24 Aug 2011|02:37pm]
[info]thealist could i get her two sisters (ages 29 and 24) and a best girl friend?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:38pm]
[info]uga Anyone up for working out a line or does anyone need a line?
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[24 Aug 2011|02:50pm]
if there is any interested, would people rather see a city community set in a big city, small town or somewhere out of the states?
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[24 Aug 2011|03:00pm]
[info]mobwars his brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and more law enforcement.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:05pm]
[info]seattle drinking buddies, exes, people he knows from his past in kentucky, people he wanna meetup in seattle, past/current flings, people who he fixes their cars for, people who might know his brother or his brother's gf, cousins, best friends, i'm open to just about anything.
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Killing two ads with one stone... [24 Aug 2011|03:08pm]
[info]fangwars Faces would be up to the players; but I would love to see the Callaghan Patriarch and Matriarch. They would get tons of lines! Same goes for the Callaghan sisters and a few more cousins also wouldn't hurt (maybe from the Irish pack?).

For [info]jefft, I would love to find his little sister. I was thinking of Dakota Fanning for the face but that is negotiable.

More lines for either of them would also be fantastic. I'm all for brainstorming if anyone wants or needs something.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:10pm]
[info]mugglelondon now that i've half way figured out what i'm doing with him, how about some lines?
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[24 Aug 2011|03:15pm]
[info]seattle some younger siblings, friends, people she met while working in the er.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:17pm]
[info]tinseltown alex pettyfer for a best friend, charlie hunnam for an older brother, lines with everyone else!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:19pm]
[info]oxton is really fun, guys!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:20pm]
[info]mugglelondon alright, let's try this. lines for this puddlemere united chaser? i'll take everything! she's ernie macmillan's daughter, so if i could also have the children of hannah abbott or justin finch-fletchley as one of her best friends, that'd be awesome, seeing as their parents were the best of friends too.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:20pm]
[info]tinseltown lines for this elizabeth banks? she's leslie on parks and rec! maybe paul rudd as ben? ken marino would make an awesome ron swanson, you know!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:20pm]
[info]oxton! emily browning as a partner and crime, and any male pb as a possible boyfriend whom she has serious issues being physical with.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:22pm]
[info]mobwars hopefully working on her bio after i get out of work tonight. more lines for this falconeri cousin!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:27pm]
ignore the icon, but which early twenties females would be wanted at [info]ilovela?
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[24 Aug 2011|03:27pm]
who would be interested in a community based around one or two ships from the same cruise line, it would be based around the people that work on the ships. another person or two to help mod would be wonderful as well.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:28pm]
[info]mugglelondon; lines with anyone i haven't spoken with. [info]jspotter, we have some discussing to do!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:30pm]
Anyone need a crafty, raven-haired sister or daughter?
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[24 Aug 2011|03:34pm]
home? i miss playing her.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:36pm]
[info]tinseltown or [info]thealist which females are wanted for lines?
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[24 Aug 2011|03:39pm]
[info]fangwars because this mod has been up for 28 hours straight, and is still going strong.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:42pm]
would she be wanted anywhere? i can fill lines
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[24 Aug 2011|03:44pm]
[info]tinseltown a step-brother, costars, friends, exes, and any other lines please!
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[24 Aug 2011|03:48pm]
dianna agron for a psl? i've got an idea we can go over.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:48pm]
[info]tinseltown lines of all kinds! i'd love to work things out with the himym co-stars, it'd be awesome if someone could fill his ex-fiance line (i have a few details worked out but not many so we can brainstorm!), and just general friends or old party buddies
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[24 Aug 2011|03:50pm]
[info]click rachel bilson, paul wesley and rdj for specific family lines. colton haynes as damon salvatore on the vampire diaries, joe or nick jonas as tyler lockwood, tinashe kachingwe as bonnie bennett, annasophia robb, chelsea kane, or another cute blonde as caroline forbes! also kendall jenner or anyone really as grace in valentine's day would be superb
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[24 Aug 2011|03:54pm]
Possible homes for a Heather Morris PB? Lines would be fantastic.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:56pm]
[info]tinseltown lines with all the holds and people get your apps in for adds tonight. the dawson and jenn to his pacey. more co-stars.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:58pm]
[info]mugglelondon last one, promise! purists, weasleys, thomas', finnigans, longbottoms and a sibling for ~fosten. i think there were more but i can't remember! more future death eaters would make my life.
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[24 Aug 2011|03:58pm]
[info]prtland more artsy fartsy friends for her or just more ladies to the game in general!
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[24 Aug 2011|04:01pm]
[info]mobwars lines while i get her set up would be amazing! she's ~lanely's younger sister.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:03pm]
[info]fangwars for [info]crams to come back and apply along with [info]gharding. someone to play her older sister and ex boyfriend?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:03pm]
Having a shitty day! RPG take me away!!!
Home options for any of the folks on my journal?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:06pm]
lauren conrad, heidi montag, brody jenner, justin brescia [info]click
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[24 Aug 2011|04:14pm]
[info]dukes; someone to keep me alive and well?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:14pm]
what males are wanted where?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:24pm]
who is wanted at [info]oxton?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:26pm]
[info]mobwars Sandra Bullock. And some more lines now that I have him a bit more fleshed out. He's a lawyer for the Falconeri's, [info]manaretti's older brother and engaged to [info]fabriella.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:29pm]
[info]thehudson could i get emma roberts for a specific line?
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[24 Aug 2011|04:32pm]
would anyone be interested in bringing an affair line to [info]tinseltown? i would need his wife and the woman he's having the affair with.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:40pm]
[info]thealist a half-sibling or two, i have pb suggestions, plus maybe castmates for the off-broadway revival of rent.
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[24 Aug 2011|04:49pm]
generated by sloganizer.net
Adds tonight!
about | taken | held | wanted | application
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[24 Aug 2011|04:58pm]
[info]oxton adds are in a few hours - come get your apps in, the water is fine!
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[24 Aug 2011|04:59pm]
[info]tinseltown lines with the holds and other people coming in!
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[24 Aug 2011|05:01pm]
does anyone need any female lines filled?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:04pm]
[info]thealist his wife, please. comment for details.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:08pm]
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[24 Aug 2011|05:08pm]
[info]mugglelondon some other witches/wizards on the younger side? victoria justice, callan mcauliffe, georgie henley!
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[24 Aug 2011|05:08pm]
[info]prtland adopted older brother for a detailed line, Alex Pettyfer, Matt Lanter, Nikki Reed, a female bestie, mother and father
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[24 Aug 2011|05:19pm]
Who would be more preferred at [info]thealist: Milla Jovovich, Melissa George, Billie Piper, Michelle Monaghan or some other 30ish female? And are any lines in need of filling?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:22pm]
[info]fangwars trueblood, glee and harry potter cast, savvy? raul is in a very bad mood.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:29pm]
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[24 Aug 2011|05:29pm]
[info]mugglelondon! Who haven't I talked with and need to?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:31pm]
[info]thealist jackson rathbone for a cute line please! and any other lines as well. :-)
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[24 Aug 2011|05:31pm]
[info]oxton an older brother? i was thinking the pb of prince harry but any ginger would do!! and colton haynes for epicness.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:36pm]
would anyone be interested in a game based on the tv show "falling skies" on tnt?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:36pm]
[info]musiccitymods. More Glee pbs as friends. More people in general.
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ignore the icons [24 Aug 2011|05:51pm]
what females would be wanted where? & would anyone like to find a home together. i have a few storylines in mind.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:51pm]
[info]quietlines; a private group storyline revolving around a underground facility marketing the supernaturally gifted and auctioning them off to the highest bidder.
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[24 Aug 2011|05:54pm]
[info]mobwars Lines with everyone while I start to work on her bio. Could I please get a Ryan Gosling for a detailed line and a cop for a fun line idea?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:57pm]
[info]tinseltown two younger half-siblings, someone with johnathan rice's credits, and more lines?
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[24 Aug 2011|05:58pm]
[info]oxton more lines, please! Also, Shay Mitchell, Taylor Lautner, Chris Evans, Garrett Hedlund, Shia Labeouf. Someone to be a fling or love interest for this chick! Adds are at 5:00 PST!
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[24 Aug 2011|05:58pm]
Can I get a Christina Hendricks or another 30+ year old female for a specific platonic line?
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[info]touristy [24 Aug 2011|05:59pm]
Myrtle Beach, SC
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Brittany S. Pierce [24 Aug 2011|06:00pm]
Desperately needing a Brittany for a small group glee game. Pleeease and thank you!
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[24 Aug 2011|06:03pm]
What males are wanted where?
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[24 Aug 2011|06:07pm]
[info]cohorts i am avoiding work like it's the plague.
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[24 Aug 2011|06:12pm]
[info]oxton how about a nerd to do all this kid's homework for him?
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