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Posts Tagged: 'general:+soldier'

Sep. 29th, 2012



Tom Hiddleston


Set: Tom Hiddleston as Loki Laufeyson: 275 icons.
Details: Male: white: black hair: blue eyes: 20s.
Character Suggestions: Marvel: Loki.
Link: HERE @ [info]citadel_icons. SPOILERS for The Avengers.



Chris Hemsworth


Set: Chris Hemsworth as Thor Odinson: 265 icons.
Details: Male: white: blond hair: blue eyes: 20s.
Character Suggestions: Marvel: Thor Odinson.
Link: HERE @ [info]citadel_icons. SPOILERS for The Avengers.



Jeremy Renner


Set: Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye: 230 icons.
Details: Male: white: brown hair: blue eyes: 30s/40s.
Character Suggestions: Marvel: Hawkeye.
Link: HERE @ [info]citadel_icons. SPOILERS for The Avengers.

Sep. 23rd, 2012



Sebastian Stan (as Bucky Barnes)


Set: Sebastian Stan (as Bucky Barnes) : 128
Details: male : white : brown : 20s
Character Suggestions: Marvel: Bucky Barnes
Link: LINK

Sep. 14th, 2012



Hugh Jackman


Set: Hugh Jackman from X-Men Origins: Wolverine : 690.
Details: Male : White : Brown : Hazel : 40s.
Character Suggestions: X-Men : Wolverine.
Link: Part 1 & Part 2.

Sep. 7th, 2012



Chris Evans - 380 icons (The Losers)


Set: Chris Evans - The Losers : 380 icons - 2 animated.
Details: Male : caucasian : blond/brown hair : blue eyes : 20s.
Character Suggestions: The Losers: Jake Jensen.
Link: Here @ [info]citadel_icons.

Aug. 21st, 2012



Rosario Dawson - 260 icons (Run Down)


Set: Rosario Dawson - as Mariana in Run Down: 260 icons - 1 animated.
Details: Female : mixed : black hair : brown eyes : 20s.
Character Suggestions: N/A.
Link: HERE @ [info]citadel_icons.

Aug. 18th, 2012



Martin Freeman in Sherlock BBC


Set: Martin Freeman : 249
Details: Male: White: Blond/Brown : Blue : 30s
Character Suggestions: Sherlock : John Watson
Link: LINK

Jul. 24th, 2012



Masha Arkhipova


Set: Masha "Scream" Arkhipova : 54
Details: f : white : blonde : blue : 20s
Character Suggestions: general: period costume
Link: Here!

Jun. 18th, 2012



David Tennant - Decoy Bride


Set: David Tennant : 68
Details: Male : White : Brown : Brown : 30s/40s
Character Suggestions: Doctor Who : The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who : The Metacrisis Doctor, Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr.
Link: LINK

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Craig Parker


Set: Craig Parker : 71
Details: Male : White : Brown : Blue : 40s
Link: LINK

May. 30th, 2012



Chris Evans as Captain America - 130 icons


Set: Chris Evans - Captain America: 130 icons.
Details: Male : caucasian : blonde hair/blue helmet & cowl : blue eyes : 20s/30s.
Character Suggestions: Marvel/Avengers: Captain America.
Link: HERE @ [info]citadel_icons.
Notes: He's picture with Robert Downey, Jr and Mark Ruffalo twice in these - singles with the individuals, then one icon of all three together. :)

Apr. 21st, 2012



Drew Fuller


Set: Drew Fuller: 189 icons
Details: m: white: black: 20s; m: white: black: 30s; soldier
Link: LINK!

Apr. 7th, 2012



Christina Chong.


Set: Christina Chong : 104
Details: Female : Asian/Mixed : Brown : Brown : 20s
Character Suggestions: Doctor Who: Lorna Bucket
Link: LINK

Mar. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]


Set: Lachlan Nieboer : 85 icons : 3 banners
Details: Male : White : Brown : Blue : 20s
Link: LINK

Jan. 29th, 2012



130 Martin Freeman icons


Set: Martin Freeman in Sherlock S203 (The Reichenbach Fall): 130 icons (585 with previous tags)
Character Suggestions: sherlock: John Watson, lit: dr. watson (conan doyle), general: firearms, general: medical industry, general: soldier,
Link: LINK (f-locked, simply JOIN to view)

Jan. 27th, 2012


Richard Madden


Set: Richard Madden : 30
Details: Male : White : Red : Blue : 20s/30s
Link: LINK!

Jan. 25th, 2012



135 Martin Freeman Icons


Set: Martin Freeman in Sherlock S202 (The Hounds of Baskerville): 135 icons (455 with previous tags)
Character Suggestions: sherlock: John Watson, lit: dr. watson (conan doyle), general: firearms, general: medical industry, general: soldier,
Link: LINK (f-locked, simply JOIN to view)

Jan. 23rd, 2012



110 Martin Freeman icons


Set: Martin Freeman in Sherlock S0201 (A Scandal in Belgravia) : 110 icons (320 with previous tags)
Character Suggestions: sherlock: John Watson, lit: dr. watson (conan doyle), general: medical industry, general: soldier,
Link: LINK (f-locked, simply JOIN to view)

Dec. 29th, 2011



Craig Parker


Set: Craig Parker : 60
Details: Male : White : Brown : Blue : 30s/40s
Link: LINK