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Posts Tagged: 'hp:+black'

Aug. 10th, 2009



Krysta Rodriguez


Set: Krysta Rodriguez : 35
Details: Female : Hispanic : Black : Brown : 10s/20s
Character Suggestions: hp: romilda vane, hp: black, hp: hestia jones, hp: demelza robins
Link: LINK

Jul. 26th, 2009



Skylar Astin


Set: Skylar Astin : 148
Details: Male : White/Jewish : Black : Brown : 10s/20s
Character Suggestions: hp: anthony goldstein, hp: terry boot, hp: ernie macmillan, hp: quidditch player, hp: black
Link: LINK

Jun. 13th, 2009



[No Subject]


Set: Sophia Bush : 87 Stay Alive icons
Details: Female : White : Black : Hazel : late teens/20s
Character Suggestions: oth: brooke davis, hp: death eater, hp: bellatrix black, hp: andromeda black, hp: black, hp: death eater, hp: pansy parkinson, hp: romilda vane
Link: LINK - join and so is your face to see the whole set

Jun. 11th, 2009


[No Subject]


Set: Kathleen Turner- 62
Details: Female/Brown Hair/Blonde Hair/20s/30s/40s/50s/60s
Character Suggestion: Druella Black
Link: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/abeautifulmind/2013.html

May. 12th, 2009


Felicity Jones - 212


Set: Felicity Jones: 212
Details: female: white: black: green: 20s
Character Suggestions: HP: Black, HP: Rowena Ravenclaw
Link: here

May. 11th, 2009


Felicity Jones - 715


Set: Felicity Jones: 715
Details: female: white: black: green: 20s
Character Suggestions: HP: Black, HP: Slytherin, HP: Rowena Ravenclaw
Link: here

Apr. 21st, 2009



Megan Fox


Set: Megan Fox : 134 icons
Details: female : white : dark brown/black : blue : 20s
Character Suggestions: hp: slytherin, hp: death eater
Link: LINK - join and so is your face to see the whole set.

Mar. 7th, 2009


Adrien Brody


Set: Adrien Brody- 51
Details: Male, 20s/30s, black hair, dark eyes, tall
Character Suggestions: Severus Snape, Purebloods, Goths, Slytherins, Death Eaters
Link: here

Oct. 26th, 2008



Jacinda Barrett


Set: Jacinda Barrett : 97
Details: Female : White : Brown/Black : 20s
Character Suggestions: HP: Alice Longbottom, HP: Andromeda Black, HP: Bellatrix Black, HP: Black, HP: Hestia Jones
Link: LINK, join here

Aug. 17th, 2008



Sela Ward


Set: Sela Ward : 137
Details: Female : White : Brown, Black : 40s, 50s
Character Suggestions: HP: Andromeda Black, HP: Amelia Bones, HP: Auror, HP: Ministry Worker, HP: Aurora Sinistra, HP: Walburga Black, HP: Kira Dumbledore, HP: Pureblood, HP: Unspeakable, HP: Emmeline Vance, House: Stacy Warner
Link: LINK, join here

Aug. 12th, 2008



[No Subject]


Set: Rupert Penry-Jones : 74 icons
Details: male : white : blonde : grey : 30s, 40s
Character Suggestions: HP: Malfoys
Link: LINK



[No Subject]


Set: Guy Pearce : 59 icons
Details: male : white : brown : brown : 30s, 40s
Link: LINK



[No Subject]


Set: Jeremy Irons : 92 icons
Details: male : white : brown/greying : brown : 50s or 60s
Character Suggestions: hp : slytherin, death eater, augustus rookwood, rufus scrimgeour?, etc.
Link: LINK

May. 28th, 2008



[No Subject]


Set: Olivia Williams : 80 icons.
Details: female : white : black : green : 40s
Character Suggestions: HP : Walburga Black, HP : Druella Rosier, HP : Andromeda Tonks
Link: LINK

Feb. 17th, 2008


[No Subject]


Set: Zooey Deschanel : 88
Details: Female : Caucasian : Brown : Blue : 20s
Character Suggestions: Harry Potter : Any number of OCs, an older Pansy Parkinson, a young Black sister
Link: LINK