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[27 Jun 2011|12:05am]
[info]surfz A blonde as his younger sister, matthew morrison or nathan fillion as an uncle, some more guy friends and just more lines with anyone thinking about coming this way.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:18am]
[info]click matt smith and arthur darvill as her live bandmates and the rest of the in-game harry potter cast, please.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:21am]
would anyone be interested a mermaid/sailor or amber heard/matthew gray grubler psl line?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:22am]
[info]thehudson what girls are wanted for lines? 27+ please.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:23am]
Bringing him back to [info]thehudson, how about some lines? I'd love to find a girl in her mid-twenties and a girl in her late teens to come along for specific storylines!
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[27 Jun 2011|12:24am]
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[27 Jun 2011|12:35am]
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[27 Jun 2011|12:36am]
[info]surfz anyone need any lines filled? applying her as soon as i can think up an aim name.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:38am]
[info]click the rest of the true blood family, more costars, two older males for lines, and a group of guys with btr credits because that's adorable.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:39am]
[info]click nicholas hoult and natalie dormer for family lines, game of thrones cast, a very potter musical/sequel co-stars, and broadway actors, please!
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[27 Jun 2011|12:51am]
[info]nyc more lines, models, an older sister
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[27 Jun 2011|01:11am]
[info]click more lines while i finish her up to apply? the rest of the doctor who and harry potter casts, cliche faces for lines, all that jazz!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:12am]
[info]click lines galore would be lovely, so far she's ~amel's daughter and ~gumm's sister; credit suggestions are ace as well, temp credits in the journal
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[27 Jun 2011|01:20am]
i think i'm headed to [info]miami, but her face needs to be changed, so what females are wanted? and could i get a couple guys for some lines i had in mind?
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[27 Jun 2011|01:22am]
[info]hillies i am willing to offer my right arm for a nick hoult pb
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[27 Jun 2011|01:28am]
alright [info]surfz gimme lines! he's [info]fin's playboy father, speaking of i need a girl in her late twenties/early thirties - blonde pb preferred, to be his latest trophy girlfriend.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:33am]
[info]click. the rest of the community and dawson's creek casts. also, a guy in his early thirties-forties for something kind of detailed!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:36am]
[info]miami More guys to even us out. There are plenty of females to play against.

Cam Gigandet, Channing Tatum, Penn Badgley, Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Gosling, Robert Pattinson, Shiloh Fernandez, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Henry Cavill, Chord Overstreet, Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth...everyone!
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[27 Jun 2011|02:05am]
Where can I play a bitchy, bored, lost and bitter angel?
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[27 Jun 2011|02:14am]
[info]rogerebert someone to play jenny from gossip girl for a detailed line as well as a harry shum jr and naya rivera!
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[27 Jun 2011|02:23am]
[info]thehudson I just got accepted and I'd love to talk lines! I would like his landlord and friend, more friends, colleagues.. a male best friend puhlease!
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worst timing ever. [27 Jun 2011|02:43am]
[info]murderbymods ashley benson, lucy hale, shay mitchell, sasha pieterse, keegan allen, ian harding, brendan robinson, chuck hittinger, diego boneta, tyler blackburn and lines with everyone!
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[27 Jun 2011|02:53am]
[info]miami is awesome!

More dudes would be nice, but all are welcome to join in on the fun!
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[27 Jun 2011|03:00am]
Who plays Jon Hamm? Would love a detailed line to take with me over to [info]surfz
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when did it get to be three am?! [27 Jun 2011|03:13am]
[info]click costars, costars and more costars.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:59am]
What's a town/city/country you'd like to see an rp based around? Actually committed mods here who more than likely won't flake out too.
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repost time [27 Jun 2011|04:55am]
doubtful, but i'll ask anyways. would anyone out there be interested in pbing rhonda shear for a psl?
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[27 Jun 2011|06:00am]
looking for a psl against a ryan gosling to make this amazing ship and perhaps create this type of comedic feel within it.
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I hate being up early for no reason [27 Jun 2011|06:28am]
Who wants to house a Serinda Swan? Willing to fill sls if she could be used for any, but just want an active home.
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[27 Jun 2011|06:56am]
what females would be wanted at [info]click?
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[27 Jun 2011|06:56am]
An older male for two specific lines at [info]miami! Other older males in general would be fantastic too! And for another line, would anyone be willing to pb Nikolaj Coster-Waldau?
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Horrible timing, but this summer sucks! [27 Jun 2011|07:25am]
It's too damn hot and I want a line with somebody who's gonna stick around. Would anyone be interested in a femslash line with Hayley Kiyoko? I'd really like to see a Selena Gomez.
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this is a ridiculous hour [27 Jun 2011|07:36am]
[info]hillies danielle guizio for a specific line
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[27 Jun 2011|07:56am]
Jamie Johnston for a complicated, dramatic, fun line!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:09am]
[info]thehudson taylor kitsch, matt barr, ashley tisdale, chelsea kane, odette annable, robert buckley, cam gigandet, and matt dallas for lines.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:10am]
[info]brnswick someone to come in as this girl's more outgoing best friend. also her much younger brother!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:29am]

More lines would be swell.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:39am]
[info]click Kyra Sedgwick, Hailee Steinfeld, Matt Morrison, Pippa Middleton, Reese Witherspoon, Kendall Jenner, Michael Cera, Robert Sheehan, Emmy Rossum, Shay Mitchell for lines.
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or you know, another home suggestion. [27 Jun 2011|09:11am]
[info]brnswick some diversity and people to write interesting scenes with. specifically wanted for lines by ~schuler or myself are idris elba, andy whitfield, kim kardashian, rick genest, ed kavishe, matthew gray gubler.
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[27 Jun 2011|10:03am]
[info]brnswick, georgia. adds can be tonight again if we get more apps! check out our wanted list.
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[27 Jun 2011|10:04am]
home or psl? anything goes!
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[27 Jun 2011|10:06am]
[info]thehudson line ideas for when i get home from work? at least one solid family line would be good. also, her gay ex/baby daddy who is still her best friend.
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[27 Jun 2011|10:14am]
[info]brnswick can i get a coworker for this guy? he's a mechanic. also an ex would be fun times. we can figure out why she hates him for any number of reasons. or vice versa if that's your schtick.
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[27 Jun 2011|10:20am]
[info]miami an on and off again boyfriend (Alex Pettyfer or Darren Criss, please) lines with all the new people and holds?!
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[27 Jun 2011|10:28am]
[info]click jessica alba, scarlett johansson and ashley greene. i have lines for two of them.
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[27 Jun 2011|10:31am]

brand new! opening 7/3!
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[27 Jun 2011|10:48am]
[info]efhs rest of the HP pbs for lines!
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[27 Jun 2011|11:10am]
[info]thehudson more high school students, teachers and josh hutcherson.
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[27 Jun 2011|11:11am]
[info]miami; soon-to-be ex husband and her daughter please. i have face suggestions but i'm not too picky.
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[27 Jun 2011|11:50am]
i think i'm headed to [info]miami i'd love some lines with you fine folks.
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[27 Jun 2011|11:58am]
[info]click kate beckinsale, joel courtney, zach mills, skandar keynes, hailee steinfeld, youngins
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[27 Jun 2011|12:00pm]
[info]miami More guys. Would love to have one or two of the bouncers/security staff at the club he manages played in the game.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:01pm]
[info]click the rest of the hunger games cast, paulie bleeker from juno, adventureland costars. pb suggestions and lines available!
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[27 Jun 2011|12:16pm]
[info]brnswick naya rivera, vanessa hudgens and shay mitchell for a family line. other lines with holds and folks already there would be awesome, too.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:16pm]
[info]thehudson Lines of all kinds, since he needs everything! Also a girl in her mid-twenties and a girl in her late teens to come with for specific storylines.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:17pm]
[info]nyc Finally getting her app in. Can I get a room mate and a few more friends? An ex would be great also. Anyone play Michael Trevino?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:19pm]
[info]nyc. more lines?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:22pm]
Good morning [info]brnswick ~!

Bringing this girl in, non-native though she's spent her summers there since she was a tyke. She also stayed in Brunswick for her last two years of highschool before returning home. Anything you can throw at me would be great. ♥

[edit]; If I could get a Chace Crawford (I know cliched XD) for an ex-line, that'd be great. ♥ Or perhaps her older brother?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:29pm]
[info]surfz; he had no money for a baby and an unplanned pregnancy had no way of working itself into his perfect life plan. seeing no way of attending college and tending to an infant, he fled. no child support was paid, no phone calls were made and there were no visits. now, 17 years later, he gets word that his ex has moved to Virginia Beach with their daughter, the same place he has lived for years. could i get someone to fill this line?

lines with anyone i haven't spoken with yet!
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[27 Jun 2011|12:31pm]
[info]click nicholas hoult as her twin brother, natalie dormer as a half-sister, a few more a very potter musical/sequel co-stars, game of thrones cast members, and the berger to her sheila in hair!
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[27 Jun 2011|12:32pm]
home or psl options, por favor? he's already written up but i'm open to tweaking his bio for the right game and line.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:36pm]
[info]click matt smith and arthur darvill for her bandmates (bat for lashes, if you're familiar!) and the rest of the harry potter cast, please.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:37pm]
[info]brnswick Rachel Nichols for her older sister, Bradley James or Chris Hemsworth as her older brother?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:42pm]
home for a logan lerman?
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[27 Jun 2011|12:42pm]
[info]click he still needs a lot of stuff filled! a brother, sister or cousins that he's close to, best friends in new york and la, the cast of true blood since he's godric and the rest of the glee cast since he's blaine, musicians he's bonded with and xavier samuel or another cute male for a detailed slash line
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[27 Jun 2011|12:47pm]
[info]click who is wanted? M or f. Credits? Im bored
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[27 Jun 2011|12:49pm]
[info]rogerebert taking him in as ~drossi's brother. mainly has the credits of the bravery and a handful of terrible/indie movies and any lines would be great from flings, co-stars, to people he's pissed off in the media.
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[27 Jun 2011|12:57pm]
[info]thehudson applying her in a few minutes but lines for this somewhat darker (at least personality wise) character? matt dallas for the will to her grace (and possible roommate) and one or two other roommates. people she knows from her brief time at nyu a few years ago. amber heard for a best girl friend. anything else we can come up with!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:00pm]
[info]nyc a bff or two.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:05pm]
[info]nyc lines and an ex girlfriend! dallon weekes for a bromance to end all bromances.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:10pm]
[info]portagemod NOW OPEN! Still looking for one more female lead cast member and more townies! Get your holds in!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:16pm]
[info]surfz Jon Hamm to take with me for a detailed line, please.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:19pm]
[info]hillies his best friend from back home who'd be an incoming freshman this year, more computer science majors, and more lines in general!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:27pm]
[info]augmented A female 25-35 for a femme (sort-of-homewrecker?) line; preferred PBs include Piper Perabo, Rosario Dawson, Mary McCormack, or Anna Torv. Also: James Marsden or Norman Reedus, where are you?
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[27 Jun 2011|01:31pm]
Taking this guy to [info]miami! Would love an older PB for a very complicated father line, some people he's met/befriended in the last couple of months, and maybe some people he knew online that he's finally meeting in real life!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:33pm]
As I get back to working on premades, still checking to see if anyone would be interested in a community based on the kids from South Park, set in high school.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:40pm]
anyone want a mac or mgg?
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[27 Jun 2011|01:42pm]
Can I get a faux-celeb home for a Devendra Banhart with either the credits of Jack White or Russell Brand? I'm thinking [info]click, but would he be wanted for anything? And could I get a Fab Moretti or a Binki Shapiro to tag along?
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while i fight with my net to clean this journal out >:| [27 Jun 2011|01:42pm]
[info]miami lines, possibly.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:55pm]
[info]rogerebert a little sister and lines, please!
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[27 Jun 2011|01:55pm]
[info]prtland Alex Pettyfer for her older/adopted brother, svp! There are details involved if you're interested.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:56pm]
[info]thehudson amber heard, alison brie, cassie ventura, aly michalka, or any female pb really for this guys receptionist.
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[27 Jun 2011|01:56pm]
[info]click for the love of all that is holy, YOUNGER MALES and one in particular for a best friend/bromance (maybe from childhood), PLEASE!!! i will help with credits/pb choices and will even make you icons if that will sell you on the matter. aside from that, i would love lauren conrad as a cousin that's more like an older sister and rdj for a dysfunctional father line.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:03pm]
[info]brnswick a coworker at the auto repair shop he works in!
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[27 Jun 2011|02:07pm]
[info]miami lines for this college student? her brother, an ex or two, some friends. and who would be wanted more: candice accola, lucy hale or elizabeth olsen?
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[27 Jun 2011|02:21pm]
[info]miami More males, please. Specifically Garrett Hedlund, Adam Brody or Joseph Gordon-Levitt for lines.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:26pm]
[info]click lines por favor
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[27 Jun 2011|02:26pm]
[info]surfz chris colfer, kevin mchale, and lea michele for lines! also lines with those already in the community.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:30pm]
Home for a Sara Paxton, please? Faux or city/town only.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:30pm]
[info]crowncitymod boys!! jay baruchel for something insanely cute!
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[27 Jun 2011|02:31pm]
naya rivera and someone to play jenny humphrey (jennifer lawrence maybe?) to [info]rogerebert! we also need a serena and vanessa to complete our gg cast.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:39pm]
i want to play a model somewhere so home for a sarah stephens, joan smalls, coco rocha, abbey lee kershaw, ash stymest, boyd holbrook, jamie strachan or mathias lauridsen?
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[27 Jun 2011|02:45pm]
[info]hillies lines for this incoming sophomore? she's 20, an education major, and originally from salt lake city, utah.
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[27 Jun 2011|02:48pm]
does anyone pb tinashe kachingwe?
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[27 Jun 2011|02:57pm]
thinking about [info]nyc, lines?
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[27 Jun 2011|02:59pm]
[info]surfz kate walsh for a best friend, patrick dempsey for a current hook-up, eric dance for an ex (and the father of her teenage daughter). anyone? please? pretty please?
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[27 Jun 2011|03:13pm]
[info]bostmod 1,2,3 GO!!!

Austin Nichols you are wanted!
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[27 Jun 2011|03:15pm]
[info]brnswick I'd love to offer lines to anyone that needs them!
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[27 Jun 2011|03:15pm]
Possible home for two writers playing twins? Supernatural would be awesome, Fantasy would be cool too, or anything to do with super powers.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:16pm]
[info]progeniture Healer and Telepath for the brotherhood, More of the Summers clan, the second Worthington, the other two McCoys, Guthries, Toad's son, Nightcrawler's kid, more guys.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:18pm]
[info]surfz joe jonas cause he'd be cool to see around, her younger brother and sister, coworkers at the hospital, former classmates, some girlfriends for a young sex and the city type friendship, an ex whose heart she broke when she left for college, anything else.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:21pm]

Lines for a female take on Ryan Buell while I revamp her bio? Credits are public and would love to find her Being Human costars.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:24pm]
[info]brnswick how about her sister that's been living with her recently? (maybe bad break up, lost a job, etc)
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[27 Jun 2011|03:25pm]
[info]thehudson more lines to go with! i would especially love an nph pb for her gay ex-husband whose the father of her son. they live together and are still good friends. also, maybe some guys she's gone out with and a female best friend.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:25pm]
[info]nyc lines with all the new kids
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[27 Jun 2011|03:26pm]
[info]brnswick Friends, especially a best friend she can get into trouble with. Ryan Gosling. Lines with the new people and holds.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:27pm]
thinking about going to [info]falsus. does anyone need any lines filled?
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[27 Jun 2011|03:33pm]
This is going to be such a long shot, but home for a Leighton Meester? I really want to play this character that I'm willing to change the face if needed.
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[27 Jun 2011|03:38pm]
matt barr to [info]hillies please!
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[27 Jun 2011|03:39pm]
[info]surfz Lily Collins for a sister line!
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[27 Jun 2011|03:46pm]
[info]click could i get some pb suggestions for a 35-37 year old actor who is of italian descent (at least half)? i was thinking peter facinelli but if anyone has any other ideas i'd love to hear them. also does anyone pb cobie smulders?
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[27 Jun 2011|03:52pm]
[info]nyc lines to come home to
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[27 Jun 2011|03:52pm]
[info]click lines would be swell, co-stars would be fantastic
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[27 Jun 2011|03:57pm]
[info]nyc adds tonight
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[27 Jun 2011|03:57pm]
[info]miami okay, things got crazy but she's definitely going there. a bff, a roommate, neighbors, coworkers
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[27 Jun 2011|03:59pm]
[info]nyc more lines?
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[27 Jun 2011|04:03pm]
Would love her ex husband at [info]musiccitymods open to pb faces
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[27 Jun 2011|04:14pm]
[info]nyc! can i get some more lines? i think most of her original ones died off
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[27 Jun 2011|04:20pm]
[info]portagemod We open today! Come get in onthe ground floor. I need several members of his entourage for epic bromancery. His twin sister. His BFF/manager.
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[27 Jun 2011|04:20pm]
[info]portagemod We open today! Come get in onthe ground floor. I need several members of his entourage for epic bromancery. His twin sister. His BFF/manager.
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[27 Jun 2011|04:21pm]
[info]thedragonage looking for players.
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[27 Jun 2011|04:24pm]
home for a chris evans and julianne hough? city/town, preferably.
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[27 Jun 2011|04:31pm]
a girl for a line at [info]thehudson, and some family!
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[27 Jun 2011|04:31pm]
[info]thehudson people as his adopted/fostered siblings. any pbs. characters aged 21 - 35.
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[27 Jun 2011|04:41pm]
[info]click reese witherspoon for a line please
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[27 Jun 2011|04:42pm]
[info]rogerebert someone to be her notable older ex boyfriend?
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[27 Jun 2011|04:43pm]
[info]nyc a brother, coworkers, best friends, party friends, pretty much everything
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[27 Jun 2011|04:59pm]
[info]surfz. More lines for this gay single father while I wait for my partner to get ready to apply?
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[27 Jun 2011|04:59pm]

opening 7/3!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:03pm]
New town based game centered around
a district within San Francisco. Any interest?
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[27 Jun 2011|05:17pm]
[info]brnswick Thinking about joining as [info]eschroder & [info]dschroder 27 year old step-sister, would love some lines to go in with. She's a blank state at the moment, but she used to be a lab rat for the crime scene investigation team, haven't worked out why she isn't that anymore.
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[27 Jun 2011|05:20pm]
[info]rogerebert A best friend who's like a sibling to him. Maybe his biological father (Eric Clapton credits) - I can dream. An ex of either gender.
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[27 Jun 2011|05:25pm]
[info]thehudson Lines of all kinds! Also a girl in her mid-twenties for something specific.
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[27 Jun 2011|05:26pm]
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[27 Jun 2011|05:28pm]
[info]nyc this kid needs his two younger sisters (i'm thinking between 19-26), THE serious ex, a best friend and or roommate and anything else you want to throw at me
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[27 Jun 2011|05:29pm]
[info]thealist mumford & sons credits, muse credits, more british rock bands. the final two members of a band that sounds like kings of leon. more skins pbs for me!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:30pm]
[info]nyc band mates, roommates and a cousin that's like his sibling
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[27 Jun 2011|05:30pm]
pretty sure i'm bringing him to [info]click, so while i start working on him, does anyone need anything filled? credit suggestions would be welcomed too!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:32pm]
[info]miami Timothy Olyphant or some other male in his late thirties-early forties for a line with myself and ~buckly!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:38pm]
[info]click lines while i go apply? she plays tara on true blood! i would love more friends, exes, and co-stars, though she needs just about everything so i'd love to brainstorm!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:43pm]
[info]nyc lines for this lovely lady
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[27 Jun 2011|05:45pm]
[info]hillies more incoming freshmen, particularly boys. more computer science majors, more people to spam, etc.
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[27 Jun 2011|05:55pm]
[info]miami her older brother, best friend, other friends, employees at her comic book shop, and just about anything else!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:58pm]
[info]brnswick shay mitchell and naya rivera as her daughters. the father of her children for a semi-dramatic line, i have more details and face suggestions for this. other ladies in their late thirties and forties to hang out with, and more lines in general!
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[27 Jun 2011|05:59pm]
For anyone that loves a post apocalyptic game or the Fallout franchise, would you have any interest in a game like [info]thewastelands? The mod journal is mostly set up, but if there is enough interest, I'll post the application and finish the sub communities! Also, you don't have to be familiar with the Fallout games in order to join!
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[27 Jun 2011|06:10pm]
[info]click penn badgely, zac efron, robert downey jr, alexander skarsgard or another male for a complicated ex fiance (or boyfriend) line. ashley benson or another female as her younger half sister. costars & other amazing lines as well!
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[27 Jun 2011|06:13pm]
maybe a home for a kristin bauer?
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[27 Jun 2011|06:13pm]
[info]portagemod Would love someone to play her male best friend. And someone else to play her older brother.

[info]itsnoah would love someone to play his co-star in the role of the Sheriff on the tv show.
**Faces are open for both!
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[27 Jun 2011|06:19pm]
[info]nyc thinking about apping as shia, lines anyone?
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[27 Jun 2011|06:25pm]
[info]nyc marcel castenmiller, people to im
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[27 Jun 2011|06:27pm]
[info]click writing the bio up now, and will have her apped before adds; so some more lines would be lovely.
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[27 Jun 2011|06:38pm]
[info]click lines and xavier samuel or another cute boy for a specific line, glee and true blood co-stars would also be ace.
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[27 Jun 2011|06:41pm]
[info]rogerebert his fright night and odd thomas costars, and people to complete the gossip girl cast
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[27 Jun 2011|06:41pm]
[info]miami! paging the vanessa hudgens hold! also, can i get a male for a roommate? it would be all kinds of amazing if he was gay. other males and the del caso brother, svp!
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[27 Jun 2011|06:42pm]
[info]nyc marcel castenmiller or cole mohr for a brother. true blood fanatics.
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[27 Jun 2011|06:43pm]
[info]rogerebert. The rest of the Sky High cast, please! And a Bo to her Shirley Holmes, is that too much to ask?
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[27 Jun 2011|06:52pm]

Her early to mid 30s boyfriend? I can offer PB ideas along with general credits.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:03pm]
Jamie Johnston, please!
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[27 Jun 2011|07:04pm]
[info]miami lines! i have a couple specific lines i'd love filled. her older brother, an ex-boyfriend, her best friend from home (m or f), more u of miami students, friends in general?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:05pm]
looking for something slashy. hoping to do something with vampires but normal humans would be fine. also looking for a ryan gosling that slashes or james franco if you're out there.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:10pm]
Is there anywhere we can bring a Christina Aguilera and a Ryan Reynolds? Faux-celeb is preferable, but we will definitely consider a town comm.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:11pm]
[info]surfz Alright so now that I finally have the time to sit down and write this guys bio, could I possibly get his son to tag along? He'd be about 16-17 and the product of a one night stand. He has grown up thinking the man who raised him was his father, only to find out his mother has been lying to him. Upon finding out the truth he ran away from home and headed to Virginia Beach to find his dad, who has absolutely no idea he exists. I have the mother coming in game too, so all we need is the kid!
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[27 Jun 2011|07:20pm]
[info]thehudson taylor kitsch, matt barr, ashley tisdale, chelsea kane, odette annable, robert buckley, cam gigandet, and matt dallas for lines.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:24pm]
[info]click more lines?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:28pm]
[info]surfz. Her parents, a sister, and either Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint for a detailed ex line.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:41pm]
Ignore the journal. Bringing in an Ian Somerhalder. He's a 100% blank slate. Lines, brainstorming, I need it all.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:45pm]
home options for a sophia bush?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:47pm]
More lines now that he's applied at [info]miami?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:47pm]
home for an emilie de ravin pb?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:47pm]
[info]surfz My left arm for Jon Hamm!
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[27 Jun 2011|07:48pm]
[info]thehudson paging amber heard.
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[27 Jun 2011|07:52pm]
Home for a Sarah Carter, please?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:53pm]
[info]miami. old people PLEASE. and males. maybe a sean bean for a line?
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[27 Jun 2011|07:55pm]
[info]nyc lines while i watch the second episode of true blood!
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[27 Jun 2011|07:55pm]
[info]nyc avan jogia, more lines
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[27 Jun 2011|07:57pm]

first adds 7/3!
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[27 Jun 2011|07:58pm]
[info]nyc anyone need a family connection with this guy before i commit to any ideas?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:02pm]
[info]hillies i'm bringing this girl in, does anybody need anything specific? i'd love to find her roommate from last year, some people from classes, a guy for a really awkward line
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[27 Jun 2011|08:06pm]
[info]rogerebert i'm planning to bring this teresa palmer as serena on gg! anyone need anything filled?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:12pm]
[info]miami bound, lines porfavor!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:16pm]
psl's for anyone inside please?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:18pm]
[info]rogerebert across the universe & 3rd rock castmates, exes of both genders, friends, people he's badmouthed.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:22pm]
I think I might have lost my slp. :( Any chance I can get a male in his mid-late twenties for a line at [info]miami?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:24pm]
[info]miami who needs/wants what? and if someone will play courteney cox for me, you will receive my undying love and devotion.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:30pm]
Does anyone know any communities around that are based off of secrets?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:34pm]
now taking holds
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[27 Jun 2011|08:36pm]
[info]surfz More lines, please! Her bio is up, so go take a look!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:36pm]
Could I get a home for a Daniel Radcliffe PB, please?
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[27 Jun 2011|08:37pm]
[info]thehudson matt dallas as the will to her grace. amber heard as the blair to her serena. and cam gigandet for something a little darker.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:44pm]
I did this earlier, but home for a Serinda Swan, please. I want to see my other options before deciding for sure on where to go.
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[27 Jun 2011|08:52pm]
[info]nyc adds in about 30 minutes or so!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:54pm]
[info]surfz; friends, a best friend, a potential love interest, her nanny and her estranged father svp!
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[27 Jun 2011|08:56pm]
[info]nyc. sean opry for a cousin line. josh beech, jeremy young, jessica stam, behati prinsloo please. all of the male models in this video because it greatly improved my night.

also, co-workers or people that frequent the restaurant he works at (because they serve chocolate pizza). people that like horror movies and true blood. irreverent hipsters. other photographers + people he's met at clubs he shot for. anything at all really. i'm up for brainstorming.
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[27 Jun 2011|09:00pm]
would evangeline lilly be wanted anywhere?
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[27 Jun 2011|09:13pm]
[info]murderbymods lines and more PLL faces! more applications before they close~
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[27 Jun 2011|09:18pm]
Jon Hamm, Alec Baldwin & a sister all for lines! [info]miami
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[27 Jun 2011|09:20pm]
[info]click his younger sister, please? she'd be 24.
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[27 Jun 2011|09:20pm]
[info]miami players what are you looking for? diego needs a home and you've caught my attention.
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[27 Jun 2011|09:31pm]
[info]thehudson getting excited. more lines please?
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[27 Jun 2011|09:32pm]
[info]murderbydeath apps close July 1st so better get them in now!
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